Chapter 357 A crumb, a bitch (part one)

Winter nights always come very early, and the city of Shanghai at night is easy to fascinate and degenerate.

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in front of the balcony, looking at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Huangpu River, the pearl of the East has also become a landscape at this moment, shining in the eyes of the pupils.

This kind of scenery is not uncommon in modern cities. At the beginning of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, the beauty of the scenery there is no less beautiful than here.

But to enjoy this kind of scenery, most of the time, it is either on some fixed observation decks or on the top floors of special high-end hotels.

It is still shocking to be able to see such a beautiful scenery in my own home.

Looking around, although it is a duplex suite, each floor also has an area of ​​240 square meters. The furnishings and the blankets on the ground, although I don’t know how much, must be expensive.

The delicate textures and materials used in all corners of the room are definitely not used in ordinary home decoration.

Yu Jinyu asked jokingly: “…how much does this house cost?”

“The total price is about 200 million yuan, and the average price is more than 300,000 yuan.”

Chen Yi took off his watch and pulled it in front of a cabinet. As the mezzanine on the other side of the drawer opened, he found that there were rows of watch shakers inside.

It’s still relatively empty now, with only a few watches.

Slowly Chen Yi will also fill his 25 with watches of different brands and personalities. Different watches are matched with different styles of clothing and occasions. This is their function, not the price of each watch, but rather Fully functional.

Upon hearing Chen Yi’s total price and average price, Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi secretly smacked their tongues.

The family conditions of Xiaogong were not bad, and the market value of the apartment he lived in was as high as 20 million, but compared with this set, even Xiaogongju felt the huge class gap.

At the very least, her father would never buy a mansion at this price. Even if her father’s annual income can reach tens of millions, he would have to become a house slave if he bought this kind of house.

“Would you like to turn around in my new home?”

“It’s too big, let’s cook first, where is the kitchen?”

Yu Jinyu shook his head again and again. In the 500-square-meter house, you can really practice running in it. If you are not familiar with the room type, you might get lost.

Chen Yi did not strongly demand either. If it were a few months ago, he would proudly take the two girls around in his new house.

Then point to different furniture and various cabinets, tell their price and brand story without any trace, let them know that although the house is expensive, the real details and essence lie in the decoration.

At that time, Chen Yi needed to use this method to show his wealth and status, just as he did in the Ritz-Carlton Presidential Suite. To be honest, Chen Yi at that time was still suspected of being a nouveau riche.

Fortunately, Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi didn’t understand this at the time, and those who were ignorant were fooled by Chen Yi. If they were the richest like Nantah, they would immediately be aware of Chen Yi’s special intentions.

Isn’t this something that everyone is accustomed to, what can you introduce?(Read more @

The current Chen Yi has passed this stage. He doesn’t care how much these are worth or what the brands of foreign objects are. It’s all about the point where he feels good is good.

Those who haven’t experienced this can only pretend to be x and fantasy. Only those who have experienced all of this and say such words are the real feelings.

It’s like only the rich say that I don’t care about money, and money is useless, that makes people believe.

Those who have no money will only make people laugh.

Within a few months, Chen Yi completely settled down, and no one could find that kind of vanity in his behavior and words.

Of course, if Chen Yi starts to introduce how much these things are worth, then he must be purposeful. He wants to deceive young girls into the urn and have something to do with them.

“The kitchen is over there, and the food refrigerator is there.”

After walking through the aisle on the right-hand side of the living room, he saw the kitchen immediately, and then Yu Jinyu was stunned.

Ordinary people’s kitchen is a range hood above and a gas stove below. Generally, the kitchen is very small.

But most of the kitchens in this mansion are open-plan, and they are completely integrated with the dining restaurant, and they are also divided into Chinese and Western styles. They don’t look like a kitchen, but more like a bar counter.

Especially the equipment is extremely advanced, and there is no range hood at all. The vent on the raised part of the bar is the range hood.

Even the different cavities on the bar have different functions. There are even professional bone crushers. Who would use these?

The bitch is completely blinded for a while, she can cook, and can also use gas stoves, range hoods and the like, but how to use these things that look very high-end.

This seems to be an oven, this should be a steamer, what is this? Is it called a warmer? What’s this for?

This is really a kitchen, it is basically a multi-purpose hall.

Seeing that bitch’s sullen look, Chen Yi also spread his hands, indicating that he would not use it.

The bitch understands this, the young master, how could it be possible to cook, she suspects that except for the nanny, Chen Yi will never touch these things in this life.

However, Chen Yi really doesn’t know how to use these things. In order not to show his timidity, it is better not to say anything.

The total price of this set of kitchenware plus those customized cabinets is close to 3 million. To be honest, Chen Yi has never seen it in the past.

His family used to be a well-off family, so who would spend the money to buy a house to buy a set of kitchenware!

Yu Jinyu had no choice but to study it by herself. Fortunately, she was a young man. This kind of thing can be roughly used under casual research. As for the advanced usage of some machines, it seems that it is not used for the time being.

When I opened the refrigerator, I saw that the various dishes and meat in it were all dazzling, and there were no special precious ingredients, that is, chicken, beef, and mutton, which are very homely things.

Seeing this, the bitch is also slanderous, and what the father of the gold master did is too obvious.

Before Chen Yi said that he was not planning to live here, they were the first people to come to his new home, this bitch believes this.

But seeing that there are so many fresh ingredients in the refrigerator, this completely contradicts Chen Yi’s previous statement that he does not plan to live here.

It can be seen that Chen Yi was ready to fool her and Xiao Gongju here. He must have a variety of plans to fool them.

Thinking of this, the bitch turned his head and looked at Ruan 670 Zhuyi, with a little more pitiful sympathy in his eyes.

This silly girl is too innocent, she has no resistance at all in front of a person like Jinzhu’s father, and can only be eaten and wiped out.

But even though bitch thought of this, she certainly wouldn’t remind, instead she would work hard to cooperate with Chen Yi.

She immediately smiled and said: “…Okay, let me cook some good dishes for you!”

“… Chen Yi, do you have any good wine here? It’s not justified to let me cook without letting me taste good things.”

Well, yes, wine is a good thing. When the time comes, the two of you will give the little public drunk directly, and this is a private house, so what do you want to do?

Anyway, the gold master’s father is a scumbag, and he can’t do it, so he can only cooperate with a ‘bitch’.

Chen Yi immediately said, “…Of course there are good wines. I just asked my friends at Xiangjiang to send them to me. Many of them are priceless. Wait for me to bring them to the wine cellar!”

When Yu Jinyu heard it, he knew that Chen Yi was talking about the Yang Tiantian they met when they went to Xiangjiang last time.

Yu Jinyu remembered that Yang Tiantian said that his house was auctioned, and their house had sufficient information on all kinds of scarce things. As long as someone sold it, they could get it right away.

Xiaogongju was stupid. Seeing Chen Yi going to get the wine and the bitch was cooking, she was also embarrassed and said: “…or else, Jinyu, let me help you. I can do things like cutting vegetables. ”

“Sure, the young man asked you to come and help me!”

The bitch was also welcome, and immediately commanded her. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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