Chapter 543 Getting pregnant is an international problem!

Wearing a black gauze dress, the whiteness of the skin is crossed at the neckline, which can even show the master’s uprightness.

Grace Casirach’s dark golden hair was rolled up high, and her makeup was still very clean even in the prom.

Although she has profound facial features, she also has a touch of oriental sophistication. There is no need to use too strong makeup to reflect the three-dimensional sense. Just a little drawing will make her cool and elegant.

The skirt of the dress is split, and you can vaguely see a pair of slender legs that are enough to be a supermodel. The skin is firm, white and tender, vigorous and powerful. It can be seen that I always exercise regularly.

The black dress is dotted with many silver ornaments and finely divided diamonds. Apart from wearing earrings and necklaces, she has no extra jewelry.

The overall dressing seems to be attending an upper-class dance party, but also like walking on the Oscar red carpet.

Grace was already very tall, but now she is wearing a pair of high heels. She is already 1.8 meters tall. Even in Europe and the United States, such a woman’s height will give men a strong sense of oppression.

The slender and graceful feet stepped on crisp high heels. When she appeared at the ball, she immediately became the focus of everyone.

But today is not Grace’s birthday, so she is not the protagonist. Many guests raised their glasses to signal to her, and then they chatted with their acquaintances.

Grace first greeted her parents and elder brothers, and then accompanied the prince and princess to chat with a few elderly people who were getting older.

This is not the so-called respecting the old and loving the young, but it is actually the same in all countries.

The elders will always have more authority and social status. In this kind of dance, the host family will naturally come into contact with these elders first.

The first half an hour is the cocktail party time, each on stage to socialize with acquaintances.

Chen Yi was also chatting with Ambassador Cui and the people from the two embassies.

As the waiter walked by, Ambassador Chen Yi and Ambassador Cui each took a glass of champagne. It can be seen that Ambassador Cui often participates in similar activities and the etiquette is very good.

Of course, compared with the past aristocratic etiquette, the current dance parties and banquets have been simplified a lot, and those overly complicated etiquettes have long been eliminated.

The life of modern people is based on simplicity and simplicity.

“Ms. Casiraki is absolutely unique among all the European royal families I have come into contact with. Xiao Chen, you must seize the opportunity.”

“…With your body, appearance and ability, it fits Ms. Casiraki very well.”

Ambassador Cui is witty and humorous. As long as he is not the kind of diplomat who speaks to the outside world, he usually likes to joke like this.

If you have a stern face and you are not suitable to be an ambassador to communicate with foreign officials, it is easy to get into trouble.

“Ambassador Cui, I have already said that I have a girlfriend.”

Facing this ambassador, Chen Yi was also a little helpless, as if he was facing the urging of the elders to marry him.

Moreover, this ambassador will not speak too much, so you can’t get angry, and there are endless jokes.

“Anyway, no one knows in foreign countries, why don’t young people try it!”

Ambassador Cui’s secretary also joked.

He didn’t speak at first. After Ambassador Cui talked with Chen Yi for a while, he probably learned about Chen Yi’s character. He knew that he was a very easy-going young man, so he dared to make jokes.

“Your style and thinking are very dangerous, comrade, I want to participate in your book!”

Chen Yi also joked.

Immediately, Ambassador Cui, his secretary, and the military attache with straight back muscles all laughed out loud.

After a pause, Chen Yi said again: “…The status of the family is there, what if something happens? For example, if you have a big belly, this may be an international problem!”(Read more @

Ambassador Cui quipped: “…This is not the time to show my ability to work. Even if it is an international crisis, I can help you resolve it.”

A few people laughed again.

After the two sides got acquainted, they started chatting. Chen Yi listened to the ambassador talking about interesting things in France, and Chen Yi also chatted with him about some domestic affairs.

Just as the two parties were having a good time chatting, Grace had already walked here with her parents.

As the ambassador of country c to France, Ambassador Cui represents country c. With country c’s current international status and various investments in Europe, he is naturally one of the most important guests of the Prince of Monaco.

“Ambassador Cui, long time no see.”

The prince came to the people and raised champagne to toast.

Ambassador Cui also hurriedly responded with a smile, and said with a smile: “…It seems that I have to see your prince more often. Maybe soon, I will change to another ambassador.”

“Ambassador Cui ready to return home?”

After the ambassador Cui, the princess, the prince and the princess all met, the Prince of Monaco asked in surprise.

“I’m old, someone should take over. I have enjoyed my life in France for the past few years, but I miss my country even more.”

“…The ambassador who takes over, please take care of your prince.”

Ambassador Cui said kindly.

“If there is a party at that time, I will definitely go to it.”

The Prince of Monaco responded.

Then he looked at Chen Yi and asked in doubt: “…Do you know Ruian?”

Ambassador Cui knew that Ruian should be Chen Yi’s foreign name. He said vaguely: “…It is the child of the leader. The leader is afraid that he will be in danger abroad, so I hope that we will let the military attache protect him.”

“… But I have a lot of trust in Monaco’s security. This is the country with the highest number of police officers in the world.”

Monaco has more than 30,000 permanent residents, and its population is less than 10,000, but there are five to six hundred police officers, which shows the maintenance of public order here.

Ambassador Cui speaks very well, not only mentioned that Chen Yi’s identity is very high in c, so that the Monaco royal family dare not despise him.

At the same time, he also praised the law and order in Monaco, which made both parties happy.

Although Chen Yi doesn’t need these, he can gain the respect of others with his ability and accomplishment without the so-called identity.

And the Monaco royal family is also very friendly, not so messy.

However, Chen Yi inherited the little favor of Ambassador Cui.

“¨〃Ryan is a very good young man. Our family likes him very much.”

The Prince of Monaco laughed.

When these elders speak, Chen Yi will naturally not go in and interrupt. This is polite and courteous.

He just stood beside Grace and whispered: “…You are beautiful today, Grace.”

“Thank you, but am I not pretty before?”

Grace smiled gracefully and reserved. She kept smiling and watched her father talking to Ambassador Cui, her lips squirmed, and she teased at Chen Yi.

“How come, Grace, you have always been beautiful, but you are even more beautiful today. This black dress suits you well, and it is amazing that I have seen Venus under the cold moonlight.”

Chen Yi exaggerated his face without redness and heartbeat.

Grace smiled brighter, “…you are also very handsome, Ryan! And you have a special temperament, um, I don’t know how to describe it.”

“It’s fine if I don’t make a fool of myself. I didn’t expect to attend such an event when I came to Monaco. I didn’t even bring any clothes. I went to the store and bought it casually.”

Chen Yi shrugged and joked.

Grace’s clothes look like haute couture dresses, while Chen Yi’s clothes are ready-made products bought easily.

“With Ryan, your temperament and body, your talents and abilities, whatever you wear is an honor of clothes. It is not that you are going to wear those luxurious clothes, but those clothes are barely worthy of you.”

Grace replied very seriously.

“Thank you, chatting with you always makes people feel happy.”

Chen Yi turned her head, and Grace happened to turn her head too, and the two looked at each other.

She quickly looked ahead again, but Chen Yi always felt that she looked back a little faster.

“Where are you going to play in Ryan in the next two days? For example, the Monte Carlo Casino? In your country, these are all illegal, right.”

Grace’s tone was a little erratic, and she said softly.

“Well, it’s only legal to go to Aojing, but I still don’t go there. Anyway, I lose the rules.”

Chen Yi’s tone was a little helpless.

Grace pursed her lips and said jokingly: “… Indeed, Ryan, you are not very lucky in this regard.”

“That’s because meeting you Grace has spent all my good luck.”

Finally, following Chen Yi’s ambiguous love words, he saw that the crystal-like jade ears of the Princess of Monaco turned red. .

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