Chapter 401 The panic of the richest second generation

【alert! There may be major financial loopholes in the first stock of pig farming, Flying Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry! 】

A news published by a financial marketing account on Weibo caused a small disturbance in the circle.

Except for some investors who play with Xiangjiang stocks and stocks of the company Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry on hand, others did not care about such a gossip.

In the article, the author affirmed that the company has concealment in its financial statements and financial disclosures, and pointed out some non-critical evidence.

These evidences are not the kind of heavy hammer that hits the head, but vaguely make people suspect that there is a problem with the financial data of this company, but they can’t find the problem.

Such evidence is not enough to cause a large chain reaction, and most investors are relatively calm.

But the news of this marketing account was forwarded by many other marketing accounts, and articles were also published in their own vx account, which received a lot of reading.

Not all stockholders can calm down, some stockholders still sell their stocks.

Some old investors joke when they see this: “…This looks like a newcomer, and they start to sell when they are a little frightened.”

“…I don’t know that this kind of so-called evidence with no conclusive content is simply nonsense. It’s more like someone is maliciously shorting. Look at it. It won’t take long for this stock to grow back.”

Due to the strong recommendation of the brokerage and the concept of the first stock of pig raising, there are still countless people who are optimistic about this animal husbandry enterprise.

They are all looking forward to the company’s hurry to release new news content, and use conclusive and strong evidence to counter the rumors in the market.

However, the development of the facts is somewhat beyond the expectations of investors. Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry did not respond to this situation. The stock fell 3.12% on the first day, the stock fell 2.87% on the second day, and the stock fell on the third day. It fell another 2.13%.

The three consecutive days of stock declines finally caused the market to panic.

However, there are also some speculators who believe that this company can tide over the difficulties, thinking that this is a good opportunity to start buying stocks during the downturn, and some are bolder and ready to do more.

It is the existence of these speculators that made Feiying Agricultural and Animal Husbandry stocks relatively stable for the fourth day, but if the company does not respond, the situation will still be very bad afterwards.

Finally, in the panic of speculators and the panic of investors, Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry issued a statement, severely condemning the random reports of these media marketing accounts, and decided to prosecute them by issuing a lawyer’s letter.

At the same time, as the auditing agency of this company, it also stepped up, showing in a very convincing tone that their audit was okay, and Feiying Agriculture and Husbandry was financially normal.

If such a painless statement makes people feel a little uneasy, then someone at the bank proved that the capital flow of Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry was normal, and the staff of a certain institution in southern Henan also endorsed the situation, the situation finally improved.

On the fifth day, the stocks of Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry began to rise against the market. Those investors who were worried before were finally relieved and began to laugh at people who ran away in trouble.

The speculators are even more open, thinking that this time they might be able to make a good profit.

As everyone knows, in the Rongde Jinmao Building in the south of Henan, almost all the main candidates of the Hao family are present, and there is a gloomy cloud in the entire conference room.

In addition to Hao Jianning himself, a total of five family members surnamed Hao were meeting here, all of whom were Hao Yuanning’s uncles and uncles.

These five people are the top five shareholders of the company, and they hold 38% of the company’s shares. This is a typical family business.(Read more @

Before the stock price ups and downs, their entire family’s wealth was about 10 billion yuan.

This company was founded by Hao Jianning, and then in order to have a trusted manpower, it was the family members who joined it, which led to the prosperity of the entire family.

For this reason, Hao Yuanning was trained as a successor. In the meeting room, he also had to attend this time. It is also today that Hao Yuanning knows that the original family enterprise is facing such a big dilemma.

The smell of second-hand smoke permeated the entire conference room, and it was messy, but I didn’t care about it.

Hao Yuanning’s uncle looked at Hao Jianning nervously, and asked with dry lips, “…Jianning, shouldn’t it be a problem this time?”

After speaking, the other shareholders of the company surnamed Hao also looked at this person like the head of the family.

They didn’t have much ability, they just waved the flag and shouted behind Hao Jianning, because their relatives trusted him and helped him with some work, and each of them gained hundreds of millions of fortunes.

Sometimes people really do not mean everything, luck and follow-up are more important to people.

These shareholders surnamed Hao clearly know how their wealth came from. Those who are used to the extravagant life also fear that one day all this will disappear. If Hao Jianning falls, then the entire Hao family will really be over.

Hao Jianning seemed to be several years old, with serious dark circles, and he had to face this kind of predicament at an old age, and his body was a little unable to support it.

“You all know the specific financial situation of the company. I have tried my best to conceal it as much as possible these days.”

“…Those who are from the media are nothing. The terrible thing is the people behind them. I don’t know if they have any other revelations in their hands, and how far those revelations can go.”

Hao Jianning said hoarsely.

The reason why the company did not respond for a few days is that he was using all his means, resources and contacts to deal with this crisis.

Fortunately, for the time being, there is no major incident. Fortunately, Yunan is not a major economic province, and the local upper class does not want such a large enterprise to die, so it gives some convenience.

But this is not a long-term solution, even if the contacts accumulated over decades are used up.

“We will definitely be targeted by other institutions this time. Someone will come over to continue the investigation. The good news is that they won’t find out anything in a short time. This gives us enough time to respond…”

“…We can only pray now, that the person who wants to engage us does not have more detailed information.”

Hao Jianning took a cigarette, his eyes flushed.

“Jianning, there are no problems with auditing, banks, and officialdom for the time being, right?”

A director asked carefully.

Hao Jianning waved his hand, indicating that there was no problem for the time being. Everyone thought that he was going out in person, and temporarily relieved their minds.


At this time, Hao Yuanning completely lost the high spirits and self-confidence of the richest second generation, only fear and tension.

In the past few years, companies had not experienced problems. The most serious cases were downgraded by credit agencies, and bonds were overdue. However, at that time, the situation was completely flawed, and it was almost impossible to block them.

Hao Jianning looked at his son, sighed lightly, and comforted: “…You go back first. You can stay here and have nothing to do. Don’t go anywhere these days, and honestly wait at home.”

Hao Yuanning nodded with eyes, and left the meeting room without saying a word.

The sad clouds in southern Henan were bleak, but there was a burst of cheers in a certain office building in Xiangjiang.

The stock price fell for three consecutive days, buying and selling at different points in time, coupled with the leverage and the huge initial capital of Chen Yi, just three days of work, the income was 100 million.

This is still in the case that the other party’s stock has a relatively small fluctuation. Chen Yi also sighed after listening to the report. No wonder so many bigwigs want to play finance, as long as they play well, this is really a money grab.

The reason why it didn’t make a profit is too exaggerated because the company’s size is not large. If you want to make tens of billions in one go, it is estimated that the entire market will have problems, such as the financial crisis.

“Mr. Chen, we can almost do it. Although we have circumvented all possibilities before, if we continue to play like this at 0.0, it is easy to be found by the Securities Regulatory Commission to say that we maliciously manipulate the stock price.”

“…The discerning people have long seen that this company is wrong and really want to prove that their finances are okay. They should change to an audit firm, such as the Big Four.”

“Next, let’s send the heavy news!”

Chen Yi listened to Qiu Lei’s report with a smile on his face, and he nodded slowly.

I hope that those speculators don’t use all their net worth to speculate, otherwise it is very likely that within a few days, the rooftops will be full of people.

And those who have already run now have made a fortune instead.

The first stage of the small test has been completed, and the next stage is the second stage, which is the best opportunity to make money.

In the end, there is a hit to kill, and as much as possible to search for the last dime, they can wave their sleeves without leaving a cloud.

This time, it was not Weibo from the media, but a very authoritative financial newspaper that published decisive evidence of major financial omissions in Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.

The entire stock market fluctuated in an instant! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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