Chapter 474 World-class internet celebrities

In the executive suite of Pangu Seven-Star Hotel near the Bird’s Nest, Chen Yi and Chu Qiang are sitting on both ends of the sofa in front of a floor-to-ceiling window.

This is located near the Asian Games Village in the Imperial Capital, where the Olympic Games were once held. This hotel is the most luxurious hotel nearby and was originally built for the Olympic Games.

Compared to world-class hotel chains such as Ritz-Carlton and Shangri-La, the price of this Pangu 7-star hotel is more ‘friendly to the people’.

Just like Chen Yi’s view executive room, the price is only more than 10,000 per night, which is much cheaper than the Ritz-Carlton presidential suites that often cost 70 to 80 thousand per night.

Of course, it is not as good in terms of luxury and service, after all, you get what you pay for.

The sofa is very soft. Chen Yi leaned against a corner of the sofa with a soft cushion behind it.

Chu Qiang sat leaning on the opposite side of Chen Yi, which is the other corner of the sofa.

The two of them were covered with a thin blanket, and from time to time they could see Chu Qiang’s feet moving lightly.

Although Chu Qiang, who was leaning on the other corner of the sofa, was holding the phone in her hand and swiping something, she still noticed that her attention was not on the phone at all, but between her toes.

Chen Yi was also looking at the phone blankly, and occasionally noticed that Chen Yi was actually distracted. From time to time, he looked up at the opposite side and smiled at Chu Qiang.

Immediately, Chu Qiang’s cheeks were flushed, and she seemed a little shy, not daring to look at Chen Yi.

I don’t know how long it took before Chen Yi frowned. Chu Qiang was so frightened that she didn’t dare to move. After a stalemate, she quickly lifted the blanket and ran to the bathroom.

Soon after 757, Chu Qiang walked back from the bathroom wearing slippers. This time he sat directly next to Chen Yi. She bent a pair of snow-white legs, rubbed her toes and calf with one hand, and complained:

“…The legs are a little numb.”

Chen Yi laughed when he heard the words, and said: “…You are not good at this body, you need more exercise, do you want me to rub it for you?”

“no, I’m fine!”

Chu Qiang shook her hand quickly, for fear of what Chen Yi would continue to do to her. She is really aching all over her body now, just like someone who hasn’t exercised for a long time and was practiced vigorously by the coach for three hours in the gym.

The feeling of sore muscles really makes people unable to walk.

Chen Yi seemed to be really scared when she saw Chu Qiang, so he didn’t do anything. Instead, he hugged her slender waist and let her lean in his arms.

At this time, Chu Qiang was scanning Weibo. She changed her posture to make herself more comfortable leaning against Chen Ying, and moved her phone slightly to the left so that Chen Yi could see the content on her phone clearly. .

Girls always like to click in when they see videos on Weibo. Some videos are quite boring, and they just turn off after a few seconds.

And some of the funny videos are really funny. Chu Qiang just watched with Chen Yi holding his mobile phone, giggling in his arms from time to time.

At this moment, Chu Qiang happened to swipe a Weibo, and this Weibo was forwarded directly over 10,000.(Read more @

“A Chinese girl named Yu Zixi is on the Internet!”

The title of Weibo is simple and rude, and there are several long details below. Chu Qiang clicked in curiously and began to look through the detailed text inside.

In addition to text, there are many pictures in these strips, which look extremely vivid.

Chu Qiang read it roughly, and the content is about introducing a girl named Yu Zixi in China. She posted some videos of cooking in the countryside and uploaded them to the oil pipe.

But these simple videos have received a lot of praise on YouTube, and they have received millions of fans and tens of millions of views in a short period of time.

You have to know that this is YouTube, not a domestic video website. If you can have millions of fans and a few videos on YouTube, you can definitely be regarded as a ‘world-class’ celebrity.

This difficulty is much harder than having millions of fans at station b.

The entire article is about Yu Zixi. In addition to some video screenshots, there are screenshots of millions of fans and views on YouTube, as well as some translations of comments from foreign netizens.

Seeing this article, Chu Qiang said with some envy: “…This girl is already on fire, she just has to keep making the video.”

Chu Qiang was not a girl who had never seen the world before, and immediately understood that Yu Zixi’s fire was different from other people’s fires.

Yu Zixi is the first to become popular abroad, and this kind of person can be liked by foreigners, and there is no problem in the video, it is easy to get a large number of fans in China.

Because this will give people a sense of national identity and national pride, even if Yu Zixi is suddenly exposed to black material, it is of no use to her.

Yu Zixi’s basic disk is abroad. If you hack her at home, it will not affect her image on the Internet, and this kind of person will bring a sense of national identity to the people of the country. .

Chu Qiang understands this, so she is envious of Yu Zixi. Unlike her fans who may stay away at any time, Yu Ziqi’s basic board is too strong.

It can be said that this is the most convenient and famous road from foreign fire to domestic, but unfortunately it is also the most difficult road. After all, there are still very few Chinese that can be recognized by most foreigners.

Chu Qiang opened the comments on Weibo, and they were all overwhelming praise as expected——

“This sister is too fairy, I saw a fairy!”

“Niu x, this is the role model for spreading the culture of our country c. Look at those traffic stars. Except for their popularity and traffic in China, they are not counted when they go abroad.”

“Nor say that. These traffic stars are still well-known in the three East Asian countries, but outside the East Asian circle, the European and American circles really disagree.”

“Sister Yu Zixi is amazing, she is beautiful, has a good temperament, and her name is Xian’er, and the video shot is even more beautiful, and she is really beautiful when filmed in Hanfu, she is really a fairy Linfan.”

“Haha, let me tell those Europeans and Americans that Hanfu is the culture of our country, but you can’t let the stick country grab it again. Those people in the stick country still clamor that Hanfu belongs to them every day.”

“I watched this sister’s video when I was on YouTube, and I wondered why she was not well-known in China, and finally a big v noticed her.”

“Quickly, this is my sister’s account at station b. She also posted a video at station b. Go and watch!”

“Hahaha, look at those foreigners who still say they want to marry a sister. They want to eat, let them feel sour!”


The comments below Weibo were overwhelmingly praised by Yu Zixi that there was nothing in the sky, nothing on the ground, and all kinds of titles such as “stunning” and “fairy” were all used on her.

Although Yu Zixi is indeed very beautiful, it is not exaggerated to such an extent, but Weibo is like this, and to a certain extent this is considered politically correct.

“It seems that this soft article has a good response.”

Chen Yi nodded with satisfaction when seeing the increasing amount of forwarding and the number of followers of Yu Zixi’s station b account.

In just two days, Yu Zixi’s number of followers on station b has exceeded Chen Yi, and it can only be said that she is still popular with beautiful women.

When Chu Qiang heard Chen Yi’s words, she turned her head in amazement and asked, “…Shao Chen, do you know her?”

“Well, this soft article was written by me looking for these big Vs. As for Yu Zixi, she is my classmate, and she can be regarded as one of my employees.”

Chen Yi was also delighted to see that he became popular with a world-class ‘net celebrity’.

‘Also one of your lover. ’

After Chu Qiang heard Chen Yi’s words, she muttered in her heart.

At the same time, she also had a faint impulse.

She may not have such a life as Yu Zixi, but can she also go further? But to go further, she can only rely on Chen Yi! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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