Chapter 448 Shenhao likes prostitutes too!

“I have booked a box at Da Dong’s Gongti shop. This is quite close to that. Let’s take a taxi.”

“…Li Boxuan, I transferred the taxi fare to you vx, and you helped everyone get the taxi there.”

Soon after Song Yu came, everyone couldn’t sing KTV anymore, they were just going to have dinner.

Da Dong is also a very well-known restaurant in the imperial capital. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to have a box without booking in advance, but with Song Yu’s ability, this is not difficult for him.

Song Yu considered everything to do, and even solved the trivial things like taxi fare, and he was very smart to hand over these trivial matters to Li Boxuan.

This member of Peking University’s Foreign Affairs Department did this trivial task easily, and he was also willing to do things for Song Yu.

A group of people walked out of KTV in a mighty manner. Li Boxuan had already used the mobile app to call a car. Although Chen Yi didn’t drink much, he drank alcohol after all, so it was naturally impossible to drive.

Song Yu also has an eye-catching price. He didn’t say anything to let Chen Yi ride in his car. The province was hated by Nanda.

There was a Bentley Continental parked at the entrance of KTV, and Chen Yi didn’t expect Nantah University to drive such a car.

As for why Chen Yi believed that the car was Nam Jiyue at a glance, it was because the color of the car was sulky pink.

It is rare to make Bentley pink.

Seeing that Nantah got directly into the driving position in the past, the high school classmates of Chen Yi were finally convinced that this pretty and somewhat excessive girl is indeed a white and rich girl.

Although they don’t know how much the car is worth, they still know the brand of the car, especially the Eurocar is still a supercar. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the car, but you must know that it is expensive when you see a supercar.

“Get in the car!”

After starting the car, Nanda drove the car slowly to Chen Yi’s side and greeted him. Chen Yi greeted the high school classmates and got in the car.

Before getting on the bus, he also saw the waiter who was in charge of the parking space at the entrance of the restaurant was seeing him off.

With the seat belt fastened, Chen Yi looked to the side and held the steering wheel. Nanda, who was afraid to look at him, just curiously said: “…The parking space you parked in was not in the restaurant next to KTV?”

“…How did they allow you to park? Did you grow up so pretty, or did you just get angry and have to park the car?”

Nan Jiyue heard the first half of the sentence and was still in a good mood, thinking Chen Yi was complimenting her for her good-looking, but as soon as the second half of the sentence was finished, his face immediately fell, and said in a bad temper: “…What is tantrum!”

“…I directly gave the waiter two hundred yuan, just as I ate in their restaurant!”

Chen Yi was stunned when he heard it, but he didn’t expect to have this trick.

It can only be said that although he has spent a lot of money since he was rich, and stays in a hotel of 100,000 yuan a night, there is still no such thing as Nan Jiyue. He has been prosperous since he was a child, and has the kind of money to open the way.

The parking lot is actually more than a hundred meters away from KTV. In order not to walk more than one hundred meters, Nan Jiyue directly spent two hundred. Who would spend money like this in a normal family, and it would be a big deal. !

Chen Yi tuts, he can only say that his thinking in some aspects has not changed.

At the door of ktv, Zhang Mengmeng watched Nan Jiyue drive away with Chen Yi, and felt a little annoyed in her heart inexplicably.

Her family is not poor, and the assets are in the tens of millions. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is already an absolute rich person.

But in the face of these real richest people, or in this imperial capital, her family’s property can’t make any water drift.

To some extent, Zhang Mengmeng is also Bai Fumei, but Bai Fumei is also hierarchical. Compared with Nan Jiyue, she feels like an ugly duckling.

…(Read more @

Da Dong’s Gongti shop is not far from here, and it’s less than ten minutes by car.

Of course, Da Dong’s most famous dish is roast duck, but besides roast duck, the other dishes here are also delicious, at least Chen Yi likes it very much.

In the box, everyone arrived one after another. Song Yu had asked the chef to prepare it in advance, and the dishes began to file one after another.

Because they are not familiar with Song Yu, and the students who have just gone to college are relatively shy, no one dares to get close to Song Yu. They are all looking for friends with whom they have a good relationship, and chatting while eating.

Li Boxuan wanted to get close to Song Yu in the past, but saw that Song Ge had been chatting with that Chen Shao. He was so smart that he didn’t go there, and the province made Song Yu unhappy.

“Chen Shao, are you interested in investing and cooperating in the film industry ` `?”

Song Yu knew that Chen Yi didn’t like white wine, so he ordered the most common beer and chatted with Chen Yi while drinking.

“Brother Song, you are an angry person. I didn’t talk about those corners, so I just asked, what is our cooperation method? Who do we cooperate with? With Song Ge, or Song Ge’s company?”

Chen Yi and Song Yu clinked glasses, and he asked straightforwardly.

“Chen Shao is happy, I don’t talk about those falsehoods. I invited Chen Shao to cooperate in the name of the company. Now my main job in the company at home is to attract investment.”

“…Compared with Shao Chen’s achievements, I naturally can’t compare with your achievements, but I am not afraid of Chen Shao’s jokes. I am still a bit self-motivated. I don’t want to make a big career, but I also want to help my family share some work. .”

Song Yu turned the wine glass in his hand, pondering the sentence.

“Brother Song, just talk about the specific situation, I don’t understand this aspect.”

Chen Yi groaned and said.

Nan Jiyue sat next to the two of them. Seeing that they were discussing business matters, Nanda also sat quietly and did not disturb her ears. Of course, she knew that when men were discussing business and business matters, she would not interfere in the past.

The proud man didn’t want to chat with other people, but in the end, he chatted with Zhang Mengmeng with a few words.

The main reason is that Nantah wanted to ask about Chen Yi’s previous high school life from Zhang Mengmeng, and wanted to know more about him, and at the same time, I could inquire about the relationship between Zhang Mengmeng and Chen Yi.

The big EQ is actually very high, it’s just that you don’t usually have the interest to express your EQ.

“Our company has good resources for the production and distribution of movies, and it also has its own contacts. Even for the review, it is related to being able to pass quickly.”

“…But we don’t launder money. Naturally, we make movies to make money, but movies, in fact, will always lose more money than make money.”

“You think the shot is good, the gimmick is enough, but the box office is bleak after a lot of publicity, and it may not be enough for the publicity fee.”

“…This detailed financial data report is available, everyone in the circle knows it, so I don’t care about telling you to Chen Shao. Don’t look at our company last year because of the x2 battle, but it lost a full 20 years ago. 100 million.”

“That’s two billion in tm!”

“…So before the movie starts in the cinema, you can always see a bunch of co-producer lists.”

“This is because we cooperated together in order to avoid risks and reduce losses as much as possible, but profit or loss depends on our own vision and ability.”

“…That’s why I want to ask Shao Chen if he is interested in cooperating. We are very professional in production and distribution, and we can easily control the crew without any surprises.”

“Chen Shao, you can act as a co-producer in your own name, or you can build a company. If you are cooperating, Chen Shao can also borrow our resources. Even if you want to do something, it will be easier.”

“¨〃…I think you understand Shao Chen.”

After Song Yu said a lot in one breath, he drank his mouth water to moisturize his throat, and gave Chen Yi a smile that you know.

Of course Chen Yi understands what he means. As a funder, there are big companies like Jingxi behind to support you. Of course, no one of those crew directors dares to fool you, they will treat you as an uncle, and at the same time they can get Many powers.

For example, put forward suggestions on some roles, to favor women who want to favor favors, and use them as bargaining chips in exchange.

Or maybe some female stars want to be in position, they can also make some transactions secretly.

Who has the most power in the crew? Of course it is the investor who paid for it! Unless you are looking for a director at the level of a national teacher, it is more difficult to manage.

This kind of thing is well known to everyone, but on the surface they deny such rules.

It’s just that Chen Yi laughed and said: “…Song brother, this is too much. I don’t know anything about movies. If I want to invest, it’s just blind investment with my eyes closed.”

“Haha, so I just suggest that if Chen Shao is interested, we can cooperate. If Chen Shao is not interested in this aspect, we are still good brothers, and we can also cooperate in other areas.”

Song Yu said sincerely that he valued Chen Yi very much, and he even wanted to be his own little brother to let him fly with him. Such a young person with the ability and ability is a fool if he doesn’t hold his thigh.

These second-generation richest generations also know that clinging to the thighs of the strong is the only way to succeed.

Chen Yi casually said at this time: “…I dare not say specifically, this will have to ask my assistant to sort out the information before I can decide whether to invest.”

Just leave this to Han Yifan. That person has the ability to collect information. Let him prepare all the information. Chen Yi can then judge whether he can invest.

Anyway, investment is everywhere, and money must not be rotten in the bank.

“Brother Song, what are you doing recently, can you talk about it? Of course, if it’s a confidential item, forget it.”

“There is nothing we can’t say. Everyone knows about these projects as soon as they start. Let me tell you, we are currently making a movie about a novel by Liu. Have you heard of “The Wandering Earth”?”

Song Yu paused for a while and continued: “…but the director is very demanding on details, and the crew has long been insufficient. He wants more investment from our company, but the company has been hesitant.”

“…Chen Shao, you should also understand our domestic movie environment. The market for science fiction movies is not good, especially when you hear domestically produced products, many people think it is inferior, and they prefer to watch Hollywood.”

“This is also the reason why the company has been hesitating.”

Chen Yi was stunned when he heard Song Yu’s words, and hurriedly said, “…I don’t have enough funds to make “The Wandering Earth” and need investment? How much does the director need?”

Fearing that Song Yu suspected that he cared too much, Chen Yi explained again, “…Actually, I am a big Liu fan!”

This opportunity to pick up money for nothing, don’t do it for nothing, even Shenhao likes to use prostitutes! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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