Chapter 435 Let a woman come for thousands of miles

For a meal, the host and the host enjoy it all.

Both Chen Yi and the prostitute teacher were very satisfied and got what they wanted.

“After I go back, I will ask someone to move the club to Shanghai. These trivial things will be handled by the staff, so you don’t have to worry about the prostitute.”

“… But with regard to signings and other issues related to the e-sports industry, you have to take care of the prostitute teacher in the early stage.”

Leaving this private club, Chen Yi and her teacher said on the way.

Although Chen Yi, as a member of the imperial capital, he should focus his main business energies on the imperial capital, but Chen Yi is expected to stay in Shencheng in the next few years. Therefore, it is most appropriate to place the core industry in Shencheng.

Moreover, in terms of purely economic development, Shanghai is more open, and future urban planning, the imperial capital circle is dominated by research-oriented high-tech talents.

“No problem, I also have team experience as an old prostitute, so I can definitely manage it well.”

The teacher promised, patted his chest.

Seeing this, Chen Yi nodded with satisfaction.

The middle and high levels of the omg club are all former Hao Yuanning people, who have been opened by Chen Yi a long time ago, and it takes time to recruit people again.

The presence of an experienced professional like a prostitute teacher can save Chen Yi a lot of effort.

“I still want to ask the teacher to have fun with you, but I think that you can’t drink, just forget it… I’ll introduce some friends to you when I have a chance.”

Chen Yi patted the teacher on the shoulder and smiled.

The teacher’s eyes lit up immediately.

Friends who can play with Chen Yi are definitely not low, at least they are in the same class as Xiao Wang.

Maybe those people don’t pay much attention to him as a celebrity in the e-sports industry, but just knowing these people is enough to benefit him in many things and many places.

This is the same as Chen Yi used to rely on others to get to know higher-class people, but now Chen Yi is qualified to introduce to others.

“Not much else, I would like to thank Shao Chen for the old prostitute!”

The prostitute said gratefully.

“Where does the whoring teacher live now? I’ll take you back.”

When he came to the parking lot, Chen Yi said.

The teacher was not polite, and directly reported the name of the hotel, which was the luxury hotel near the Bird’s Nest on the North Fourth Ring Road.

When I got into Chen Yi’s car, the teacher who was sitting in the co-pilot was very awkward. He twisted his body and joked: “…Old prostitute, I don’t want to let Chen Shao’s chair collapse. ”

The space in the sports car was too small, and the prostitute felt his fear of driving a Ferrari in the first place.

“Hahaha, it won’t happen. If there is a problem, I have to go to the Ferrari headquarters to settle the claims. This is especially for the handling of goods!”

“Hahahaha! Shao Chen is really grounded!”

When the two chatted and laughed, Chen Yi turned on the navigation, and at night the Imperial Capital finally drove a lot smoother. In the cold winter air, he sent the prostitute teacher to the hotel.

With a wave of hands, the two agreed on a time for the next meeting in Shencheng.

After the prostitute walked into the hotel, Chen Yi parked the Rafa on the side of the road, blowing the warm air in the car, and took out his mobile phone to find a phone number.

After waiting for almost twenty seconds, the phone was connected, and a sweet and light female voice came from it, “…Sorry, Shao Chen, I was broadcasting just now. This is a call from the bathroom.”

“… Shao Chen, it’s the first time you called me. Is there anything wrong?”

In a luxurious residence in a high-end district in Shencheng, Chu Qiang hid in the bathroom, holding a mobile phone, and whispered with surprise on his face.

Of course, she didn’t buy the house, but rented it. The monthly rent is more than 20,000 yuan.

Unless you can get to the top anchors like the prostitute, it is impossible to buy this kind of house with a tens of millions of dollars.

Chen Yi used to contact her to send vx. This was the first time he took the initiative to call, and Chu Qiang was also a little excited.

She is also very smart. Instead of answering the phone during the live broadcast, she went to the bathroom.

“On the live broadcast? Then I will make a long story short.”

Chen Yi is also an empathetic person, able to understand the difficulties of others.(Read more @

“Didn’t I tell you last time that I would help you ask about changing platforms.”

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Chu Qiang was startled. Although Chen Yi did say this, Chu Qiang at that time only thought Chen Yi just said it casually, and didn’t even think about it.

After all, as a young man with his own career, Chen Yi does not expect to put extra thoughts on a female anchor like her.

Especially Chen Yi didn’t show her covetousness, so Chu Qiang didn’t take it too seriously at the time.

But who would have thought that Chen Yi still remembered this. As a woman, he was moved for no reason.

She suppressed the excitement and asked: “…Shao Chen, what do you mean?”

“I asked someone to help you go to other platforms to ask questions. It is very likely that you will go to Hutooth. The live broadcast contract given to you is definitely the highest price contract that meets your status. Hutooth will not give you a recommendation. Embarrassed.”

“…Even if the national treasure collapses, you won’t have nowhere to go. You can even get to the next level. Of course, there is a price.”

Chen Yi sat in the car and unfastened his seat belt, looked at the night view of the imperial capital outside the window, and said with a chuckle.

“Me, what price do I have to pay?”

Chu Qiang’s heart jumped, the first thought was that the body is the price.

If Chen Dashao really made a request, what would he do? Should I be politely reserved first, or agree directly?

Does he like to be active or passive?

When this thought came up, Chu Qiang herself was shocked, because she found that she didn’t even have the idea of ​​rejection in her heart.

Chen Yi is really so handsome and excellent. Chu Qiang doesn’t even feel that she is losing. Even if it is the first time that she has never had a boyfriend before, she is willing to give her most precious things.

Just when Chu Qiang was upset, Chen Yi laughed: “…I entrusted my friend to do this. You just leave Xiao Wang’s company and join my friend’s union.”

“…Don’t worry, I also have shares in his union, and he also has some big anchors. You should have heard of Teacher Ma? They are all together.”

“You are my person. I will definitely not let you suffer. I will let my friend give you the highest percentage of the contract, and you will not be lost in publicity.”

Chen Yi’s words are quite magnificent, saying that he is squeezing employees into me begging for you to do things for you.

Chu Qiang didn’t know that Chen Yi was simply offering a Buddha by borrowing flowers. She was just moved that Chen Yi was willing to beg for her, and her voice was a little choked for a while.

“Thanks, thank you, Shao Chen… I’m sorry, I’m a little excited, I don’t know what to say.”

Chu Qiang, who was in the bathroom, wiped the corners of her eyes, her eyes were a little red, she didn’t even perform.

If an average male licks a dog to do this for her, she even thinks it might be taken for granted.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

But what Chen Yi’s identity is, it is impossible to look at her directly, she should be licked, but for her to be able to do this step, if Chen Yi is in front of her, it is estimated that Chu Qiang will be able to hug and kiss her directly. .

Chen Yi is the true prince charming in Chu Qiang’s heart.

And Chen Yi’s next sentence made her heart beat wildly.

“I know that you don’t want to be limited to being an anchor. You also want to enter the entertainment industry to join Xiao Wang’s company.”

“…I also know some people in this regard, who can give you a chance. As for whether you can seize it, it depends on you.”

Chen Yi said lightly, casually, but with a convincing power.

Anyway, in the next one or two years, various women’s team selection meetings will spring up like mushrooms, and Chu Qiang will be sent to those women’s teams that will be famous.

And Chen Yi only needs to help her with some publicity. This is all trivial. If she succeeds, she will become an idol like Yang Chaoyue. That is also a cash cow, and he can make money. Why not do it? .

If you succeed, I help me make money. If you fail, you don’t work hard. This is really a business that is not a loss in any way.

……. … 0

Chu Qiang directly covered her mouth, her lips were shaking with excitement, and she said in surprise: “… Shao Chen, don’t worry, as long as you can give me a chance, I will definitely work hard!”

“Well, I believe you, your appearance is not bad, it should be said that you are very beautiful, and your singing skills are also very good. These are all your advantages, and you have personal settings and basic fans. What you lack is an opportunity.”

“… And I can give you this opportunity, depending on whether you can seize it.”

There is something in Chen Yi’s words-‘it depends on whether you can seize the opportunity’.

“Are you going to broadcast live in the few days after the New Year’s Eve?”

Chen Yi asked suddenly at this moment.

“At that time I will rest for a few days.”

“Have you been to the Imperial Capital?”

“Went twice.”

Chu Qiang jumped in her heart, biting her lip.

“Then you must have not played well in the Imperial Capital. Why don’t you come to the Imperial Capital and I will take you to play?”

Chen Yi stated his true purpose.

Even if you are a young girl, you have to let the woman take the initiative to send you a thousand miles away.

Chu Qiang didn’t hesitate, and said directly: “…Then I will book a ticket later, and I will tell Shao Chen your flight and time after booking.”

“Well, that’s it. You’re still live streaming there. Go back, or the audience should say you’re constipated.”

Chen Yi joked.

“Young Master Chen, you hate it~”

Chu Qiang giggled, and her soft and pleasant voice was full of flattery.

But she also hung up the phone and returned to her live broadcast room.

[Why does Chu Chuzi take so long to go to the bathroom? 】

[Maybe you can’t get shit! 】

[Does the fairy shit too? I just don’t know if it smells or not! 】

[The fairy is not a meal dew, but also eats whole grains. 】

[If it’s Chu Chuzi, I would eat shit! 】


Chu Chuzi looked at the more and more excessive barrage and said with a happy smile: “…Management, ban them all!”

Immediately, the barrage was full of laughter of ‘hahahaha’.

But at this time, Chu Chuzi’s mind was not on the group of licking dogs watching the live broadcast. She was already thinking about what clothes to wear to see Chen Yi.

She wants to seize this opportunity! zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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