Chapter 349 Power escort me

The so-called not hitting smiley people with one’s hand, let alone this Zhao Ting-chief is not here to look for things at first sight, Chen Yi also smiled and said politely: “…Hello, Zhao Ting-chi.”

“…What caused you to come and run, but I have been listening to Zhang Tingchang complaining that the work of the security pavilion is all trivial.”

Chen Yi took a step forward and shook hands with Zhao Tingchang.

The forty-year-old uncle still smiles, seeing his fingers thick and strong, and his figure looks puffy, but he is actually very powerful.

And being able to be a pavilion chief is definitely a young man who has been in the front line, and perhaps he has personally arrested many criminal suspects. This kind of person is still worthy of respect, provided that he is not the one who caused himself a little trouble.

That’s right, in Chen Yi’s eyes, these are minor troubles. He didn’t even ask about the outcome of the incident. It was really not worthy of his attention.

It’s just that Zhang Hongchao called himself, so Chen Yi also had to pay attention.

“Haha, the work of the security pavilion is trivial, but there is no way to serve the people.”

Zhao Tingchang laughed, his voice deep.

Chen Yi also followed the smile and did not directly answer the conversation, but made a gesture of please: “…Should Ting Chang Zhao, let’s say it inside?”

“…There is also an office space in this shop.”

Generally, a milk tea shop of a few square meters does not have an office space, but for a shop similar in size to Starbucks, it is of course more comprehensive.

“No need, no trouble, Mr. Chen, I just brought a few security officers here to apologize to you. We should serve the people, but it is causing trouble to the people. It is our fault.”

“…Xiao Li, Xiao Liu, come here to apologize to Mr. Chen, and let the shop be unavailable for several days. What should I do if it affects people’s business?”

Zhao Tingchang rebuked 667 behind him, and the three young security officers came over, bowed their heads, and apologized to Chen Yi very seriously, without any perfunctory meaning.

“Mr. Chen, I’m really sorry, it was a problem with our work before, which caused you trouble…”

“It’s because we didn’t comply with the requirements of public officials. I’m really sorry…”


These three security guards apologized to Chen Yi in one word, like a student admitting a mistake to a teacher. I can feel that they are quite afraid of Chen Yi. This makes Chen Yi feel confused and afraid of me. What are you doing.

“No, Zhao Tingchang, what does this mean?”

Chen Yi looked around subconsciously, thinking that some reporter was filming, and acting a scene where a public official made a mistake to apologize to the public. This is particularly common.

However, Chen Yi didn’t see any reporters after looking around.

Chen Yi accepted the apology of the three with peace of mind. He was a ‘victim’. It is only natural that the offender would apologize or even be punished.

It’s just that Chen Yi is still a little puzzled about this.

He thought that those things were instructed by Zhao Tingzhang before, so he took his hands to apologize to himself, but Zhao Tingzhang’s face is important, and he can’t do this, so he has to do it.

“That’s the case. The one who caused you trouble before was a deputy head of our security booth. He was arrested yesterday. The double regulation is a certainty, and criminal responsibility must be borne. It is also a crime of abuse of power. ”

“…He has committed these things in the past, this time they have been investigated and they have been handed over to the judicial organs.”

Zhang Ting Zhao laughed, seemingly casual, but Chen Yi could feel his caution and closeness to Chen Yi’s desire to take the opportunity.

Chen Yi was stunned when he heard the words, and was directly transferred to the judicial authority for this crime? It’s not like Zhang Tingchang did it.(Read more @

It’s not that he can’t do it, but it’s unnecessary. He and Chen Yi haven’t gotten close enough to risk offending people and get a deputy head of the security pavilion in across jurisdictions.

Then Chen Yi quickly understood that Zhang Tingzhang must report to Chen Yi when he helps Chen Yi solve the problem.

I don’t know what level the report reached after it was posted, but it is very likely that the person above knew Chen Yi, so it was solved smoothly.

It is very easy for a higher-level person to be a lower-level person within the same system, especially if you have the handle and the evidence is there, then one sentence can kill you.

It seems that the Han family ordered some of their own people in Shencheng, just like the grandfather asked Secretary Zhang to take care of Chen Yi, he did the same when he wanted to come to the Han family, let someone who occupies an important position take care of him. Chen Yi.

That’s why Zhao Ting would bring someone to apologize. He was also a little afraid of himself. Although he was not afraid of the shadow leaning, he was afraid that something happened to his subordinates, and he was also afraid of hurting himself.

Knowing this, Chen Yi certainly wouldn’t be aggressive, just smiled and said, “…This is a good thing. If you caught the moth in the organization, you should be happy.”

Seeing Chen Yi’s young age, this kind of rhetoric came, and Zhao Tingchang felt relieved, he was afraid that Chen Yi was too young and straightforward, that would be troublesome.

It’s sleek!

Immediately, Zhao Tingchang said kindly: “…I have deeply criticized them and asked them to write a review. They are also instructed by others. This is a leadership task that cannot be rejected.”

“… After you forgive them, Mr. Chen, I won’t report them. They are so young and have a great future, so you can’t be punished for this.”

Zhao Ting’s long voice fell, and the three young security guards looked at him gratefully.

As expected of those who can be leaders in this system, one by one is really alive and well.

It is normal to give a penalty for doing something wrong, but it will affect their future promotion.

The Chief Zhao Ting brought them over to apologize. If Chen Yi forgives him, he will not report it. These young security guards cannot be grateful to him.

If Chen Yi does not accept the apology alive and dead, Zhao Tingzhang will not dare to brush Chen Yi’s intentions, and he will be reported to the three directly, but he will not be resented. Instead, the three will hate Chen Yi. .

Bringing the three of them to apologize in person, not only makes me appear to be happy with the people, close to the people, but also to completely extract myself from this matter, and get the love of his subordinates, high, simply high.

Chen Yi is really not angry with these three young security officers. They also obeyed orders. Can they still not obey orders in this system?

So he also climbed along the pole and smiled and said: “…This matter has nothing to do with them, and they all apologize so sincerely, can I accept it? Zhang Hongchao, come here.”

Chen Yi beckoned and called his senior, the store manager.

Zhang Hongchao heard Chen Yi’s shout and hurried out of the store.

“Manager Zhang, you also know these comrades of the security officers. They were forced to do so before, but they weren’t against us. Now, this matter has been exposed…”

“…In the future, Manager Zhang, if you encounter any trouble, you should ask them to solve it.”

Chen Yi introduced these security officers to Zhang Hongchao, and the two sides were quick to be polite.

His business here is getting better and better, and he may be troubled by those nearby shops, especially the shop that is also a milk tea shop.

At that time, if you find the security officer, you may talk to you, but if you know each other and the security officer is familiar with each other, it will definitely be an official business.

Chen Yi knows how to use power too much. No matter how big or small the power is, he can escort him if he uses it well.

Mr. Zhao Ting also understood Chen Yi’s meaning, and sighed in his heart, this young man is amazing, he is simply a little fox.

He also followed with a smile and said: “…Then President Chen, we will go back when the matter is over.”

“Don’t, Zhao Tingchang, it’s already lunch time. Why don’t you have a meal nearby? I’ll treat you and give these security officers a shock…”

“…Here are all restaurants opened for students, and the prices are not expensive. Isn’t this a bribe for me?”

Chen Yi has long been accustomed to what is called communication, so he didn’t have a meal, so he just said it smoothly.

Mr. Zhao Ting also wanted to know Chen Yi, and he immediately agreed, and a few people went to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

At the same time, Chen Yi asked the restaurant to pack a copy for the employees in his store, and treat it as his boss.

In the Yicha shop, several seniors and sisters from Chen Yi University were discussing it, and students from other schools in the shop were also discussing it.

They have seen these people always come to the firefighting inspection before. For these college students, most people don’t know what to do when faced with this kind of thing.

But when Chen Yi came, even the nearby pavilion chief had to come out in person, leading people to apologize and apologize. Although the process and content are not clear, they just think Chen Yi is good.

“School brother…No, the boss is really amazing!”

There are those poor students who are working at Chen Yi University, and they said admiringly at this time.

“Yeah, it’s amazing.”

Other people were also talking, and many girls showed their admiration.

It is really Chen Yi’s chic posture that solves everything easily, which is too easy to give people a sense of security.

When they were faced with the inspection by these security officers, all of them did not dare to breathe.

But when Chen Yi came, everything was the other way around.

Yu Zixi worked silently. She also has a job today. Listening to the people around her discussing Chen Yi with excitement and admiration, she unconsciously lowered her head and showed a shy smile. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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