Chapter 494 Miss in love

In the VIP terminal of Imperial International Airport, Chen Yi is resting in his own VIP room.

He leaned on the soft sofa, with a fruit plate placed on the coffee table in front of him, and he was watching the news with his tablet in his hands with his legs tilted up.

“Boom boom boom————”

There was a knock on the door outside the VIP room, and the sweet and cordial voice of the airport terminal attendant: “…Mr. Chen, your guest is here.”

“come in!”

As Chen Yi’s voice fell, the VIP room door was opened. A well-dressed waiter was standing at the door, and beside the waiter, there was a tall girl in lolita costume smiling at Chen Yi.

That was Nan Jiyue.

Nanda wears a lo skirt that is very European palace style. The skirt is very wide, and the waist is perfectly condensed, showing the soft and slender willow waist of the woman.

The color of the skirt resembles the fairy tale style of ink painting, lingering out.

And even her hair was dyed into a mixture of pale pink and pale gold. This pale tone made her look like a princess from a fairy tale world.

Seeing Nan Jiyue’s exaggerated dress, Chen Yi was slightly startled.

This dress seems to be called ‘Ludwig’s Lyricism of Longing and Fantasy’. Nan Jiyue once wore this suit before taking selfies and sent photos to Chen Yi using vx.

But at that time, the big selfie was only below the neck and didn’t show his face. It just made Chen Yi think that the clothes were very beautiful.

But now with Nan Jiyue’s alluring face, even Chen Yi, who is accustomed to seeing beautiful 770 girls, is a bit amazing for a while.

Seeing the stunning look in Chen Yi’s eyes, Nan Jiyue was proud of her. She pressed her cherry lips, her beautiful eyes were both upset and happy.

When the waiter left and there were only two people left in the house, Nan Jiyue turned around and said softly, “…How about this dress, does it look good?”

“The clothes are okay, mainly because the people are pretty. Even if my girl wears sacks, it’s fashionable!”

If Chen Yi compliments, Zhangkou will come.

Nan Jiyue was happy, but snorted: “…I know it sounds good.”

With a beautiful smile on her face, she walked over and sat on Chen Yi’s lap. She took the tablet that Chen Yi was looking at just now, and curiously said, “…what are you looking at?”

It’s just that when Nantah saw the words on the tablet, he was dizzy.

All of the above was in English, she was dizzy when she saw it, and quickly put the tablet down.

Nanjiyue is a Japanese major. Her Japanese is very good, but English is at the level of an average college student.

You can barely ask her to take the exam, but if you ask her to read the original English text directly, she is immediately confused.

“Bloomberg’s data terminal, since it has decided to invest in venture capital, it must always pay attention to the trend of the world economy and pay attention to issues such as exchange rates.”

“…And these issues are inseparable from the United States, and you cannot do without Bloomberg if you want accurate data. Even if I don’t love it, I have to pay attention every day.”

Chen Yi shrugged and said helplessly.(Read more @

Nan Jiyue couldn’t understand at all, and some did not understand what Chen Yi was saying, but she just thought Chen Yi was very powerful, and she looked at him with a small admiring look.

In her life, she has never admired anyone, but in front of Chen Yi, she always felt that she was worthless, and subconsciously worshiped Chen Yi.

Chen Yi was a little curious about her hair. He stretched out his hand and pulled Nan Jiyue’s pale pink hair. Feeling a little pain, he patted her hand vigorously, and said annoyed: “…What are you doing by pulling my hair?” ”

“Let me see if your hair is fake, it’s really dyed like this.”

Chen Yi said aloud.

“Of course it’s really hair. I didn’t allow dyeing when I was in high school, but now it’s hard to go to college. I have to try some colors I like.”

Nan Jiyue shunned her slightly deformed hair that was pulled by Chen Yi just now, and said happily.

“Then next time girl, you can try dyeing it green.”

Chen Yi teased.

“Bah, why don’t you dye it green!”

Da never admit defeat in a quarrel.

“Look for a fight!”


Nan Jiyue exclaimed, jumped up from Chen Yi’s lap, clutched her butt and stared at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi smiled and patted his leg again, and Nanda sat back reluctantly.

Chen Yi encircled her soft waist and put his chin on the girl’s fragrant shoulders, sniffing the shampoo of her hair lightly, closing her eyes and not talking.

Nan Jiyue also rarely enjoyed this moment of tranquility. She closed her eyes and leaned against Chen Yi’s arms, and put her arms around his neck with her backhand.

After a while, the door of the VIP room was knocked again, and the waiter’s cordial words came, “…Mr. Chen, Nan, it is already time to board the plane!”

“Let’s go, girl! Get on the plane.”

Chen Yi opened his eyes and kissed the corner of Nan Jiyue’s mouth. Then he frowned and moved his head away, wiping his mouth.

Putting on foundation!

Seeing Chen Yi’s expression, Nan Jiyue just smiled and trembled, and asked with a smile: “…How does the foundation taste?”

“There is the smell of you girl, um, it’s a bit sweet.”

Chen Yi pretended that the foundation tasted good and said.

“As long as your mouth is sweet, wipe your mouth quickly.”

Nanda took out the wet tissue from the lady’s small bag that she carried with her, drew her toes, and squeezed the tissue in her hand, carefully wiping Chen Yi’s mouth.

Her nails were also dyed light pink, and there were some beautiful patterns on them. Just such a pair of white and slender hands could make men fantasize.

Chen Yi took the wet tissue she wiped off in her hand and threw it into the trash can. Holding Nan Jiyue’s catkin, she opened the door and walked out.

The two went to the airport under the leadership of the waiter, where a Gulfstream business jet was already docked.

“I will also buy a private jet in the future. How about you make the design inside?”

Chen Yi squeezed Nan Jiyue’s hand and said with a smile: “…but I don’t want a small plane like Gulfstream, so I want Boeing.”

This matter needs a long-term consideration. A Boeing’s latest private jet requires a lot of money, and the interior decoration can’t cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

That is already the most luxurious of the big toys.

“This is what you said!”

Nan Jiyue said with joy.

“As long as you don’t paint all the inside pink.”

Thinking of Nan Jiyue as a fan, Chen Yi just complained.

Thinking that the Bentley she drove is also a fan, this is really a soft spot for this color, this is too princess.

Nanda chuckled and smiled, “…how do you know that I want to make it pink? I want to add some fairy tale style to you. I have thought of the name, and it’s called’Chen Yi’s Mobile Castle’. ”

“Don’t, be careful that Master Miyazaki sue you for infringement, let’s forget it, I can’t give you the design or something.”

“Hey, Xiao Yizi, how can you say nothing, didn’t you just promise me? You men are indeed liars!”

Nan Jiyue hugged Chen Yi’s arm tightly, teasing and laughing.

She likes this feeling, this feeling of love, this feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Looking at Chen Yi’s handsome profile, feeling the surging emotions in his heart, the first time he fell in love, he was already immersed in this happiness.

She hopes this happiness can last forever. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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