Chapter 347 Finger grip

The winter morning always comes very late. At 6 o’clock in the morning, the sky is still dark, and the street lamps on the campus of Shenyu University are exerting their residual heat and working hard to illuminate the asphalt road.

Chen Yi was jogging on the campus wearing a sports suit. He was slightly sweaty. When the exhaled hot air came into contact with the cold air, it immediately turned into white mist.

Shencheng is not as bitingly cold as the northern cities, but the dampness in the south makes people uncomfortable.

Although Chen Yi has a system, he also knows that physical exercise is like riding a boat against the current.

No matter how many muscles you have, if you don’t exercise for a long time, they will relax, and even the muscles after relaxation will be more ugly than before exercise.

Chen Yi has a system. No matter what he does, he can get twice the result with half the effort. In this case, if he can’t keep exercising, then his perseverance is too bad.

After running a few laps around the school, the speed slowed down after about eight kilometers.

Like Chen Yi, there are not many people who jog in the morning, but there are always a few in the school. Most of them are sunny teenagers who love sports, and of course there are some girls.

Because Chen Yi can run in the morning as long as he is in school, he is familiar with some people who run in the morning. 25 During this period, some girls would chat up with Chen Yi, but he tactfully refused.

Although these girls who insist on exercising, their muscles are tight, and they are more beautiful than those loose and soft girls.

But although Chen Yi has passed the age of taking face as beauty, if you want to strike up a conversation with me, you have to be at the flower level!

Although the girls who strike up a conversation are not ugly, for Chen Yi, who is used to eating the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, this ordinary meal is a bit unsatisfactory.

Chen Yi doesn’t have any big requirements. As long as he looks above 90 points and his body is clean and free, he doesn’t mind having a close relationship with the other party.

Anyway, he is a scumbag, and he ran away after playing, and gave him something as a bonus.

No matter how the opponent swears after being played, Chen Yi doesn’t care, he will not lack root hair, anyway, there will always be countless beautiful women moths coming to him afterwards.

To some extent, Chen Yi has a low sense of morality.

Chen Yi believes that there are real saints in this world, but he never thinks he is.

He is handsome and rich, and deserves to have more excellent female resources. He will scold him for life problems. It’s just that he can’t get the envy of men who girls like.

He always thinks so.

After jogging for another lap, Chen Yi saw a young girl standing there by the side of the road.

“Yo, today is good, there is progress, five minutes earlier than yesterday!”

Chen Yi ran to the girl’s side, looked at the watch she was wearing pretendingly, and smiled with a raised brow.

Nan Jiyue stood on the side of the road and exhaled cold air, her whole body looked awake, and after hearing Chen Yi’s teasing, she just snorted:

“… I said that I wanted to run together to exercise, so I did what I said!”

Chen Yi glanced at her with a faint smile, and stretched his tone: “…Oh???? I got up for a run at six, and now it’s six thirty-five, the little fairy did what she said.”

Nan Jiyue’s cold little face immediately turned red, like a frozen red apple.

She woke up early naturally without makeup, and she was naked.(Read more @

She was also wearing Adilas’ sportswear for exercise. The sleeves of the sportswear were a bit long, which made her look sloppy, but such loose clothes were more suitable for sports.

According to Chen Yi, she is also in a certain period of time Ai Ai, she said that she came to run at 6 o’clock, and it was indeed her problem that she came out at 6:30.

However, Nanda will not easily admit defeat. It just said with a straight face: “…It’s too early at six o’clock, I think we should adjust the time.”

“…A girl who doesn’t get enough sleep will make it ugly. You have to sleep for eight hours. If I get up at six, I have to go to bed at ten. Who can go to bed at ten these days!”

Listening to her irrational complaint, Chen Yi hehe smiled and said, “…This is a good excuse, but our school seems to turn off the lights at ten o’clock. You just don’t sleep and play there with your computer.”

When Chen Yi said this, Nan Jiyue’s face became even more red. After glaring at him, she changed the subject and said: “…Don’t waste time, run!”

“It’s obviously you wasting time.”

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Yi grabbed Nan Jiyue’s hand.

The girl’s palms were cold and her five fingers were slender. If her skin was mutton-fat jade, it would feel very smooth without any roughness. Chen Yi subconsciously rubbed her fingers with her belly.

Nan Jiyue’s heart beat next, and there was no resistance to Chen Yi’s small movements, but his heartbeat was getting faster and faster, just looking at the hands of the two holding each other, and then ran.

Chen Yi didn’t let go until the two of them ran into the state, which made Nan Jiyue feel lost for no reason.

Eight minutes later-

“Chen Yi…I, I can’t do it, you, can you slow down.”

He said something quite ambiguous.

Nan Jiyue’s physical strength can’t be said to be poor, but it is not much better. After running for a few minutes, she has begun to complain and complain.

Chen Yi raised his brow. He was sure of his constant speed, and he could figure out how far he ran.

“It’s not enough for only 1500 meters, you lack training, girl!”

“You, you just lack training! 1500 meters are not long yet, I have never run this long in my third year!”

Antarctica was bent over and panting, and said in a huff.

Chen Yi thought for a while, it seems that in the third year test, girls really don’t run 1500.

Although the running speed of the two is not fast, it is not easy to run down 1500 meters.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi was not stimulating her, but rather gently said: “…It’s okay, this time I will run 1500 meters, the next time I will try to run 2000 meters.”

“…Slowly you run longer and longer, and your physical strength gets better and better.”

Seeing Chen Yi suddenly become gentle, but didn’t tease her, Nan Jiyue suddenly became uncomfortable.

Just when this thought came up, Nan Jiyue was shocked. When did she become trembling? This is not a good sign! !

She immediately pretended to be willful and said: “…how far I can run is up to you, anyway, I think 1500 meters is already very powerful!”

Chen Yi didn’t care about Da Chang’s willfulness, and said with a smile: “…Yes, little fairy cow x! After running, let’s walk together. It’s also considered a physical exercise.”

“It’s not good, it doesn’t sound good!”

This time, Nan Jiyue did not refuse.

The two people walked on the road between campuses. They looked like a couple. Chen Yi looked at Nan Jiyue with her hands in her jacket pockets. 667 estimated that she felt her hands cold.

Immediately, without Nan Jiyue’s attention, Chen Yi put his hand into her pocket and took her cold little hand, and put her hand into her pocket without saying a word.

In the middle, because Chen Yi’s strength was a little bit stronger, Nan Jiyue staggered a bit, and directly stuck to Chen Yi’s side, almost walking next to him.

This intimate action can’t be done by other people except boy and girl friends.

Chen Yi seemed to think this was a trivial matter. He didn’t say anything. Nan Jiyue didn’t struggle at all. Allowing Chen Yi to hold her hand in her pocket and clasp her fingers, the two agreed with this tacitly. behavior.

While chatting about things that Nan Jiyue hadn’t remembered at all, she walked around the school.

Slowly, the number of people on campus has also increased, but Chen Yi still doesn’t avoid suspicion, so holding hands with Nan Jiyue, it makes the big heart beat faster.

After walking slowly, Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue returned to the dormitory downstairs. At Chen Yi’s order, Nan Jiyue lowered his head and said ‘um’ and cleverly entered the dormitory.

Chen Yi also went back to the dormitory to take a shower, and then went to the cafeteria for breakfast with the three animals who had just gotten up.

There is only one big class this morning, and you can rest until the afternoon after ten o’clock. The three roommates feel sleepy and go back to the dormitory to make up for sleep, while Chen Yi took a foreign language original of economics and went to the book. Library reading.

The morning passed by like this. When it was almost lunch time, Chen Yi’s phone suddenly vibrated.

“Boss, can you come to the store?”

Zhang Hongchao’s voice was a little flustered. .

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