Chapter 425 Niubu Niu x Look at the license plate

Chen Yi does not have a company in the Imperial City, so naturally there is no full-time driver to pick him up, but although there is no full-time driver from the company, there is a full-time driver from Grandpa.

“Huh… the imperial capital is really cold enough.”

As soon as she left the airport, Chen Jin rubbed her slender and white fingers and stamped her feet on the spot.

She has changed into a light-colored coat with heavy fluff around her neck and wrapped herself tightly. The lower body is not wearing a skirt or fashionable split pants, but is wearing Chanel winter trousers. .

“It seems that there will be a cold wave coming from the north in two days, and the temperature in the imperial capital will drop sharply. Sister, please keep warm and don’t catch a cold.”

Chen Yi walked beside Chen Jin and said.

He is wearing a light gray long-sleeved trench coat, and his straight trousers make his legs slender.

Around his neck is a beautifully colored collar, which hangs down at both ends of his neck. With his height and handsome appearance of over 1.8 meters, people only think that he is a star.

“I’ve lived in the imperial capital for so long, I don’t know yet~ Keep warm?”

Chen Jinbai glanced at him, and lifted one of her slender legs. Unfortunately, she was generally flexible, but that leg was not raised high. She smiled and said, “…The long trousers and warm pants are all put on, saving you money. Frozen yourself into old cold legs-.”

“…You have to say that the biggest change after growing up is that you don’t need to remind your parents to wear long trousers, and you don’t need to remind you to eat more vegetables and less meat.”

Chen Jin shook her head and sighed, this is growth.

“Sister, what you said finally looked like my sister-in-law. If you didn’t see you, you just heard these words, and thought you were a forty-year-old aunt.”

Chen Yi raised his hand and plucked the unknowing hair from the collar of Chen Jin’s coat, jokingly.

“Big nephew, do you think your sister-in-law is old? What if you see a real person, do you look like a forty-year-old aunt?”

Chen Jin raised her eyebrows and threatened.

“That’s not like it.”

Chen Yi shook his head again and again, “…just how beautiful you are, my sister, how can you say that you are a 40-year-old aunt? Just so sensible and obedient’.”

Chen Yi learned the true ‘old aunt’ voice and performed there with a pinch of precision, making Chen Jin amusedly giggling.

“Don’t tell me, you really look alike, but my eldest nephew, you have exaggerated a bit. How do I look like a high school student? Don’t say that. I am still older than the little sisters of high school students. ‘S sister’s.”

Chen Jin’s face almost bloomed with a smile, like a water lotus, with a faint wave of water.

“Then sister, don’t you look like a high school student?”

“It’s a female college student at best!”

Chen Jin said without shame.

Chen Yi smiled ‘huh’, his sister-in-law’s face is really big, female high school students and female college students, aren’t they all young girls!

Sister, you are twenty-eight! !

Seeing Chen Yi’s disgusting expression, Chen Jin, who has been with him for so many days, probably guessed what he was thinking, and immediately reluctantly, he gave Chen Yi a chaotic blow.

The two of them joked while walking out of the airport VIP building, and then they saw a tall man in his thirties standing there, wearing glasses and combing his small flat hair.

After seeing Chen Yi and Chen Jin, he just smiled and greeted him, “…Xiao Yi, Jin Jin, you are back!”(Read more @

“Brother Zhang!”

Chen Yi and Chen Jin shouted in unison.

Then Chen Jin glared at Chen Yi and said, “…big nephew, you take advantage of me. Why do you call me like that, brother Zhang? You have to be Uncle Zhang!”

“Oh, Uncle Zhang!”

Of course Chen Yi knew that his sister-in-law was just teasing him, but he also shouted with a serious expression.

Seeing this, Secretary Zhang hurriedly said: “…Don’t, let’s just call me Brother Zhang! Who is Jinjin, you are so young, hey, this generation is chaotic.”

Secretary Zhang also shook his head helplessly.

Although he called Chen Jin very kind, it was more like the closeness of brother to sister, and it also had some flattering meanings.

Chen Yi knew that Secretary Zhang had been married a long time ago and his children were in elementary school. After all, the grandfather couldn’t let an unmarried man in his thirties stay with him. He would always meet Chen Jin.

Grandpa would also worry about who was deceived by his daughter.

To some extent, Secretary Zhang, the person who has been taking care of the first person’s daily life, is just like the first person’s family. He is a true cron, and of course there is no limit to anyone taking care of his future.

“I’m relieved to see you two get along so well, and the first person is probably also relieved.”

Secretary Zhang said with satisfaction.

At the beginning, the grandfather was very worried about whether Chen Yi and Chen Jin could see each other, and whether they would have conflicts. His secretary was often comforted.

But now it seems that there is not much difference in age between the two, and they can play together.

As for the mess of generations, no one cares about it in this era.

“The car is not allowed to drive here, it’s cold outside, let’s go quickly.”

Secretary Zhang greeted, Chen Yi and Chen Jin walked with him to the parking lot.

It’s still a very ordinary Audi, but the license plate is quite impressive. If you don’t look at the exterior of this car, it may be hundreds of thousands, but the decoration inside is at least several million.

If you add a license plate, you can’t buy it if you have money.

Coming to the car, Chen Yi took a quick step, helped my sister-in-law open the car door, and made a please gesture.

Chen Jin came to the car with a beautiful smile and watched Chen Yi block one hand at the extension of the car. After she sat down and drove, she closed the car door and sat in the co-pilot by herself.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Secretary Zhang smiled when he saw this. Even if he was facing the leader, he didn’t need to do this. The leader was a soldier, and he would do all these things by himself, and he didn’t need to take such diligent care from him.

Because of this, Secretary Zhang did not have the habit of taking care of girls when driving for Chen Jin. Now that he saw Chen Yi out like this, he realized that he seemed to be a bit of a straight man.

“Xiao Yi, are you going back with us?”

Secretary Zhang asked after starting the car.

When the car drove away, there were guards saluting the car.

“No, Brother Zhang, you can take me home first. Then you will talk to Grandpa and say that I will visit him and grandma in two days.”

Chen Yi shook his head in response.

“Well, yes, you have been studying outside for half a year. When you come back, you should accompany your parents first. Don’t study with your sister-in-law. You will be away from home all the time. Even your parents are almost forgotten.”

……. .. 0

“…At that time, take a look at bringing your parents here, the first person will definitely be happier.”

Secretary Zhang teased Chen Jin sitting behind.

“Don’t think I can’t hear you, Brother Zhang! Be careful when I’m going to my dad’s book with you!”

Chen Jin said irritably.

Secretary Zhang smiled and couldn’t answer, he and Chen Jin were more familiar with Chen Yi than Chen Yi, so naturally he would not take Chen Jin’s words seriously.

At this moment, Chen Yi suddenly received a text message. He picked up the phone and looked at it and found that it was a message from Ferrari headquarters.

The content is very simple, that is, his La Ferrari aperta has been shipped from the headquarters to **, and has passed the customs, and has now been delivered to the 4s store in the Imperial Capital.

The engineer from the headquarters is carrying out the final commissioning, so that he can pick it up the day after tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, this car will come very quickly, so that’s okay, he will have a car to drive in the Imperial City, so he doesn’t need to buy a new one.

“By the way, Brother Zhang, did I ask you to help me get the license plate ready?”

The new car is about to start, and Chen Yi thinks of the license plate.

Secretary Zhang, who was driving, said with a package ticket: “…Your car has arrived? The license plates are all trivial matters. I’ll take care of it for you. You can choose some good numbers at will.”

It is hard to say how many people in the imperial capital are going to win the lottery. The probability of winning the lottery and the lottery once every two months, some people have calculated that even if they live to be 100 years old, the lottery rate is only 70%.

But Chen Yi can get a license plate at will, and as long as it is a number that no one uses, he can choose it at will.

Everyone says whether he has the money to see what luxury car he drives, and what is the number of his license plate. Chen Yi only really understood it at this time.

Even if you drive a car of tens of millions and see a Santana with the license plate ‘Army’ at the beginning, you have to weigh it. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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