Chapter 389 Coming sister

“Mr. Chen, this is our plan. Please take a look.”

Qiu Lei handed over a stack of printed and bound paper.

Chen Yi took the pile of thick papers and looked at it roughly. Inside is an extremely detailed report written by Qiu Lei and his team about possible future troubles and opponents’ strategies to deal with.

It can be said that as long as you follow this report and follow the steps in a step-by-step manner, then anyone with financial knowledge can complete the transaction.

This is also the greatest use of Qiu Lei and his team.

“The risk of going short is far greater than going long. To be honest, going short is something gamblers do. Real investors will not consider going short.”

“…It’s like Warren Buffett. His investment philosophy is to hold stocks for a long time, and he will never consider shorting.”

“The main business of my team and I is not to short stocks. We don’t want to be short-selling institutions like Muddy Waters and Gotham. We are just a private equity fund and will not do these risky things.”

Qiu Lei explained his ideas and concepts to Chen Yi. He knew that after the transaction was over, Chen Yi would inject part of his funds into his fund, so that both parties would become partners.

At this time, Qiu Lei told Chen Yi in advance that he would not use gambling to make investments that were too risky, allowing Chen Yi to hand over the funds to him with confidence.

“The risk of short-selling is high, and the return may not be as high as 690, but it has an advantage, that is, time. Short-selling is most likely to make people rich in the shortest time.”

The total value of stocks is so much. No matter how you go short, there are limits to the profits you can grab in this age of no madness and leverage.

This is indeed inferior to holding a stock for a long time. For example, if you invest in ali shortly after its establishment, ten million dollars may become billions of dollars in ten years. Such a rate of return is Really exaggerated.

But the shortcoming of holding stocks for a long time is the word long-term, which takes a long time to get profits.

“Fortunately, because the financial fraud of this Flying Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry is very good, and it is strongly recommended by the brokerage, there are some long positions.”

“…If you simply use Mr. Chen’s 300 million funds to complete the transaction, even if you add leverage, the profit will be limited, but with these long positions, we can make all of their money in our hands.”

Qiu Lei talked eloquently on the projector in the conference room. He was afraid that Chen Yi didn’t understand the twists and turns, so he said it in detail in some places.

Chen Yi nodded his head from time to time, absorbing the knowledge he did not know, broadening his knowledge, and increasing his knowledge. This is the only way for a person to grow.

To put it bluntly, this is a simple long-short game. The longs want to make short money, and the shorts want to make long money, but Chen Yi holds a lot of information in his hands, which makes his winning rate extremely high.(Read more @

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is time. The battle line must not be lengthened, and the stock price of Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry must not be stabilized. What Chen Yi’s team needs is a one-shot kill and a complete solution to the opponent.

After all, the daily interest generated by borrowing a large number of stocks is amazing.

Just like Luckin’s company, many people have seen its business problems, and there are many short positions.

However, some short positions eventually lost money. The main reason was that they couldn’t accurately predict the time when the counterparty’s stock price collapsed. As a result, they had to give up due to the large amount of interest generated during the waiting time and chose to stop loss.

Time is always on the side of the bulls.

“We borrowed a lot of stocks from brokers, but the most important thing is the 12% that Hao Jia, chairman of Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, lent to brokers.”

“…If this company’s stocks crash, the remaining stocks we have borrowed will most likely be forcibly liquidated by the brokerage firm. After all, the possibility of a run is extremely high.”

“But the 12% of the stock, the Hao family is very likely not to be recovered. Of course, just in case, we will try to close all the positions before we make the last shot. We can make less money, but absolutely Don’t give the other party any chance.”

Qiu Lei continued exuberantly.

Many people who hold large amounts of company stock keep the stock in their hands, but those stocks will not generate income if the company does not pay dividends.

Therefore, these people are likely to lend stocks to brokers to get some interest, and brokers are lending this part of stocks to those who are long and short to get higher interest.

It can be said that the brokerage is the bank of stocks.

Most people hold a certain stock and may sell it in order to stop the loss after discovering a stock crash.

But some people will not sell even if the stock is completely collapsed. This is the true owner of the company.

Because they are afraid that this is a means of some competitors, for the purpose of compulsory acquisition.

If the stock price is too low, the owner of the company can’t help but sell the stocks, which will increase the stocks in the secondary market. The owner changed.

And Chen Yi and their shorts can take advantage of this kind of idea of ​​the owners of this kind of business, so as to use the stock they lent to the brokerage to obtain greater returns.

“There are already detailed indicators and tasks in the plan. We must act strictly in accordance with the original plan, even if the stock fluctuations and the counterparty’s countermeasures are different from our plan.”

“… But as long as there is little discrepancy, we must close positions at a certain point in time. We must not change our plan because of greed. Money cannot be made, but risks must be controlled.”

“Even if we make less money, we must pay attention to the safety of funds. This is something we must pay attention to when we short sell.”

At the end, Qiu Lei said solemnly to everyone present. He looked around for a week, and his tone in this regard was very heavy.

And his caution was praised by Chen Yi. From this, it can be seen that Qiu Lei is not the kind of crazy gambler, and for the systematic Chen Yi, he doesn’t need that kind of gambler.

‘After putting part of the funds in Qiu Lei’s place, it seems that it should be safe. ’

Chen Yi nodded in satisfaction and clapped softly.

Of course, trust belongs to trust, and the financial and legal advisers that should be sent are also indispensable. The real superior is not to rely on the sincerity of his subordinates to maintain the rule. What he has to do is not to give his subordinates the opportunity to betray from the beginning.

“That’s good, Lao Qiu…”

Chen Yi glanced at the Royal Oak he was wearing on his wrist and said with a smile: “…Since all the plans have been specified, let’s start now.”

“…We won’t name this plan, or I think it’s too embarrassing.”

“I have invited all the meals these days, so that my brothers can eat better, but I can’t stay here anymore, now I have to rush to the airport.”

Said Chen Yi stood up from the main seat of the conference room, and the others also stood up.

“Mr. Chen, can you send you with us?”

“No, I am not leaving Xiangjiang, but going to the airport to pick up people.”

Chen Yi waved his hand and said.

His sister-in-law should be coming to Xiangjiang soon. .

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