Chapter 341 This kid is good, let Yueyue work harder!

Unlike ordinary residential buildings, the gateway corridor with four elevators is naturally very large. The southern parents who were walking out from the left hand side were shocked when they saw that there were people in the corridor in front of their door.

Nan’an’s father looks very thin. Although his hair has been carefully combed, Chen Yi also noticed that his hair is scarce, and he is more certain that the poor Mediterranean in Nan’an should be his father.

This 50-year-old chairman of a medical group with total assets of tens of billions does not seem to be domineering, but rather elegant.

Although Nan’an’s mother is not too young, she still has her charm and temperament, and she should be a beautiful woman when she was young.

The lady was wearing a fur coat with heavy plush of unknown animals around her neck. She seemed to know that this dress was expensive.

Compared to her husband, this woman is more like the unsmiling wealthy parents in the movie, giving people a fearful feeling that the daughter-in-law must be cautious as long as she marries in her home.

Seeing that someone came out here, Manager Xue quickly smiled and said, “…I’m sorry, I’m bothering you, I’m a staff member of the developer, and I’m here to accompany the distinguished guests to see the house.”

People who can live on the high floors of this community don’t even think about it to know that they are not ordinary people.

And here is the 63-story top floor, one of the only two most luxurious houses in each building. The people who will live here, if not those entertainment stars who borrow to buy houses, are definitely the real business leaders.

If it’s those entertainment stars, it’s okay, but if you meet a big business man, you should naturally pay attention to your own image and proportions. Manager Xue dare not neglect it.

But at this time he came to see the house with Chen Yi, which to a certain extent represents Chen Yi, so even if his tone is respectful, he can’t let himself be too humble, otherwise he will give people the illusion that Chen Yi is inferior to others. .

It can be said that this manager Xue is worthy of being a man in the society, with sufficient emotional intelligence and comprehensiveness.

Chen Yi was hesitating at this time, whether or not to say hello to the two elders. How could he be familiar with Nanan and Nanjiyue?

Without waiting for Chen Yi to speak out, Nan’an’s mother took a look at Chen Yi. After a little hesitation, she asked, “…You are…Xiao Chen, right?”

Chen Yi was startled for a moment, but he didn’t expect Nan’an’s parents to know him.

However, he changed his mind. Recently, he has become famous. Nan An will not say anything for the time being. Nan Jiyue’s whispering mouth must have introduced himself to her uncle and aunt.

Although there was a lot of thought in his mind, Chen Yi immediately smiled and said, “…Hello, uncle and aunt, are you Nan Ge’s parents? I went to your house last time, but you are not at home. ”

“…Hey, who would have thought that I would only come to see the room and meet you, and I didn’t bring any gifts.”

Annoyance flashed across Chen Yi’s face, pretending to be embarrassed.

The Yinan family has a wealth of wealth, so naturally they don’t care who gives them valuable things, but the gifts don’t lie in value, but in etiquette.

Nan’an’s mother saw that this handsome young man was indeed Chen Yi who her niece always talked about. She immediately pulled Nan’an’s father over and said with enthusiasm:(Read more @

“…Hey, look at other people’s children to know how to be polite, look at our South Bank, a few years older than other people’s Xiao Chen, and don’t know how to learn every day.”

Seeing that he became a child of someone else’s family again, and this time it was Nanan who was unlucky this time. Chen Yi just smiled, which is not easy to answer.

“Xiao Chen, are you coming to see the house?”

Nan’an’s mother asked again.

Chen Yi quickly replied: “…Yes, my home is in the Imperial Capital, but I guess I will live in Shencheng in the past few years, and the company is also developing in Shencheng, so I should still buy a suite here.”

“Young people should have their own houses, so they can live comfortably. The houses here are very good. Your uncle and I have lived here for more than a year. If you live here better, we will be neighbors in the future. , You can drop by if you have nothing to do.”

“…If you live here, both my South Bank and my niece will be happy.”

The building opened in 2012 and was delivered at the end of 2013. However, it was the first phase of the project. Now the building where Chen Yi is located is the second phase, and it has only been delivered for more than a year.

Nan’an’s mother is particularly enthusiastic, and is completely different from the sharp first impression given to Chen Yi before. Of course, this is also because Chen Yi, Nan’an and Nanji Yueshu are also ‘righteous’.

If Nanan was asked to marry a girl from an ordinary family, or to marry a so-called celebrity and go home, he would immediately be able to turn this lady into that kind of acrimonious mother-in-law.

Although this matter of marrying into a wealthy family has made countless women yearn for, if you really marry in, most of them will be unhappy, and it will be a fertility tool.

Chen Yi and Nan’an’s mother chatted like this.

Although they are not Nan Jiyue’s parents, they are relatives. Chen Yi is handsome, capable, and respects his elders. Nan’an’s mother loves them more and more.

Manager Xue stood aside and laughed, sighing in his heart. This is probably the so-called talk and laughter, there is no white Ding, and the circle of friends of people who are naughty are also people who are naughty.. …..

It’s like taking this President Chen to see the house, no one would have thought that the neighbors were all acquaintances.

As a management of the developer, Manager Xue naturally knows the situation of almost everyone living on the top floor.

For example, Nanjia is a rich man on the list in Shanghai, and Chen Yi is very close to each other, and he also knows other people’s children.

But think about it carefully, this second-generation circle is not big, and it seems quite normal.

However, I heard that this lady was persuading Chen Yi to buy a house here, which made Manager Xue more happy.

At this moment, the father of Nan’an who had not spoken finally spoke, “…The driver is still waiting downstairs. Xiao Chen also wants to see the house, so don’t delay them.”

After talking to his wife, he gave Chen Yi an apologetic smile and said: “…I’m sorry, Xiao Chen, I have something with your aunt, so I can’t continue talking here.”

“…When you have time, Xiao Chen, you must come to my house and ask your aunt to cook a meal for you.”

Nan’an’s mother is still a little bit unsatisfied, but she also knows that it is not time to chat with Chen Yi, she also nodded again and again:

“…Yes, right, next time you wait for your uncle and aunt to be home, you must come over. Auntie doesn’t know how to make it. She usually does it by a nanny, but if you come over, Xiao Chen, auntie has to cook by herself!”

Chen Yi smiled and said to the two of them: “…Uncles and aunts, you all said so, if I don’t come, I would be too sorry for the elders.”

“…When you are free next time, I will definitely come back and chat.”

After the two parties exchanged greetings, Nan’an’s parents got on the elevator, and Chen Yi’s 0.0 was accompanied by Manager Xue to start inspections.

In the elevator, Nan’an’s mother still had the same smile on her face, and whispered beside her husband: “…This child is good, and the family is stronger than ours. If Yueyue is our daughter, this is definitely a good son-in-law.”

Nan’an’s father also nodded and said:

“…This child is very good, mature, and polite, and I heard that he has a business mind, but Yueyue and the other children are so old that they don’t even mention these characters. Just leave them alone. ”

Nan’an’s mother was unhappy when she heard that, “…What is it? Regardless of young people’s business, if such a good child is missed, he can’t find the next one. This is all the experience of the elders. You should also go and talk to your brother. Go ahead, let Yueyue work harder!”

Seeing his wife’s face turned unhappy, Nan’an’s father also quickly gave up a smile.

It can also be seen from this that the family status within the Nan family. .

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