Chapter 487 Me and Chen Jin’s child

Chen Yi suddenly hugged her waist, Chen Jin’s face was a little unnatural, but her unnaturalness was quickly hidden, and she said with a smile: “…Why did you arrive so late?” ”

Chen Jin stood up and walked behind Chen Yi, and helped him to take off his coat especially tenderly and hung it on the back of the chair. She was like a gentle little daughter-in-law.

Chen Yi’s young age only makes him look young because of the sufficient collagen that he brings.

But when Chen Yi puts on business-style clothes, coupled with his own temperament, no one can imagine that he is actually only 20 years old this year.

People only think that Chen Yi’s skin will look very white and tender if he maintains it well.

Chen Jin was very satisfied when she saw that her elder nephew was really obedient and put on a more mature costume.

He took the initiative to hug his waist just now. Although Chen Jin was a little embarrassed, he had to say that Chen Yi’s natural and non-pretentious behavior made people believe in their relationship.

Looking at the iron and awkward face of Xiao Han sitting opposite, I knew that Chen Yi’s performance just now would definitely win the Oscar.

After helping Chen Yi to take off his coat, Chen Jin quietly sat back next to Chen Yi. She turned her head and glared at Chen Yi angrily, as if she was blaming him for his actions.

It’s just that in Xiao Han’s eyes, it’s more like her own goddess’ anger towards her fiancé.

Chen Yi secretly smiled in his heart, but answered honestly: “…I parked the car, who knows that the underground parking lot is 25 times around, I found it after looking for a long time.”

“You are really stupid!”

Chen Jin commented on her eldest nephew.

That delicate appearance made Xiao Han’s heart even more depressed.

He looked at Chen Yi, who was much handsomer than himself.

Then he looked at the shy little girl with the goddess whom he pursued vigorously for several years in college, and then he continued to pursue it for a few years, and his mood became more and more uncomfortable.

Chen Yi called the waiter, and casually ordered a steak that was worth more than 700 yuan for one person, and then he held Chen Jin’s white and delicate jade hand, and said to Xiao Han with a smile:

“… Are you Jin’er’s classmate in college? She never told me about her in college, and she didn’t know what she was like in college.”

Chen Jin saw her hand being held by Chen Yi, her heartbeat was quickening, she pumped a little harder, but Chen Yi’s big hand was really too tight for her to take it back.

If you are struggling hard, it is estimated that Xiao Han on the other side will see that something is wrong, and Chen Jin can only let Chen Yi hold her hand.

It was just that when Chen Yi used the name ‘Jin’er’, her smile on her face remained the same, but she bit her teeth inwardly. The eldest nephew took advantage of herself, so she would definitely not be able to spare him.

This big nephew, this is going to rebel!

“Chen Jin studied very well in university, and many of our classmates are chasing her, whether it is an international student or a local student, there are many people chasing her.”

“…My name is Xiao Han, how do I call my friend? You have chased our goddess back then. If my old classmates knew, I don’t know how many people would have to beat their feet.”

Xiao Han pretended that he had a sense of humor and made a look that Chen Yi didn’t care about Chen Yi’s pursuit of Chen Jin, but he probably only knew how sore he was.

md, isn’t it that he’s more handsome than me, but I don’t necessarily have better family conditions and strong abilities!

He can only comfort himself in this way.

“Haha, just call me Chen Yi. Indeed, as you said, my daughter-in-law is not easy to chase. It took me a long time to chase after me. I just met my parents and talked about marriage a few days ago.”

“…When we get married, buddy, you must come and participate.”(Read more @

Chen Yi said enthusiastically.


Xiao Han smiled fake there, his face became more and more ugly, and he still had to answer Chen Yi’s words.

It must be a p, I am going to see the goddess wedding that I have been chasing for so many years, is this going to break my heart again!

Chen Jin on the side was also smiling brightly. Before he knew it, he and Chen Yi had a perfect match. She also told Xiao Han not long ago that they had just met their parents.

It’s just that Chen Yi is even better. He even booked the wedding.

“Hey, you are all high-achieving students in Cambridge, and you are all high school students. I am envious. I hope Jiner and I can follow her when we have children, but don’t follow me!”

Chen Yi sighed, there was a kind of happiness in the words, and there was also a kind of pretended flattery.

Chen Jin suddenly pinched Chen Yi’s hand hard, her teeth itching bitterly.

My eldest nephew, you are out of style, why are you even the child out?

If we have children, it’s either a super IQ or a lack of IQ. This is a matter of choosing close genes. Either we inherit all the advantages of both parties, or we have shortcomings.

Bah baah bah, why did I miss the baby!

Chen Jin was thinking wildly, but Xiao Han’s eyes lit up.

Others are not stupid. They already know that he might not be able to catch up with this goddess who has been missing for so many years. Unless there is a sudden ‘marriage crisis’ between Chen Yi and Chen Jin, he may take advantage of the emptiness.

However, as a child from someone else’s family who grew up, he was still upset about losing to Chen Yi like this. At this time, he finally found his excuse.

“Actually, it’s okay. When I was in high school, I didn’t study hard. In the third year of high school, I realized that I tried my best to study well, and I had the support of my family. That’s why I went to study in Britain.”

“…By the way, which school did you attend, Chen Yi?”

Xiao Han felt that in terms of academic qualifications, he should be able to overpower the man in front of him.

It is quite normal for him not to know Chen Yi. Chen Yi is not the kind of person that Zhou Dong has been familiar with all generations.

Chen Yi usually has no exposure, except for those who often go to station b, there are too many people who don’t know him.

“Me? I was studying at Shenyu in Shencheng, and I went to work after graduation.”

Chen Yi chuckled and said casually.

Suddenly, Xiao Han’s self-confidence rose again. He pretended to nod and said: “…Well, Shen Yu seems to be 211, right? It’s a good university.”

“…What industry are you doing now?”

Xiao Han asked again.

“The industry I’m doing is quite complicated. I’ve been involved in finance and the Internet, but the mobile game industry is actually the most promising for the time being.”

Chen Yi’s words made Xiao Han a little bewildered, and he couldn’t guess what Chen Yi did.

But it doesn’t matter, there can be any company stronger than bat in the country. That b may be a little bit weak, but this a is absolutely fine.

Xiao Han immediately talked eloquently: “…I studied finance in both my university and my master’s degree. After returning to China, I actually wanted to get involved in the financial industry.”

“…But I don’t think the domestic financial industry is transparent enough. There are too many off-market methods and there is no financial freedom at all, so I went to ali in the end.”

“Seriously, I have been abroad for so many years and I have a little say. Although the United States is not good in all aspects, we should learn from others in terms of freedom and democracy.”

Xiao Han is exactly what I am doing personally. I am really not fifty cents. I just tell what is good in the United States from the actual situation.

However, Chen Yi smiled in his heart. He was also a person who thought he had been abroad and felt that he was well-informed and superior. What age is this, and he is not interested in this kind of thing now.

If you really think that foreign countries are so good, why do you want to go back to your country? If you continue to work abroad, you won’t get 767. Maybe you can still get your own nationality.

Chen Yi laughed in his heart, but said in his mouth: “…Actually, I used to believe that, but since I knew the king came to power, I didn’t believe it anymore.”

Xiao Han’s face became stiff, and his heart was depressed.

Okay, after the king came to power, he completely tore off the fig leaf of the lighthouse’s democracy and freedom, making it difficult for him to be a party of fifty cents.

Xiao Han smirked, and had to say: “…There is indeed a problem with understanding the king, but I think the finance of the United States is quite good, and the supervision here is a bit too strict.”

“… Like the Basel Accord, I think it is a bit outdated. It does not fit the current era. It should be eliminated. The financial system should be reformed in some places, so that it can be more in line with the development of the times.”

Xiao Han said eloquently that Chen Yi probably didn’t understand the Basel Agreement, so he should not be able to refute what he said.

Chen Yi sneered at this moment: “…Don’t you understand, buddy, the financial system of the United States is for the greedy predators on Wall Street.”

“…If you really touch their cake, the group of people will definitely give you the table and financial freedom. Those people are best at changing rules and cutting off your network cable. This kind of messy things will definitely be done. ”

“As for the Basel Agreement, there is still this agreement. It is not the same as those on Wall Street that caused the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis. If this is not for the Basel Agreement, who knows what the chaos of the world financial market will be? .”

“…Even the United States has changed a lot of rules after the subprime mortgage crisis, making financial market supervision more stringent, why don’t you go to them to talk about financial freedom.”

“Hey, brother, don’t you work at Ant?”

Chen Yi suspected that this man was brainwashed by Dad Ma! .

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