Chapter 441 Want to see my girlfriend?

“Sister Mengmeng, who is this?”

Chen Yi looked at the man in front of him and wondered if he had a memory problem, because he had never seen this man.

The height is more than 1.75 meters. It is not tall or short for boys. It is enough. The skin looks very white. Although the facial features are not as handsome as Chen Yi, it is absolutely ugly. Xiaoshuai type.

He has a small hair and a smile on his face all the time, giving people the feeling that it is easy to touch.

However, based on Chen Yi’s current experience, he can see at a glance that this buddy’s smile is a bit fake, not hypocritical, but like the kind of fritters in officialdom.

“This is Li Boxuan, it’s me…”

Just what Zhang Mengmeng was about to say, this man named Li Boxuan interrupted her and said enthusiastically: “…I am a friend of Mengmeng, she is not from Tsinghua University, I happen to be from Peking University.”

“…At that time there happened to be a team communication, and we happened to know each other!”

“Buddy, we’re just waiting for you. I heard Mengmeng say that you are going to school in Shencheng? Which school is it? Maybe I still have classmates over there.”

Li Boxuan seemed familiar and enthusiastic, and wanted to pat Chen Yi on the shoulder, but Chen Yi escaped without a trace.

Looking at the faint hostility in the eyes of Li Boxuan, who claims to be a son of Peking University, Chen Yi smiled, probably knowing that he should be Zhang Mengmeng’s suitor.

First, I used Tsinghua and Peking University, the highest institution in the country, to show my abilities, and I also said that I met Zhang Mengmeng in the event and showed that I can get close to the water.

Pretending to know a friend as an excuse, secretly inquiring about Chen Yi’s school, as long as he is not from Fudan University, I think I can belittle him in this way.

Not to mention, he is not old but he speaks quite a lot.

The reason why I want to be so directed at me is probably because my brother is so handsome!

Chen Yi thought narcissistically.

Of course, the high school classmates of Chen Yi who came to the ktv party were not complete. Most of the people who came were also nerds at the beginning.

But Chen Yi is different. Whether it is appearance or temperament, saying that he stands out from the crowd feels that he is belittling him, which will naturally arouse Li Boxuan’s vigilance.

Unfortunately, brother is not interested in children like you, you have found the wrong opponent.

After thinking about it, Chen Yi nodded slightly at Li Boxuan. The young man’s arrogant aura caused Li Boxuan to jump in his heart, and he was not sure of his idea.

“Well, this is Li Boxuan. As he said, we met at an event at that time. This time I myself wanted to invite our classmates to a meeting and chat.”

“… After he knew it, he had to come over and play together, saying that he knew more and new friends. I don’t think he can do anything about it, so he can only come with him.”

Zhang Mengmeng didn’t have any particular dissatisfaction with Li Boxuan. At this time, she shrugged and joked.

She has a very cheerful personality, and she can play with anyone, and she often takes friends who she doesn’t know to get to know each other, so she doesn’t think there is any problem with Li Boxuan’s doing this.

However, Chen Yi knew that with Zhang Mengmeng’s cleverness and Li Boxuan’s initiative, she definitely knew that Li Boxuan was chasing her.(Read more @

The reason why he didn’t refuse was probably because Zhang Mengmeng didn’t feel anything against him, so he just hung himself like this.

She is beautiful, from a good family background, and she is cheerful and lively. This kind of so-called “goddess”, hanging other men is normal.

Chen Yi looked at Zhang Mengmeng carefully at this time, and saw that her long hair was combed into a single ponytail, and the curl of her hair should have been cut again after perming.

The white sweater has a cute pink pattern painted on it, and the bottom is a pair of simple jeans and the same white travel shoes, which is very youthful and energetic.

This is no different from Zhang Mengmeng in Chen Yi’s impression. She is the kind of energetic girl. The only thing that is different from the past is that she also puts on makeup and looks more beautiful and mature.

After all, makeup was not allowed in high school.

He immediately smiled and said: “…Sister Mengmeng has not been seen for more than half a year, she is really getting more and more beautiful, she is definitely a beautiful girl in Tsinghua University!”

In Tsinghua’s gathering place for science-oriented scholars, of course there are beautiful women, but they are definitely not many. With Zhang Mengmeng’s appearance, it’s absolutely no problem to be a flower or something.

“Xiao Yizi, you really can talk more and more, hey, don’t run away from my question just now, and ask you if you have a girlfriend!”

Zhang Mengmeng smiled and walked to Chen Yi’s side, beautifully staring at him, with a sense of interrogation.

Her features are not as perfect as Nan Jiyue, especially her nose is slightly hooked, but it doesn’t hurt her beauty.

Coupled with her slim figure and good personality, she is definitely more popular among boys than the over-perfect-looking women like Nanda.

Most people can’t stand Nan Jiyue’s character.

“If I don’t have a girlfriend, would you introduce me to Mengmeng?”

“Do you want Tsinghua female schoolmaster? I’ll introduce you if you want. I can introduce a few.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are a female student, as long as you are so pretty with Mengmeng.”

Chen Yi seemed to be deliberately teasing Li Boxuan, just winking at Zhang Mengmeng.

“Oh, Xiao Yizi, your requirements are a bit high…”

Zhang Mengmeng stretched her tone exaggeratedly, and she was very narcissistic, but her face was full of smiles.

Li Boxuan on the other side really looked anxious.

Zhang Mengmeng’s big eyes flickered, which really means something to Chen Yi.

It can be seen that Chen Yi’s changes are really too great, even giving her a sense of strangeness, but it is this strangeness that attracted her instead.

If it was Chen Yi in the past, because the two sides are too familiar, in Zhang Mengmeng’s opinion, there is less impulse to learn more about him.

And now, she has that kind of inquisitive curiosity about Chen Yi.

Chen Yi thought for a moment, and did not say anything that he did not have a girlfriend, and straightforwardly said: “…I have a girlfriend.”

When the voice fell, not only Zhang Mengmeng, but the girls who had been paying attention here on the sofa nearby also showed disappointed expressions.

Li Boxuan looked overjoyed, and subconsciously leaned against Chen Yi, his smile became sincere.

He is not stupid. When he encounters such a friend who is not threatening and has a good relationship with the girl he is after, of course he has to work hard to build a good relationship.

Although Zhang Mengmeng was disappointed for a while, she did not love Chen Yi deeply. She soon smiled sweetly and said gossiping: “…Xiao Yizi, who is your girlfriend?”

Chen Yi wanted to talk about Shencheng, but after hesitating for a while, he said: “…Emperor Capital.”

To be honest, Chen Yi doesn’t know who his girlfriend is. Now they all look like lovers. Among the girls with whom he has an ambiguous relationship, they have the highest appearance. Ruan Zhuyi.

Even a bitch is worse.

From Zhang Mengmeng’s words 0.0, Chen Yi can probably guess what she wants to say, so he pulled Nan Jiyue out.

Sure enough, I heard Zhang Mengmeng dissatisfied: “…Why don’t you bring me the sister of the Imperial Capital? Why, you are not willing to show it to us!”

“…Hurry up and call your girlfriend, let us see what kind of girl can make Xiao Yizi move you.”

She urged Chen Yi, but the voice fell, and the group of high school classmates followed suit.

“Yes, Chen Yi! Since it belongs to the imperial capital, let’s call it over and play together.”

“Yes, yes, call your girlfriend.”

“Now the Spring Festival, people may not be able to come out.”


A group of people are laughing and joking. At this age, everyone likes to booze, especially in the relationship between men and women.

Chen Yi smiled, okay, don’t you want to see my girlfriend, then let you have a look. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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