Chapter 48 Why don’t you live with me?

As soon as he got out of the private room, Li Hui, who had been waiting outside, saw him. With a wave of his hand, two little brothers in black suits walked over.

Chen Yi was amused to see it, let alone, it looks a bit like a bodyguard.

Under the guardianship of two ‘bodyguards’, Chen Yi helped Ruan Zhuyi walk to the bathroom, secretly eating some tofu along the way.

Ruan Zhuyi may not respond when he drank too much, or he may be so confused that he knew Chen Yi was taking advantage of her, but he let him come under the stimulation of alcohol.

At the door of the bathroom, it was impossible for Chen Yi to enter the women’s bathroom. Before he let go of Ruan Zhuyi, he saw Xiao Gongju straightly free himself.

Ruan Zhuyi, who was holding the door and about to enter the bathroom, seemed to wake up for a moment, and said with misty eyes: “…forgot to take the bag, I, I will go back.”

As soon as she turned around, she saw Chen Yi standing in front of her with a smile and handing over the tissue bag.

Girls always need paper to go to the bathroom. Chen Yi knows this too well. Ruan Zhuyi wants to go back to get the bag and probably just to get the tissues.

There should also be paper in the bathroom, but Ruan Zhuyi just didn’t want to use the outside for fear that it might not be clean.

Ruan Zhuyi, who was bewildered, didn’t think why Chen Yi would understand girls so much, said thank you, and walked in.

“If you have anything, call me inside, be careful not to fall.”

Chen Yi exhorted loudly, and he went to a stop outside the women’s toilet, took out his mobile phone and looked at things casually, and waited quietly.

Girls always need time to go to the bathroom.

After a while, there was the sound of washing hands in the bathroom, and then I saw Ruan Zhuyi walking out of it. Chen Yi glanced intently. Xiao Gongju should have not vomited, but he woke up a bit after drinking.

Her body was still a little soft, and she squatted beside Chen Yi like this, holding her knees with her hands, her fair and pretty face was full of drunken blush, and her big clear eyes were also misty.

When people drink, they just don’t listen to their orders and dare to say anything.

Ruan Zhuyi didn’t know what was wrong with him. Like a wayward little girl, she said with a little temper: “…What do you care about me, why don’t you go find those little sisters.”

Chen Yi knew what was wrong with Ruan Zhuyi. He smiled and bent down and rubbed the girl’s long, fragrant hair.

Unlike Yu Jinyu, Ruan Zhuyi’s hair has not been dyed or permed, just like ink and wash, and it feels extremely smooth to the touch.

The young man slapped Chen Yi’s hand away, Chen Yi continued to laugh and touch the dog’s head, she patted it away again, and I continued to touch it.

After going back and forth a few times like this, Ruan Zhuyi lost his temper.

“What are you doing, we are not familiar with each other, don’t move!”

Ruan Zhuyi murmured, more like a girl’s delicacy.

Chen Yi squatted by her side. He is not drinking well now. Although he had drunk a lot just now, he was only slightly drunk, not far from being drunk.

“We’ve all played together, how can we be unfamiliar? Don’t turn your face and deny people!”

Chen Yi continued to smile.

Even though Ruan Zhuyi drank a lot, she could detect something in his words. She wrapped her right hand around her knee, and raised her left hand and punched Chen Yi several times.

The girl’s little strength, especially a girl who drinks too much, is like tickling.

However, Chen Yi still pretended to yell a few times and told her to lighten it. Ruan Zhuyi’s cold face showed a small smug, but he played more vigorously. After a few shots, he seemed to be relieved and let her go. Chen Yi.(Read more @

Under normal circumstances, she would never dare to do this to Chen Yi, it was too close and ambiguous, but after drinking, it doesn’t matter whether it is a man or a woman, she can do everything.

“It turns out that you don’t like it here. Let’s just go… Have you brought your phone? Send Yu Jinyu a WeChat to let her come out. By the way, let her put your bag and me in the car on the table by the way. Take out the key.”

“Aren’t you going to say hello to the young ladies who want to make friends with you? Just leave?”

Women, they always ask on certain questions repeatedly, but they are not persistent.

But despite saying so, Ruan Zhuyi took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat to contact Yu Jinyu.

“I’m not interested in them.”

“Then who are you interested in?”

Ruan Zhuyi blurted out, and immediately after speaking, her heart beat faster, and she looked away with a guilty conscience. She was really afraid that Chen Yi would say ‘interested in you’. Then she really didn’t know what she would do.

Ruan Zhuyi didn’t have a deep life experience. She used to study hard and the people she knew were mostly classmates, but she also knew that Chen Yi was definitely the rare perfect boyfriend candidate.

The person is handsome, rich in the family, will come, not dull, it seems to be very open wherever he goes, although a little arrogant, but he is not arrogant, even very grounded, even if Ruan Zhuyi is stupid, he knows this. Of men are rare.

Besides, even if you meet, people may not like you.

She is not low in EQ, she can see that Chen Yi’s initiative has some chasing meaning.

But how long have the two people known each other now? Will they progress too fast? In fact, these intimate and ambiguous contacts between the two have already passed away, and Ruan Zhuyi in the past could not even think of it.

What if he confesses? Should I say that the time we know each other is too short, and then contact us again?

But what if he thinks that I refuse, and then gives up?

No, giving up so easily shows that he is not serious.

Seeing Ruan Zhuyi holding back there and wondering what he was thinking about, Chen Yi felt amused.

This girl is really just like what Yu Jinyu said, she’s a boring little public act.

Chen Yi didn’t speak, and grabbed Ruan Zhuyi’s phone.

“What are you doing with my phone!”

Ruan Zhuyi exclaimed, mobile phones are very private things, and in fact, it is best not to look at each other between male and female friends.

“Add a WeChat and forget it when you get it.”

Chen Yi directly scanned the QR code and added the WeChat of both parties. When he returned the Apple phone to the screen, he saw that Ruan Zhuyi’s screensaver was a man.

Of course, this looks like a certain male celebrity. As a man, there is nothing to be jealous of in this respect, otherwise just wait for a fight.

Chen Yi directly opened his WeChat, flipped through the album, and sent it to Ruan Zhuyi.

This is a selfie Chen Yi took with a good angle before going out today.

“Why are you posting your photos?”

Ruan Zhuyi, who grabbed the phone, saw the selfie sent by Chen Yi, and asked stupidly.

“The male celebrity of your screensaver is not as handsome as I am. It is not ashamed to take it out and put my picture on it. After going out, it will be more face to others!”

Chen Yi raised his brows and smiled.

“Beautiful you, who are you!”

Of course, Ruan Zhuyi couldn’t change the screen saver. He just turned off the phone, but the whole person was a little vacant and he didn’t dare to look at Chen Yi.

When Yu Jinyu came out of the box, she saw the appearance of the two of them. She looked at Chen Yi weirdly and then at Ruan Zhuyi. This bitch forced the words back.

“Young Master Chen, are you leaving now?”

Seeing this, the sharp-eyed Li Hui hurried over and asked.

“Well, I am a little tired today and plan to go back. There are still people playing inside, so let them continue to make trouble.”

“Okay, then pay attention to safety on the road. You will inform Huizi in advance when you come next time, and I will arrange it for you!”

Li Hui said enthusiastically, as for anyone else in the box playing? Who cares about them, it’s important to lick them!

It costs hundreds of thousands of such customers to come to the nightclub, but the real VIP in the sales heart!

With Li Hui’s enthusiasm, Chen Yi walked out, while Yu Jinyu supported Ruan Zhuyi.

“Xiaogongju, can you go home like this? You are full of alcohol, are you afraid of being beaten to death by your parents when you go home?”

Bitch was a little sad at this time.

Ruan Zhuyi immediately stopped drunk when he heard it, “…No, I can’t go back like this, or Jinyu, call my parents and say I live with you?”

“It doesn’t matter to me, but do you think I can really live?”

Speaking of this, Yu Jinyu fell silent, and Ruan Zhuyi fell silent.

It seems that there is something wrong with the bitch’s family…

Chen Yi thought to himself, and then smiled: “…or else you all live with me!”

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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