Chapter 454 Men should take care of their bodies

After having a meal with Nantah University, they just established a relationship, and the two who also had a relationship were at the same time.

The two of them didn’t go anywhere at night. They went back to the hotel and lay on the bed. They asked the housekeeper to prepare fruits, cakes, snacks and drinks. While watching the video, they whispered their affection to each other.

When it was the evening of the next day, Nan Jiyue’s parents finally called her and cursed her when this crazy girl would go home.

In no way, Nan Jiyue could only leave Chen Yi reluctantly and let him drive herself back.

The pink Bentley drove on the road to the imperial capital, and Chen Yi pretended to show an expression of ‘pain’.

Nanda’s face was radiant, with smiles in his eyes, like waves of water.

But of course Chen Yi is pretending to be like this. In fact, he is telling Nan Jiyue that I am dying, so you can rest assured.

With Chen Yi’s current physical condition, it is no problem to run a marathon.

Sure enough, looking at Chen Yi’s unlovable look, Nan Jiyue smiled and said: “…Is it okay, Chen Daguan!”

“Oh, dissatisfied!”

Even if Chen Yi is pretending, he still has to behave ‘brilliantly’ at this time.

Seeing his expression, Nan Jiyue felt even more proud, and said with a hum, “…Now let’s see how you find those messy women in the 747.”

Chen Yi secretly said in his heart that it is true, women, especially modern women, and this kind of white and rich beauty like a princess at home, how could they be really generous and let their boyfriend do anything.

Fortunately, I have foresight.

Hey, it’s hard to be a man!

Chen Yi lied in his heart and drove Nan Jiyue to the place where she now lives at the Fourth Ring Road in the Northwest.

He drove the car directly into the community and parked downstairs at her house, sitting in the co-pilot with a hesitant look.

Seeing this, Chen Yi was amused and said: “…It’s not the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The next time I meet is a year later, why are you so unwilling to give up.”

“You are not a girl, I don’t know that our girls are slender in mind.”

Nan Jiyue murmured. She pursed her lips and said boldly: “… Besides, what’s the problem with me not wanting to be separated from my boyfriend?”

“Of course it’s okay. I don’t want to be separated from Yueyue… just to hear Song Ge said that Director Guo has arrived. Would you like to meet Director Guo with me?”

Chen Yi made a move to retreat and advance.

Nan Jiyue hesitated for a while, still shook her head and said, “…Forget it, if I run out again, my parents will have to scold me to death, and I won’t go with you.”

“…I won’t stop you if you’re finished with Director Guo and go out to play with Song Yu, but don’t look for women who are inconsistent. Those women are too disgusting!”(Read more @

Although it seems to be warning Chen Yi, Nan Jiyue’s face is full of relief.

Given Chen Yi’s current state similar to that of the empty man, how could he still have that energy.

“I already have such a beautiful girl, where would I go to find women who are inconsistent!”

Chen Yi stretched out his hand and pinched Nan Jiyue’s tender and smooth face, with a smile on his face.

“Go, don’t touch me!”

Nanda slapped Chen Yi’s hand away, showing a look of disgust, but his eyes were filled with joy.

“Okay, go back quickly, don’t make our parents anxious again.”

Chen Yi grabbed Nan Jiyue’s hand, leaned forward with a face, and gently kissed the corner of her mouth.

“What do you mean by our parents? You are not ashamed… Then, I will go up first. If you are free, send me a message or call, and I will go and play with you.”

Nan Jiyue reluctantly said.

“This Spring Festival is not over yet, is there anything else in your family?”

“Even if it does, it doesn’t matter to me.”

Nanda’s wayward way.

She looked at Chen Yi who was sitting on the main driver, and said again: “…you don’t have a car to go back, you can drive this car directly, I put the key here!”

Nan Jiyue put the car key in the storage box in the car, which is exactly what you mean by sending you a pair of this car if you want it.

It’s worthy of being rich and big, millions of things really don’t care at all.

“Do you have any other cars to lend me to drive? It’s a fan and a fan, I’m a little embarrassed to drive out as a big man.”

Chen Yi said with a wry smile.

“If you can’t drive, I’ll just use this car. If you don’t drive, you can take a taxi and go home!”

Nan Jiyue who said this decisively unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car, smiling triumphantly like a little girl who stole candy.

Chen Yi laughed, rolled down the car window, and waved to Nan Jiyue: “…send me a vx when I get home.”

Although he is downstairs now, Chen Yi still warms his heart.

“Well, I see, you also send me a vx when you get home, pay attention to safety on the road, don’t drive too fast, will you play games together later in the evening?”

Nan Jiyue talked about it for a while, the old days were completely resolute and resolute. I didn’t expect that after having a boyfriend, it would be no different from other girls.

“I know, I’ll pay attention… Forget it at night, I’m a little tired, and I will go to sleep when I go back.”

Chen Yi said with a tired look.

Nan Jiyue’s face blushed. Chen Yi is so tired that she has to pay a lot of responsibility, and it is really not good for a man to lose his health. She understands: “…Okay, then you go back and take a good rest!”

With that said, Da waved his hand vigorously at Chen Yi, carrying his own limited edition Hermès bag with a price of over two million and trotting into the apartment building.

Chen Yi waited quietly downstairs for a while, and waited until Nan Jiyue returned home and sent him a vx before he put it on the block.

“I’m home, don’t stay downstairs, go back quickly!”

The floor where the Nan family lives is quite high. Chen Yi, who is sitting in the car, cannot see that he is probably lying at the window at this time, looking at Nan Jiyue downstairs.

After he returned a message, he started the car and dialed a phone number at the same time.

“Oh, my father is finished? Knowing that I called your little lover.”

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard the bitch’s soft voice.

“Well, it’s over, you bitch or not, are you going where to play?”

“I’ve been in the hotel for the past two days, and I haven’t been anywhere. By the way, the car you parked in Sanlitun, father, I helped you drive it back.”

“Well, it’s a good boy, Jinzhu Dad will reward you and wait for me in the house!”

While chatting with the bitch about sao, Chen Yi drove to the Ritz-Carlton.

This is the master of time management!

Of course, the most important thing is that men should pay attention to maintaining their bodies. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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