Chapter 372 Ecstatic

Because Chen Yi was a little bit late in publishing vx at school before, when he took Nan Jiyue and came to the one-star Cantonese restaurant in the Ritz-Carlton that he was very familiar with on the fifty-fifth floor, the place was full Someone is waiting for him.

The place to eat is naturally in the private room. A dozen people Wuyang and Wuyang will be too noisy in the lobby. When Chen Yi came in with Nan Jiyue, everyone stood up subconsciously, as if they were waiting for the leader. Same.

“Brother Chen, Sister-in-law, wait for you for a long time, I will leave you!”

Wei Zheng, the northeastern man, shouted with a grin, but Nan Jiyue was exasperated with a “sister-in-law”, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and his smile was sweet and moving.

The eyes of the other male students present flashed astonishment, and even Wang Anqi’s girlfriend showed a look of envy.

But the male classmates here didn’t dare to look blatantly, they all looked here secretly.

Chen Yi likes it in his heart. Wei Zheng is really good at being a human being. This sweetheart will definitely be better than ordinary people at work in the future.

Although ability is important, but with strong interpersonal skills, people who can speak can have an advantage.

Boy, your road is getting wider!

At this time, other people reacted, and you quickly called me ‘sister-in-law’, 25 but the people who received attention were always the crab-eaters.

Nan Jiyue frowned, as if thinking about who this person was, because Wei Zheng always jumped beside Chen Yi when he had nothing to do. After thinking about it, Nan Jiyue stretched her brows and said happily:

“…Wei Zheng, right? My sister remembers you, do you have a girlfriend? If not, my sister will introduce you to me. Let me think about it. Which of my girlfriends is single.”

Hearing what she said, Chen Yi just complained. Those of your best friends are probably ugly to meet Wei Zheng. The family gap between the two parties is really too big.

Wei Zheng is also self-aware, and quickly waved his hand: “…sister-in-law, really don’t need it. If I see a Japanese girl in the future, please give me a message, sister-in-law, and I will chase it myself.”

“Sure, if you are fancy, I will definitely help you!”

Nan Jiyue is in a very good mood, laughing like a flower.

It is not easy for Nantah to remember Wei Zheng’s name. You must know that she doesn’t even know anyone in her class, but for the people around Chen Yi, she is trying hard to remember the name.

The other people in the box all showed envy. Wei Zhengzhen not only pleased Chen Yi, but also Nan Jiyue in a few words, but this is really because of his personality, and most people can’t learn it.

Nan Jiyue took Chen Yi and sat down. She was also very particular about the position she found. Chen Yi on the left and Wang Anqi’s girlfriend on the right. Such small details show that the big heart is still very delicate.


After Chen Yi sat down, he said to the waitress who was smiling all the time behind him.

“Please wait Mr. Chen!”

Regarding Chen Yi, the service staff of the entire hotel did not know him, the waitress who was wearing a small suit and very temperament said respectfully.

Like this kind of restaurant with a per capita of nearly 1,000, even the waiters require very high quality, and even require academic qualifications.

After all, the B grid of the restaurant is placed here, and the salary is also placed here.(Read more @

While waiting for the food, everyone was chatting in twos and threes. At this time, Nan Jiyue remembered the previous events. She moved her body and leaned against Chen Yi and asked:

“…What are you going to do in Xiangjiang without returning to the capital? Are you going to play? If you go to Xiangjiang, I will go with you.”

It seems to be asking Chen Yi casually if he is going to play, but the latter sentence is the point.

“I’m not going to play, big! I’m going to do business, and it’s very important!”

Chen Yi deliberately increased his tone, for fear that Nanda would really follow him to Xiangjiang, and Chen Yi would not have so much time to accompany her.

Moreover, Chen Yi also agreed to Chen Sir. If Nan Jiyue meets with the police officer Chen again, she probably believes that Chen Yi went to Xiangjiang to find her new lover.

“Really, do business?”

“Really can’t be true anymore!”

Chen Yi increased his tone again.

Hearing this sentence, Nan Jiyue just retreated.

It should be said that with her big willfulness, she has long followed in the past, but now she has her heart attached to Chen Yi, for fear that some of her behavior will make Chen Yi hate.

It can only be said that in the game of love, whoever loves deeper is the loser.

Nan Jiyue had some doubts that Chen Yi went to see which little bitch had broken it. Her brother often does this. There are lovers everywhere in the country, and they change very quickly.

If she really meets someone she likes, her brother will take others to play abroad, which has become a fixed routine.

But looking at Chen Yi’s serious look, Nan Jiyue struggled, and did not continue to be willful. She closed her hair in her ear and asked again: “…Are you staying in Xiangjiang for a winter vacation?”

“How is it possible? I will return to the Imperial Capital after I finish the business. Besides, I have to go home for the Spring Festival anyway.”

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled.

Hearing what he said, Nan Jiyue’s mood improved a lot, and she didn’t say anything anymore.

“It just so happens that I am not satisfied with some of the decoration and layout of the house. I have already found someone to get it. By the time the winter vacation will be a month, it will be enough to change the details.”

Chen Yi said casually.

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested. Nan Jiyue said, “…I will ask my brother to look at it for you at that time, and I will never let the decoration go wrong.”

Chen Yi glanced at her and slandered. It was really miserable for Nan Ge to stand with such a sister. Somehow she was also a top rich second-generation, and now she has become a decoration supervisor.

At this moment, there was a sudden silence in the box, and everyone was looking out the door.

Chen Yi was a little strange. He followed everyone’s eyes and saw a man in his forties who looked like a social elite standing in the doorway, wearing a suit.

This person is Xu Feng, the general manager of Ritz-Carlton.

Chen Yi stood up after seeing the old acquaintance, and said with a smile: “…Why are you here, Manager Xu, and being lazy again?”

The other people in the box remained silent, just watching Chen Yi and Xu Feng talking. Many capable people, when they have been leaders for a long time, will naturally have an aura of self-prestige.

As long as you don’t laugh at the first station, you will be embarrassed.

A group of students in the ivory tower usually have so many opportunities to contact this real elite class.

Even if they are all prestigious school students, if they enter 680 to work in this hotel after graduation, it is difficult to have the opportunity to meet such top leaders.

Xu Feng, who had a stern face before, immediately disappeared and revealed a smiling face. He quickly changed from the style of a big leader to a low profile, and laughed with Chen Yi:

“…Why is President Chen also our old customer? This brings the classmates to dinner, I know that it is reasonable and reasonable to come over to greet him.”

With that said, Xu Feng asked the waiter to pour him a glass of wine, and said to everyone in the box grandly: “…They are all Mr. Chen’s classmates, I don’t say anything kind, I wish the classmates have a good academic career. Success, a bright future!”

Xu Feng laughed and drank a glass of wine, looking very bold.

Those students who hadn’t seen the world hurriedly stood up, and those who were in a hurry were also in return, but no one dared to speak.

Chen Yi also felt amused when he saw this. He knew that Xu Feng came to his platform besides greetings.

But he just invited some classmates to dinner, and he didn’t pretend to be x here. Moreover, pretending to be x in front of such a group of students is too cheap.

However, Xu Feng was also kind, and Chen Yi couldn’t say anything, so he had a drink with him.

Although the two of them had a good relationship in private, they couldn’t talk about anything at this time. They just said a few words casually, and Xu Feng was about to say goodbye.

“The classmates are happy to eat. Don’t hesitate to eat whatever you want. It is Mr. Chen’s treat anyway. Don’t be polite, he is rich!”

This very down-to-earth sentence drew a burst of laughter. Under the gaze of a group of students and the respect of the waiters, Xu Feng and Chen Yi nodded and left here. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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