Chapter 396 Interests bind us together

Liu Luan is very famous in Xiangjiang. It can be said that he is a figure who follows the economic development of Xiangjiang and stands at the top with dividends.

When he was young, he even had many romantic affair, and he and the Xiangjiang Li family and other families could only cover the sky with one-third of this acre of land.

However, since entering the new century, with the development of the inland economy, the once glorious Xiangjiang has also begun to desolate. Apart from maintaining its important position as an economic port for foreign exchange settlement, there has been nothing outstanding.

As the most famous restaurant in Xiangjiang, Liu Luan has always liked Fulinmen. There is even his own private box here, and you will come here for dinner every few hours.

Although it is not as good as before, Liu Luan’s prestige in Xiangjiang is still undiminished. He sits alone at the dining table in the box, surrounded by several bodyguards.

Xiangjiang was too chaotic back then, and any method outside the rules was used. When Liu Luan was young, he also had a lot of enemies. When he was old, he naturally cared very much about the safety of his family.

“Mr. Liu, the identities of the two have been found out.”

Just as Liu Luan was eating, the younger brother he sent had also finished his work, came to him, bent over, and whispered.

After the younger brother had finished reporting the situation, Liu Luan nodded slightly, “…It turned out to be the Chen family.”

Li Shengjie and his wife came from a great family. Liu Luan knew each other, and Chen Yuyan and her father were even more familiar with them. After all, they were the possible future chief of the police department. This position was held by Britons in the past.

On the boundary of Xiangjiang, as long as traces are left, Liu Luan’s personal investigation is quite simple.

The next member of the Supreme Military Council has a family background that is bigger than that of Li Shengjie and his wife. After all, one is retiring, and the other is about to reach the peak of power.

After thinking for a while, Liu Luan pointed to the bodyguard who was in trouble just now, and said:

“…You, go over and apologize to others, and give them my business card, so if you have anything to do in Xiangjiang, you can come to me.”

He is getting older, so as long as he doesn’t leave Xiangjiang, he doesn’t need to have a relationship with anyone, but he doesn’t care about those words, but his eldest son and daughter need it.

Put down a bit of face and form a good destiny. Anyone who can reach this position understands that compromise is the character that people must learn most. People who show off their power every day usually die miserably.

The bodyguard replied respectfully, took this personal business card that Liu Luan rarely gave, and left the box.

In the box on the other side, Chen Yi and several people were also the guests and the host to enjoy the meal.

Three women, Chen Jin, Chen Yuyan, and Sister Zhang, gathered together to talk about topics between girls. Chen Yi and Li Shengjie got together and talked about topics between men.

Li Shengjie is twenty years older than Chen Yi. It is no problem to call him an uncle. This is no longer the second generation of Chen Yi’s friends, but a real tycoon who occupies important resources in this society.

However, this kind of person is low-key, and most people rarely know him, especially when his wife is a descendant of aristocrats, it is even rarer to see him in the newspapers.

“Brother Li, you are the vice president of Pengcheng Entrepreneurs Association, do you know the seniors of Goose Factory?”

Chen Yi and Li Shengjie were drinking.

If Chen Yi is just an ordinary young entrepreneur, even if he has achieved this small achievement, people like Li Shengjie will at most appreciate him as a good young man, rather than being so affectionate.(Read more @

For people like Li Shengjie, you cannot judge the value based on his assets alone. The positions of the directors of the seventeen listed companies in Hong Kong and the vice president of the Pengcheng Entrepreneurs Association speak for themselves.

All this tells others that his assets are not bad, he has a close relationship with the upper echelon, and his status in the circle is very high.

The reason why he is so passionate about himself, Chen Yi of course knows that this is because of the background of the grandfather’s family, but if there is a background and resources, he needs to use them. Should these resources and energy be kept in the grave?

“Almost all the high-level managers of the goose factory know, even Tonyma is quite familiar, what is Brother Chen’s plan?”

Li Shengjie asked with a smile.

“There are indeed plans. I hope Li Ge can help me introduce the seniors of the Goose Factory and realize that Tony Mana is naturally the best. Even if I don’t know it, I hope to have a relationship with Zhang Long of vx. ”

“…I have a project next, maybe…no, it should be said that the goose factory must help.”

Chen Yi was not polite, and bluntly said what he wanted to do.

At the level of Tonyma, it is no longer possible to care about a second-generation or third-generation idea, and it is not easy to get to know people, unless it is to show one’s own value.

Or if someone at the level of the grandfather comes out in person, Tonyma will put down his figure and talk honestly, but this is not necessary, even if it is background, it is not so useful.

When you get up, you don’t need to know others, they will come to know you on their own initiative.

“Get help from the goose factory… Does it need investment?”

Li Shengjie thought of this for the first time.

When it comes to the Internet, people will think of bat, and b is for the time being, but a and t are real big capital. Any project as long as it is named a or t is absolutely successful, but the confidence is different.

“It can be regarded as an investment, but I am not short of money, nor do I need other people to invest money. What I am after is the business of vx and the huge traffic it brings.”

Chen Yi and Li Shengjie clinked their glasses and said.

Hundreds of millions of users of social software and people are becoming accustomed to using it, which is the biggest trump card of the goose factory. How many people want to catch this express train and make themselves directly successful…

Some people look at the capital of Goose Factory and hope to get money, while Chen Yi looks at the benefits and expansion speed that cooperation with vx can bring to him.

“Of course, I haven’t started the project yet, so I don’t have to trouble you, Brother Li, and wait until I build the shelf so that people can help me fill in the contents.”

Chen Yi said confidently.

Now I don’t have anything, I just have an idea to see someone, even if there is Li Shengjie introduced, then the other party is just polite and it’s over.

Chen Yi has to use the money earned from Xiangjiang this time to set up the basic framework. Naturally, there are people who flock to want to invest, and there are more resources that can be used by Chen Yi.

“Haha, as soon as I saw Brother Chen, I knew you were a person who can do great things. If you really need it, let me know and I’ll make arrangements for you.”

“…But it’s not up to me to decide whether I can achieve it or not. In business, it’s impossible for me to make a loss-making business because of my face.”

Li Shengjie laughed and said straightforwardly.

“It’s enough to have Brother Li. I don’t want anything else. Come on, I will offer Brother Li a cup.”

Chen Yi touched the wine glass with Li Shengjie again and drank the wine in the white porcelain cup in his hand.

It is said that business is discussed at the wine table, and that’s it.

The road to the mountain is just ahead, and how high he can climb depends on his ability. Chen Yi knows this well.

It is extremely difficult for others to meet those high-level characters, but Chen Yi can do it very easily.

Opportunities not available to others are everywhere in front of Chen Yi. Whether he can grasp it or not depends on himself.

“If Brother Chen Xiao 0.0 has other things, such as financial needs, you can also come to me.”

Li Shengjie said vaguely.

“This is not taken for granted!”

Chen Yi understood what he meant and said with a smile.

If Chen Yi’s project goose factory is willing to invest, then Li Shengjie will also put out some funds to join it to make a fortune.

Regardless of the relationship between his sister-in-law and Zhang, or Li Shengjie’s own energy resources and his willingness to stand up for himself today, Chen Yi is also willing to separate a small part of his interests and tie him to his own chariot.

Relationships are relationships after all, and they are not relatives. Only interests can tie everyone together.

When Li Shengjie saw Chen Yi with a high spirit, full of self-confidence, sensible and bold, he felt more affectionate in his heart, and secretly sighed that this young man was not a thing in the pool.

The crowd continued to eat. At this time, a waiter came over and said that someone from Liu Luan wanted to see them.

Several people frowned.

Is that old guy unconvinced and wants to find fault? .

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