Chapter 382 The undecent person

“Lao Qiu, do you need investors?”

Before returning to Mr. Qiu, Chen Yi was directly called Lao Qiu after seeing that the matter was about to be completed.

“Investor? Mr. Chen… Mr. Chen, can you be a little clearer.”

Seeing Chen Yi changed his tone, Qiu Lei immediately changed his name. From Mr. to Manager Chen, he was respectful a lot.

Investors have two meanings at this time. One is that Chen Yi has become a customer of Qiu Lei, and the other is more like a partner. He invested part of the equity in the fund.

If it is the former, Qiu Lie will definitely be ecstatic, but if it is the latter, he must carefully consider it.

The reason why Qiu Lei came out to do it alone was because he did not make money by working for others, and was trapped by too much capital. If Chen Yi also wanted to use capital to buy him off, he might not be willing.

But he looked at Chen Yi who was smiling in front of him, but he didn’t think that this was the money sent by a good man, it looked like a shark in the sea.

“Haha, Lao Qiu, you should know what I mean… so let me say it clearly, 10%, 10% of the income this time, I will directly use 25 as a reward, a simple reward.”

“…The money can be divided equally between your team and mine. How much you earn depends on your abilities. If you can make one billion for me, then you can split 100 million equally. As the leader, Lao Qiu, you How can I get a few million to ten million.”

“And I can put another 20% of the proceeds into your fund. No matter how much the money is, I only want 51% of your shares.”

“…Of course you can rest assured, I don’t want to kick you out in the future. People in this industry are very important. I invest in you.”

“Moreover, we can also write down the articles of association in the company regulations. I will only send people to watch it in the financial and legal aspects. I will never interfere with the personnel and fund operations. After all, professional people do it. Professional matter.”

Qiu Lie took a breath from Chen Yi’s eloquent words.

It’s not that Chen Yi is too harsh, but that the conditions he gave are too good.

Qiu Lei doesn’t care about the millions or tens of millions he can get. For an elite like him, although this amount of money is a lot, he used to earn millions of annual salary, and when the market is good, he can even reach millions.

This little money is not enough to excite him.

What really excites him is that Chen Yi’s proposed 20% return to invest in him.

He has seen the information Chen Yi gave before, and he probably knows how much Chen Yi will spend on shorting. With his own experience, he can also roughly estimate how much he can make if he tries his best. A range.(Read more @

It is precisely because of the large number of figures that he is so excited that he has invested so much money in one breath. This is Chen Yi’s trust in his abilities!

Although Chen Yi asked for a 51% stake, he also said that the rights and obligations of both parties can be clearly stated in the company’s articles of association.

A company’s shares can’t be controlled by more than 50%. This depends on the company’s articles of association. Some companies stipulate that only more than two-thirds of the company’s shares can be fully controlled.

And for some companies, it is never possible to let outsiders control them. For example, for companies like Volkswagen, Deutsche even has a law expressly stipulating that even if you have money, you can’t control it.

This is something that has risen to the national level. It is a model of being rich and not being able to do whatever you want.

In an instant, Qiu Lei’s eyes changed when he looked at Chen Yi, and he was quite moved by the death of a confidant. He did not ask why Chen Yi believed him so much, because Chen Yi’s behavior was already the greatest affirmation of him.

Why does Chen Yi believe in Qiu Lei? In fact, it’s very simple, because Chen Yi doesn’t care about the money. As long as Qiu Lei helps him complete the harvest this time, Chen Yi’s system can be upgraded to another level.

Not to mention the short video core algorithm obtained after the system upgrade.

Just a net income of 160 million yuan per month gives Chen Yi enough confidence. Even if Qiu Lei is a waste, Chen Yi can make up for the loss of his salary in the system for a month or two.

Don’t panic if you have food at home!

Chen Yi actually doesn’t expect how much Qiu Lei’s fund can make for himself. As long as he can beat inflation, he is satisfied. This is better than putting it in the bank.

Chen Qiao, the richest man of the Shengda Group, retired quickly due to various reasons such as his health and did not fight in the mall. However, people still don’t have to worry about the loss of wealth caused by inflation.

What he relied on was that he invested in a number of hedge funds. These funds would not make him rich overnight, but they would have extremely stable annual income.

Don’t talk about it for a lifetime, it’s okay to live a luxurious life for a few lifetimes.

At this time, Qiu Lei’s mentality has completely changed, and he instantly turned into a dog lick, and began to please Chen Yi, and all kinds of pleasant words will come.

Asked Lawyer Wang to come over to draw up a new contract, and Qiu Lei, who had regarded Chen Yi as his own Bole, began to use his eloquence, looking for topics and chatting around.

He used simple and easy-to-understand words to tell Chen Yi a lot of knowledge in the industry, and also let Chen Yi know a lot of things that he didn’t understand in the past, and let him understand some of the wrong perceptions when reading novels in the past.

For example, short selling in securities. After the crisis in the late 1990s, Xiangjiang’s stocks introduced very strict policies and measures. It is very difficult to short sell with leverage.

And even if leverage is allowed, at that time Xiangjiang’s policy already did not allow false securities lending, and actual stocks were needed.

No matter how much money you have, it is useless to know that a company’s stock price will fall, but you cannot borrow enough stocks in the market.

U.S. stocks did not have so many restrictions before 2008, but after the subprime mortgage crisis, all aspects have become stricter, and now they are not allowed.

Except for the extremely creditworthy short-selling institutions like Muddy Waters, which can barely give leverage, nothing else is possible.

Coupled with the current regulations that the securities lending leverage cannot exceed 200% and the stock downtick trend cannot be shorted, this makes it impossible to make a fortune with this.

Of course, funds can be allocated off-site, but that is illegal, so even if you make 10 billion, it is very likely that you will not get a penny, and that is crying to death.

If you want to play with high leverage, you can only play in financial derivatives such as futures and options, but the risks are not mentioned.

Regardless of how you want to play, there is one of the most important basic points, that is, you have to have capital, otherwise just the daily interest of those leverages will make people doomed.

So even if you are reborn, it is impossible to use finance to make yourself completely financially free with the tens of thousands you have accumulated in your pocket. The first pot of gold is always the hardest to earn.

Those real bigwigs don’t touch things like short-selling and leverage at all. This stuff is more like a bet on x, and they can only try to change a bike into a motorcycle.

But the majority of blogs will always fail.

Chen Yi listened to Qiu Lei telling him a lot, and he gave birth to an idea:

Anyone who is serious is going to increase leverage and go short!

However, Chen Yi decided that this time he would still be a serious person. .

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