Chapter 430 This wave of blood loss!

“This chair looks very advanced, don’t let me sit down.”

The teacher was sitting on a solid wood chair, touched the handle of the chair with his hand, and joked.

The chair is directly carved from a whole piece of wood, whether it is the outer coating or the fine carving craftsmanship, it has an ancient atmosphere.

From this look, it is known that it is a very old antique, not a modern factory assembly line product.

“Everything in this club is called, everything in the club is antique, only people are new-.”

“… Coming and going, how many people are ups and downs, some people get rich overnight, squeeze into the upper class, and can openly join such a private high-end club-become a member.”

“But maybe it will be quail-clothed noodles in two years, and I don’t even have the qualifications to enter here.”

“…This is a huge vanity fair. Achievements and successes have no meaning in the moment. Only if you walk on thin ice and have awe for everything, you can only be considered a small success after a century-old family.”

Chen Yi sighed, as if he was speaking to a teacher who was a prostitute, but also as if he was speaking to himself, always alerting himself.

Although he has a system, he must not completely rely on the system. In case the system is gone one day, he will not become the person who is being laughed at. By then, it will be too late to discover that the clown is himself.

Only when you have a system and still work hard to make yourself stronger, then the system is nothing more than an addition, and you will always stand in the forest of the strong.

The prostitute teacher touched the carving on the armrest of the wooden chair, and smiled honestly: “…I don’t understand these old prostitutes, Shao Chen, it’s too esoteric. I’m just a layman.”

Saying that, the prostitute teacher also sighed in my heart.

Don’t look at him now, he’s proud and full of ambition, from being an ordinary lol e-sports player to becoming a leading anchor, to entering business.

With all the hard work and luck, he is now almost worth hundreds of millions.

For ordinary people, it may be a huge asset that is unimaginable, but in the eyes of those real bigwigs, he is actually a small person, which is just a small goal.

It’s like the clubhouse he is currently in. The prostitution teacher understands that if he is himself, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to enter, and he can’t even find the door.

“Don’t say these sad things, I came to the prostitute teacher to talk about the future of the e-sports industry, to be precise, the future of lpl…”

“…Does the prostitute drink? The wines here are all good wines. Although they are more expensive than the market price outside, they have a complete range.”

Chen Yi walked to the wine cabinet and asked while looking at the wine inside.

Of course, the wine in the wine cabinet is not complete, but as long as you want to drink, one order, and the service staff will immediately bring the famous wine you want.

“Old prostitutes, my liver is not good, but I can’t drink alcohol. I didn’t understand this before, but now I understand that the body is important, keeping the figure is more important, and obesity is not a good thing.”

The prostitute waved his hand and said, fearing that Chen Yi would not believe him, thinking that he would not give face to face, he added: “…If it gets worse, surgery may be required.”(Read more @

He let out a long sigh, and fear flashed across his face.

When I was alone, I only had one life, but he was fearless. After this developed, he was afraid of this and that, and he was even more pitiful.

“I also drove here, so let’s not drink, how about drinking tea? The mother tree Dahongpao of Wuyi Mountain can’t be obtained here, but there are still some Dahongpao grafted from the mother tree.”

“…It’s not that I don’t give face to the teacher, the mother tree, Dahongpao, although I am a little bit, but I can’t bear to drink it.”

There is a complete set of purple sand tea set in the room. Chen Yi found the tea pot, sat opposite the teacher, and showed him a tea art.

The mother tree Dahongpao was naturally obtained by Chen Yi from the grandfather, but only one kilogram a year is produced, even the grandfather does not have much in stock.

Chen Yi felt that before the skill of tasting tea was upgraded, he was reluctant to taste the taste of tea, which is called Zhubajie swallowing ginseng fruit.

Besides, the mother tree is not allowed to be picked now.

When the prostitute teacher heard Chen Yi’s words, she didn’t think Chen Yi didn’t give face or even felt that she was not qualified.

At the same time, he also knew that Young Master Chen really had a strong background, and he had to know that that kind of tea was a rare product that money could not buy, and that it was really priceless.

It was possible more than 20 years ago, but now that only the top people can get it.

Chen Yi used his self-taught tea art to make two cups of tea.

Teacher whoring doesn’t understand tea, no matter how good the tea is, he can drink jujubes wholeheartedly, but at this time he smelled the tea made by Chen Yi, and his index finger was violent.

“Chen Shao, you have a great craft!”

With a thumbs up, although the prostitute teacher has never learned this, he also understands that the real good tea is not just made with water, it really requires a variety of professional techniques.

Chen Yi smiled and didn’t say anything. He blew the floating tea, took a sip, and said: “…Does the prostitute know that the lpl organizing committee is preparing for alliance recently?”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

The prostitute also took a sip of tea following Chen Yi. After putting down the cup, he frowned, and said cautiously: “…I also heard about it, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not.”

Although he is no match for the big bosses in the e-sports industry, he has a high status and a wide network of contacts, so he can know some news in advance.

“I can tell you with certainty that this news is true.”

Chen Yi’s words are conclusive.

Before, he asked Han Yifan to write a professional report and submit it to the organizing committee, hoping that the organizing committee would reform and make alliances.

This can bring more capital to the game. Although this will make the lpl league a game for the rich, it is excellent for the future development of the league.

Especially with the NBA Beads and Jade in front, many rules can be used, there is no need to re-determine the rules, which saves a lot of effort.

……. .. …….

But who would have thought that the organizing committee had this idea a long time ago, and it is already in implementation. It is a coincidence. To blame, I can only blame Hao Yuanning for not paying attention to it before, otherwise Chen Yi will not miss it.

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, the teacher’s heart beats, and his heart feels a little uneasy.

“Chen Shao, what is going on with this alliance? I have some understanding of NBA, but the specific situation is not very clear.”

This is a matter of self-interest, and the prostitution teacher dare not take it seriously.

“In short, the organizing committee hopes that more big capital will enter the stadium, making the lpl league more popular and having more sponsors.”

“…Although the size of LPL is far from that of NBA, the future development of e-sports is optimistic. This can be regarded as the organizing committee’s preparation in advance. Now there is one point short of the league’s explosive point.”

Well, for example, if a certain lpl team can win the world championship, then the first year of e-sports can come.

Chen Yi said roughly.

After a pause, he said again: “…to say that you have the greatest impact on the prostitute teacher, that is, the promotion and demotion system will be cancelled from now on. There will be no teams from ldl that can be promoted to lpl, and the lpl team will not be downgraded. ”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the prostitutes were all stupid, and slapped them on the table with a slap.

“I hit your banana peel, this wave of my old prostitutes is really blood loss, blood loss!”

His face was depressed.

Because his ym team happened to be second this year and lost the qualification to be promoted to lpl, then if the alliance is made, doesn’t it mean that his team will always be the ldl league team?

And this is what Chen Yi wants. zero.

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