Chapter 404 Seeing his building collapsed!

“Fuck, African swine fever, although this is only a disease that is transmitted between animals and does not infect humans, as long as the pigs are infected, the fatality rate is almost 100%.”

“This is a legally reported animal case listed by the World Organization for Animal Health, and it is also a type of disease that our country focuses on preventing.”

“Our country consumes up to 60 million tons of pork each year, which is our strategic reserve material.”

“Now the second brother’s meat is too expensive to eat, there is something to hide swine fever.”

“There is one point, although it may be a bit of a conspiracy theory, but maybe this company just wants to spread the African swine fever, and then increase the price of pork, they can make more money.”

“Don’t say it, it’s really possible. Look at this company’s recent stock price fluctuations. The market value has fallen by more than half, and it has made false accounts. It will be insolvent. It is likely that they did it on purpose!”

“Fuck, if this spreads to our big pork-eating country, the direct and indirect losses it will bring will be immeasurable!”

“It must be investigated!”


On the Internet, all kinds of grievances are overwhelming. The increase in pork prices due to various reasons such as inflation and insufficient supply has affected people’s daily lives.

All kinds of stories circulating on the Internet that the flesh of the second brother is more valuable than the master’s, to some extent, it is just people’s self-deprecation.

In this situation, the African swine fever concealment problem 700 that Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry was discovered was like igniting the fuse of an arsenal and it exploded.

People who could not find a way to vent, finally found a vent, almost all the reasons for the problem of rising pork prices were poured on this company.

Although the discerning people who understand the economy know that the flying eagle farming and animal husbandry are in the back of the pot, but the people who talk about gold, who can be worth the mouth of the leisurely people.

Under such circumstances, the senior executives in southern Henan also set up an investigation team at an unimaginable speed and entered the enterprise to start the investigation.

Within two days of work, it was found that the report of China Television was true. Flying Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry had indeed discovered African Swine Fever not long ago.

However, because of the chaotic internal accounting affairs of the enterprise, the false financial statements, and the fear of influencing the stock price, they concealed it.

The only good news is that this company still has a basic conscience and has concentrated on handling all the pigs, but even so, it is panic.

Also because of the rapid intervention of the investigation team, all the problems of the entire enterprise were exposed.

Not only the audit agency for Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, but also some employees of the bank and some officials in southern Henan were dealt with. This is a real earthquake.

…(Read more @

“The first stock of pig farming collapsed completely, and 180,000 investors lost their money? 》

“There is a risk of deposit and delisting, the actual controller Hao Jianting’s stocks are all frozen, and there is a risk of liquidation! 》

“Debt 18.2 billion, already insolvent, netizen: Is there a pig in the company? 》

“Netizens burst out laughing: The pig starved to death because there was no money to buy feed! 》

“Just when everyone is paying attention to Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, has anyone paid attention to Hao Yuanning, the son of Hao Jianting, the actual controlling shareholder of Feiying Agriculture and Husbandry?”

“…He was once a competitor of Wang Six and an early e-sports player in China. He entered the e-sports circle at the age of 15 in 2006 and showed high talent. After establishing an e-sports team, he has won many domestic awards. ”

“In 14 years, he established the omg e-sports club. This team was also one of the strongest lol teams in the country.”

“…In addition, he also has shares in a number of e-sports teams, and his rapid offensive in the e-sports circle, even Wang Kaix is ​​willing to bow down.”

“Hao Yuanning, who has entered the capital runway, does not stop there. There are also many companies under his name, mainly involving e-sports investment, network technology, cultural media and other fields.”

“…Not long ago, he still owns the original shares of ofo, and he can reach the pinnacle of his life only when the shared bicycle industry is soaring. But who would have thought that the shared bicycle industry would be defeated, which is embarrassing.”

“Nowadays, the house leaks even after night rains, and the Hao family’s enterprise has also encountered the biggest crisis, and it is even possible that this crisis will be difficult to survive.”

“…The family’s tens of billions of assets were wiped out, the dynasty with a total market value of 30 billion was completely collapsed, and huge debts.”

“Seeing him rising from a tall building, seeing him banqueting guests, seeing his building collapsed!”


The media like to attract eyeballs and bring traffic. Now that the Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry company is on the rise, the major media have frequent tricks, and they can always tell the story from different angles and attract people’s attention.

“It turns out that the OMG club belongs to him.”

“This person is really the light of the industry. I checked all the investments of this buddy, and almost all of them failed.”

“…Omg is regarded as his most successful venture. It used to be profitable, but now this club has nothing to do, and it is also a negative equity.”

“Strong, he is a descendant of Keda, invested in ofo, ofo is gone; holding shares in the family business, the family business is also ruined, it is estimated that his father regrets the birth of such a son in his life.”

“Hahaha, people are already miserable enough, don’t say anything.”

“Worry p, people have never enjoyed anything in this life, maybe there are more girls who have been x than you have seen, well, he is also quite young, and this life may be over.”

“…If you haven’t enjoyed it before, it’s okay, this sudden life change, that kind of gap is the most unacceptable.”

It is natural for people to gloat for misfortune. Everyone likes to watch those phoenixes that once stood high fall into the tragedy of pheasants.

Regardless of whether it is the psychology of hatred for the rich, or any other psychology, anyway, looking at someone who has been particularly awkward is unlucky, and you can satisfy your heart’s invigoration.

However, Comrade Xiao Wang is the most scolding mother among them. You unscrupulous media use Hao Yuanning as the material to attract attention. Why do you mention me? Didn’t I see that I have been so low-key recently!

It’s no wonder that Xiao Wang is not low-key. His Yida Group is also in a state of desperation due to some rumors on the Internet.

Almost all of the foreign assets that he wants to transfer and buy are losses. The group debt is already scary. Recently, Lao Wang can only find a way to survive by breaking his arm and abandon his car to save his handsome.

Divide part of the valuable property to repay debts. Only in this way can the debt ratio of the group be reduced.

And Comrade Xiao Wang’s National Treasure Station can be seen in the eyes of knowledgeable people. It is estimated that it will not last for two months. Bankruptcy is inevitable.

It’s just that in the eyes of outsiders, he is still the son of the richest man with a net worth of six billion, and he has unlimited beauty.

Xiao Wang too understands that he might be the next Hao Yuanning to be regarded as a joke by everyone, but his family is large enough to not be completely ruined like Hao Yuanning’s.

For this reason, he has only been so low-key recently, but who would have thought that the media would not give him face-to-face.

This is probably the downside of being an Internet celebrity. When you are developed, the whole world touts you; when you are down, the whole world laughs at you, and traffic is a double-edged sword.

That is to say, under this circumstance, the shares of Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry listed in Xiangjiang have truly and completely collapsed, and there is no possibility of a turnaround. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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