Chapter 387 Tens of billions of assets, wiped out


Shan Jiancao sighed helplessly.

It is not easy to meet such an equestrian genius.

You must know that from ancient times to the present, people related to horses are aristocratic figures. Even in ancient wars, the number of cavalry is very small.

Only those princes and nobles can go on horseback safari.

In modern times, horses are no longer an important means of transportation, and communication between people and horses has become even less.

Not to mention ordinary horses, some of the rare horses nowadays are really expensive, and most people can’t afford it or can’t afford it. This has always been a game for the rich, even the so-called gentleman game of the upper class.

Chen Yuyan knew what his equestrian teacher was looking for for Chen Yi. It was not a private matter, but a business matter, but because of this, with Chen Yi’s wealth and social status, he was less likely to agree to it.

“Teacher, if you can’t, you should find someone else. Don’t waste time on Chen Yi.”

Chen Yuyan persuaded her gently.

“Girl, you don’t understand, it’s harder than finding eleven people out of 1.4 billion people to play football. At any rate, football is the world’s top 25 sports…”

“…I won’t give up. I’ll just ask if I don’t try it. If I don’t try it, I feel like I’ve failed. Teacher, I might regret it.”

“Anyway, the contact information is also available. After they return to the imperial capital, I will lick my face and go to the imperial capital to find the young man.”

Shan Zengcuo quickly laughed, very open-minded by the Tibetans.

However, Chen Yuyan was wary and said: “…Say a good teacher first, I won’t help you intercede.”

“Don’t worry girl, the teacher hasn’t been selfish yet, and won’t let you go… If you mention this at that time, if the kid misunderstands you are forcing him, then the teacher is a sinner~ ”

A ridiculous voice came.

“Teacher, you are talking nonsense again. I am sleepy and ready to go to sleep. I have to go to the police station tomorrow.”

Chen Yuyan was very afraid that her teacher would say anything to embarrass her, and she quickly said strongly.

“Okay, then Yuyan, go and rest, and the teacher won’t bother you.”

Shan Zengcuo also knew that his apprentice’s personality was sometimes too serious, so he didn’t say much, and hung up the phone.

Put the phone on the bedside, take out the charger and charge it up, Chen Yuyan went to the bathroom to dry her still wet hair with a hair dryer.

For a girl with short hair, this is the only advantage. It’s much easier to wash your hair.

After doing all this, she climbed onto the bed and took the thin quilt.

Turning off the bedside lamp, the room immediately fell into darkness. Although she was a girl, Chen Yuyan was very courageous and was not afraid of darkness.(Read more @

It’s just that she can’t sleep over and over again, she feels a little irritable, and start to look forward to tomorrow’s dinner inexplicably.

Han Bingbing was tapping on the laptop with the faint light of a lamp in a high-level building in the Imperial Capital.

As a reporter, he is very busy with his work every day. I won’t talk about writing articles. It is very troublesome to be on the mirror or even to investigate and interview.

Especially as a CTV reporter, he has higher professional requirements for dressing and appearance and manuscripts, so he naturally needs to make more efforts.

And since it became popular on the Internet, the leaders of CTV have also consciously or unconsciously increased her workload, using her appearances in exchange for more reading and news watching.

Although China Television is a serious organization, it must follow the times to understand what young people want and need. Han Bingbing is undoubtedly the representative of the younger generation in the position of China Television reporter.

Of course, China Television has other journalists who have coexistence of beauty and temperament, but most of the people familiar with it are already in old age.

Even though the temperament is still mature and amazing, but after all, it is a little out of touch with the world of young people.

For her current workload, Han Bingbing is happy, she knows that this is actually the training above, as long as she completes the task well, then the promotion will be much easier in the future.

A piece of soft music suddenly sounded, and Han Bingbing took the mobile phone beside her. When she saw the caller ID, her eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth were happy. She saved the word document in the computer and quickly answered the call.

“Sister Bingbing is asleep?”

Hearing the familiar and frivolous voice, Han Bingbing pressed his lips lightly, pretending to be interrupted to work, and said angrily: “…No, I’m still writing a manuscript. If you have something to say or fart, let it go!”

“Hey? You are still working so late, sister Bingbing, don’t get tired.”

Hearing Chen Yi’s caring tone, although Han Bingbing was happy in his heart, he still said: “…I don’t think you would go to Xiangjiang to play during your vacation. Our reporter is very busy with work.”

“…I’m to blame you too, I’m like an internet celebrity now, even with more work.”

At the end, Han Bingbing had a little complaint.

Her job as a reporter is a very technical and serious job, and it is impossible for her to really be that kind of internet celebrity and act as a performer.

“What does this have to do with me, isn’t it because Sister Bingbing is popular because you look good.”

Chen Yi said slightly aggrieved.

Being praised by Chen Yi for being good-looking, Han Bingbing was overjoyed. What he didn’t know was that he narrowed his big eyes and smiled, and his beautiful eyes were full of sweetness.

“Don’t say something nice, just ask me if you have anything to do. You don’t usually call me.”

“How can I call Sister Bingbing until I have something to do? I called you only when I missed you. I didn’t see you in a day, like three autumns.”

“Bah, I don’t believe it. If you don’t be serious, I’ll hang up.”

He said that he didn’t believe it, but Han Bingbing smiled sweeter and sweeter, and his eyes were all crescents.

Girls always like to listen nicely.

“Don’t don’t don’t, sister Bingbing, are you writing with a computer?”

Chen Yi put away his verbosity, and his tone suddenly became more serious.

“Yes, I’m using a computer, oh, I saw the email you sent me.”

Han Bingbing held the phone in one hand and opened the email with the mouse in the other.

After seeing the compressed file 690 in the email, she frowned and downloaded it.

Chen Yi seemed to know what she was doing, and said with a smile: “…Sister Bingbing, take a look at this file first. I have marked the important points in red.”

Hearing that, Han Bingbing just opened the file, scanned the places marked in red roughly, and then said in surprise and nervousness: “…is the stuff in it true?”

“Of course it is true, but I spent millions to let a bunch of people do the research, how can there be fakes… Didn’t I say before that I wanted to give you a big news for Bingbing? NS.”

“…But although these documents have been prepared for you, as a reporter, you still have to seek truth from facts. Sister Bingbing, I suggest you go to Yunan in person to check the authenticity of the contents in the documents.”

“You can also rely on your keenness as a reporter to see if you can dig out something new.”

Chen Yi’s tone was soft, with a kind of arrogance that everything is under control, “…I will leave these things to you, sister Bingbing, please be careful not to spread it out. If you have time, write a draft.”

“…My only request is, Bingbing, you need to cooperate with my work and send out this draft when I need it.”

“You don’t need to be able to be on the TV station of China Television, as long as you can send messages on your China Television account such as Weibo, that is enough.”

Is there any more authoritative media than China Television? Of course not.

And this is Chen Yi’s ultimate move. As long as it is used well, the tens of billions of assets of the Hao Yuanning family will be wiped out in an instant. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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