Chapter 361 Plastic sisterhood

Even in winter, it is not very cold in the underground garage of this mansion.

Chen Yi sat in the car, rolled down half of the window, holding a cigarette in his hand and spitting out the smoke lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking about something.

After rebirth, he met more people, and the level of people he knew was higher, but Chen Yi discovered that these people he knew all had one thing in common.

All of them are talking about ism, and they are full of business in their hearts.

Even wearing a formal dress, holding red wine, walking in the lavish ballroom, or a gentleman’s salute, or talking and laughing with the ladies in the corner, looks very high class.

But that is all fake.

The surface is bright and glamorous, the male thieves and the female prostitutes behind them, through the ages, at present, at home and abroad, those with power and wealth are all like this, nothing like this.

This world has never had that kind of aristocracy in people’s mind, and they are all played for others.

How many people are filled with indignation for the things that have been done by using power and wealth, but Chen Yi knows that these people actually hate these things, and what they hate is why the people with privileges are not themselves.

It is human nature not to suffer from lack and unevenness.

Therefore, talents will give birth to a lot of strange psychology, such as watching those who used to be aloof and have everything suddenly yelling at everyone like a mouse crossing the street, and they will give birth to extremely happy minds.

Chen Yi is actually the same. When those who are unattainable are being chased and beaten, he always feels a burst of happiness.

“So, people are like this, and men are like this…”

Chen Yi shook his head, chuckled twice, and squeezed out the cigarette in his hand.

He still doesn’t like smoking.

To be honest, whether Ruan Zhuyi chose to follow him or break up Chen Yi didn’t care at all.

For women, she is a beautiful woman at best. There are many women in this world who are as beautiful as Ruan Zhuyi, and even more beautiful.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to get involved with such a beautiful woman, and chasing one is extremely difficult, but for Chen Yi, this is really not a problem.

As for love, Chen Yi only dares to say that he has feelings, but he can’t guarantee that it is love. After all, love is the power of young young people, and Chen Yi is essentially a mature man close to 30 years old.

He has experienced true love a long time ago. Before he was born again, of course he had a life of love, even an impulsive love that was so crazy that he wanted to self-harm.

After all, Chen Yi is not someone who hadn’t even held a girl’s hand before he was born again. On the contrary, he had achieved little before he was born again, and he had touched too many women.

The only thing that is different from the present is the unattainable status of the current status, which makes the girls he contacts even better.

It is precisely because of the many love affairs that Chen Yi has talked about a long time ago, Chen Yi’s current way of thinking has become more mature.(Read more @

Young people always think that falling in love and getting married is a matter of two people, but Chen Yi knows that falling in love is a matter of two people, and marriage is a matter of two families.

There is no pressure when you are young. Naturally, you have to fall in love. Being in love can make people grow up.

After getting older, being obsessed with love can only be said to be immature, because men at this time should pursue family, life and career.

After all, people have long experienced social beatings and become reality at this time.

“Let’s do it… let the bitch try first. If she can convince the young man, that’s the best. If not, I’m going to do it myself…”

Chen Yi whispered and put the matter down temporarily.

Although he doesn’t care if there is Ruan Zhuyi, Chen Yi still wants to hold her in his hands. He doesn’t have him, just because his desire to control is too strong.

Besides, his heart is long and he will feel guilty, but some people will be shaken by guilt, but Chen Yi can be hard-hearted.

He is born to do great things, only if he has a chance.

The bitch has no choice, she can only choose one of the golden father and best friend, because she is weak and a child.

But Chen Yi is a strong, an adult, he can do everything I want.

If the things that should belong to him are missing and taken away by others, he will be sad and angry.

Chen Yi never feels that he is a person of noble morals, that kind of person cannot climb to a high position.

The bottom line he gave himself is the law. This is something Chen Yi will never go over. As long as he is a good citizen who abides by the law, whatever he does will be allowed by the rules.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yi said to the driver: “…Go to the equestrian club, I want to ride a horse.”

The driver nodded and immediately started the car.

This is what Chen Yi likes recently. Horse riding is really fun. With the help of the system, Chen Yi’s horsemanship is also very good now.

When he learns some more knowledge, he is ready to spend money to get a good horse to raise.

Just when Chen Yi went to the equestrian club without any psychological pressure to ride a horse, the atmosphere in the mansion belonging to Chen Yi was slightly relaxed…

Chen Yi walks very wisely. He clearly knows that he is the source of all problems.

As long as he is still at home, then the house will definitely be a joke, and as long as he leaves, whether it is Ruan Zhuyi or Yu Jinyu, the psychological pressure will be much less.

Just like now, without Chen Yi, only two’plastic sisters’ are left, Xiao Gongju and bitch relax instead.

The hangover and the strange taste in her mouth made Ruan Zhuyi feel thirsty. She ignored Yu Jinyu and took out a bottle of pure water in the refrigerator and drank tons of it.

For a relatively conservative woman, Ruan Zhuyi was still very angry at what happened last night. She felt that it was a trampling on her dignity and an insult to her personality.

But as a modern woman who has been exposed to countless information since she was a child, Xiao Gongjue will not go crazy because of this kind of thing.

She saw a lot about on the Internet, but she didn’t expect it to happen to her one day.

Under the suffocation of that kind of strong dignity being trampled on, she was so angry that she couldn’t think, or the words of a bitch, made her unable to help.

But now she has also calmed down. The thing has happened, and the real culprit is gone. All she can do now is to think about what to do next.

“Yu Jinyu, we have known each other for so many years. We are also friends who grew up together. I ask myself how good you are, how did you return me?”

Ruan Zhuyi stood in front of Yu 0.0 Jinyu and said coldly.

Although she has a soft personality and doesn’t have any independent opinions, her heart is still tingling, and no one likes to be betrayed.

Yu Jinyu is also uncomfortable, and she also feels guilty, but there are some things she knows that she must be cruel.

Indeed, Xiao Gongju has always been very good to her, and even knows her character, is mocked by her, and is willing to be her best friend to resist her shortcomings.

In fact, the easiest way now is to blame Chen Yi for the fault, and then the two sisters can stand together with the enemy, but Yu Jinyu knows that she can’t do this.

She gritted her teeth, showing that bitch look again, and said to Ruan Zhuyi: “…Xiaogong raises you to break up?”

“…I think you’d better break up, and you can give me a chance, anyway, I don’t care about those things, let go than you.”

She wants to be excited! .

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