Chapter 374 You are so experienced!


The sweet taste has both the blur of alcohol and the faint fragrance of a girl. In that soft chase, everything has lost its way.

Nan Jiyue only feels like she is falling into the clouds, and her whole person has become obsessively entangled.

When she came back to her senses, what she saw was Chen Yi’s handsome face that was so close to her, that it was almost close to her.

And the smile of the other party’s black and white eyes made the big heart bump into it like a deer, and he turned his head subconsciously, not daring to look at him.

At the same time, Nan Jiyue grabbed Chen Yi’s strange hand, a pair of apricots with anger in her eyes.

“Don’t… don’t mess around…”

Nan Jiyue’s jade hand pressed Chen Yi’s chest and pushed him away a little bit. Chen Yi did not entangle him, and took a step back.

Seeing Chen Yi taking the initiative to step back, Nan Jiyue felt a little bit of reluctance while reassuring.

There was a mess in her mind, all kinds of wild thoughts.

Does my refusal make Chen Yi feel that I don’t like him? Will it make him feel that I am boring to him? Will he be disappointed? Will he become deceptive and serious about himself in the future?

All kinds of messy thoughts popped up in her mind, and Nan Jiyue’s head that was already swollen after drinking some alcohol made Nan Jiyue feel even more painful.

Although she has long liked Chen Yi so much that she can’t help herself, but she 680 feels that she just handed over herself like this, it seems something is wrong.

What is the relationship between himself and him? Is it his little lover… Oh, Nan Jiyue felt that she was not one of those little bitches, so she hurriedly sent it to Chen Yi, she needed a name.

This bastard never takes the initiative to confess. As long as he confesses honestly, he will agree with a little restraint. Does he want to wait for his confession?

Nan Jiyue’s thinking became more distracted, and with the effect of alcohol, the whole person was even more dizzy.

Chen Yi looked at Nanda leaning against the wall of the corridor with a pitiful and blurred look. His eyes seemed to have no interpupillary distance, and she could probably guess her current thoughts were complicated.

This is actually quite a lie. Chen Yi knows that as long as you say something sweet, as long as the scum is thorough, you can say ‘be my girlfriend’ openly, and it’s easy to wipe out the food.

Chen Yi is not scumbag enough, but Nam Jiyue’s identity is more troublesome.

She is not Yu Jinyu or Ruan Zhuyi, nor is she any other woman Chen Yi has met and had relationships with.

Chen Yi is not afraid of Nanjia. Everyone is not competing on the same track. No matter how much money you have, what can you do with me.

Moreover, the current Chen Yi also has a background and background. Throughout the ages, the people did not fight with the officials. Even if Chen Yi gave the scumbags to commit suicide, the Nan family would hate him no more.

Of course, Chen Yi is not a person who is unfeeling to that extent.

The main reason is that Nan Jiyue’s circle of friends overlaps with Chen Yi too high. It can even be said that Chen Yi has expanded his circle of friends under the name of Nanda.

Nan Jiyue will not say anything about her brother. If Chen Yi scumbags her best friends, she will probably be criticized by a bunch of women.

Chen Yi still needs face, especially his reputation in his circle of friends, he still cares very much.

‘Wait a moment. ’(Read more @

Chen Yi planned to wait for his next plan to start after returning from Xiangjiang, remembering that Nan Jiyue’s father was engaged in financial investment, and when that time came the Nan family was completely pulled into the chariot, and everyone was on the same boat.

To be honest, Chen Yi is really tempted by Nan Jiyue. From the perspective of marriage, this is very suitable. Whether it is family background or appearance, or her love for herself, Chen Yi’s choice is within.

But now Chen Yi feels that he is so young that he wants to get married so far away is not good, he hasn’t played enough yet.

If another ten years are passed, Chen Yi may be relieved and marry Dawei directly.

Thinking of many things in his mind, Chen Yi touched his lips and asked in a low voice with a smile, “…first kiss?”

Nan Jiyue looked like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and almost jumped up. She was so strong that she subconsciously replied, “…No!”

But looking at Chen Yi’s smile, she is a little guilty, knowing that she can’t deceive Chen Yi, this guy has too much experience!

No, why is he so experienced! !

Nan Jiyue suddenly became angry and snorted, “…I gave a puppy the first kiss!”

Chen Yi was shocked for a moment, and then realized, is this saying that his is a puppy?

Chen Yi completely regarded this as flirting, he raised his brows and smiled: “…So the little fairy was kissed by a dog, is the dog cute?”


Nan Jiyue got angry and felt helpless for Chen Yi’s cheeky. He admitted that he was a puppy. What could she do?

“I won’t tell you, I’m going home!”

Nan Jiyue pushed Chen Yi away hard, like a proud peacock, raising her head to prepare to walk to the door.


When Chen Yi watched Nan Jiyue leave, he shouted with a smile.

Nan Jiyue shivered, holding her arms around each other, turning her head in disgust, “…why, it’s so disgusting.”

“Would you like to live in my house?”

Chen Yi raised his hand and pointed his thumb behind him.

“Don’t go, I’m not fooled by you, don’t think I don’t know what you are going to do.”

Nan Jiyue snorted, showing a triumphantly clever and triumphant expression of this fairy.

“What can I do? Do you want to be crooked? I mean if you want to go to my house to play games, let’s play all night.”

Chen Yi looked at Dadao contemptuously.

After hesitating for a moment, Nan Jiyue still shook her head decisively, “…Forget it, I have a headache, I went to sleep, you are careful, what a game, ghost believe!”

“It’s okay if you don’t go to my house, or I will go to your house.”

Chen Yi continued to tease her.

“Okay, it happens that my uncle and aunt are at home, do you want to talk to them?”

Nan Jiyue grinned and said, her eyebrows raised slightly like a distant mountain, her face full of provocation.

Chen Yi quickly acknowledged it. He held his head with his hand, showing a painful expression, and said regretfully: “…My head also suddenly hurts. It seems that the quality of the wine is not very good.”

“…I’d better go back to sleep. Playing games all night is not something a good kid like me would do.”

Seeing Chen Yi, Nan Jiyue made a chuckle of chuckle, and continued to provoke: “…Why are you so suddenly!”


Chen Yi’s face turned straight, and he shouted very seriously.

“What are you doing?”

Nan Jiyue’s heart jumped when she heard Chen Yi’s name becoming more and more intimate, and the joke-like tone just now, this nickname was much more formal.

Chen Yi’s stern face quickly turned into a smile, and said to Da Wen: “…good night!”

Seeing Chen Yi’s gentle expression and hearing him softly speak, Nan Jiyue felt her heart melted.

Biting his lip, he gave him a charming look, and said: “…this palace is now back to the palace, good night Xiao Yizi!”

“I see if you can, go to bed!”

Chen Yi glared at her.

This time, she didn’t hesitate any more, she walked directly to the door and input her fingerprint, opened the door and stuck her tongue out at Chen Yi, then slowly closed the door.

Seeing that Nan Jiyue had gone home, Chen Yi also turned around and walked two steps to his door.

Tomorrow he has to rush to Xiangjiang. .

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