Chapter 55 Tsundere little public

Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu glanced at each other.

Who of us is Lin Daiyu and who is Xue Baochai?

In terms of character, Xiao Gongju is obviously softer, and has the fragile demeanor of Sister Lin, but the mouth of Lin Zhaodi in the Dream of Red Mansions is obviously more suitable for a bitch.

If you can’t tell, then don’t tell!

Chen Yi pointed Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu with his fingers, and said with a righteous expression: “…Qingwen is still an attacker, so don’t hurry up and serve Sister Lin and Girl Bao!”

The two girls walked over with a smile, took them to the recliner beside them, and directly pressed them down.

The slightly higher-end hotels have their own massage parlors, SPAs, and the like, such as the top luxury hotels like the Ritz-Carlton, and these services are naturally more complete and expensive.

After staying in the hotel for a few days, Chen Yi would go to a massage or SPA every day after fitness.

Once you come and go, you will be familiar with the technicians in the hotel. In this luxury hotel, there are certain requirements for the appearance of these service personnel, but the technical skills are more demanding.

Those who can come to the Ritz-Carlton for massages or spas are people with a bit of money. Some people have channels to find beautiful girls. They are really here for massage.

You can’t mix in this kind of place just because you have good looks and no skills.

These two girls, whom Chen Yi laughed as Xiren and Qingwen, are naturally incomparable with Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu, but they are also very beautiful, and their skills are even more lacking.

“Second Master Bao, what are you doing for Sister Lin and Girl Bao?”

The two girls asked jokingly.

Chen Yi didn’t think much, waved his hand and said: “…One person sets the mystery of the sea blue, 90 minutes!”

When I heard “Qingwen” and “Xingren”, they immediately smiled.

Although La.mer can not be said to be the top in the skin care industry, it is also one of the top cosmetics. Its facial cream is even more famous, and any one is thousands of dollars.

The Hailan Mystery SPA treatment selected by Chen Yi costs 2888 yuan per person for 90 minutes. The price is quite expensive. Naturally, the commission for these technicians is also high.

Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu wanted to refuse at first. Although Young Master Chen may not care about the small money, the relationship between everyone is now “friends”, so it is not good to spend money on them.

After hearing that it was Hailan Mystery Facial SPA treatment, the two girls immediately forgot how to write the word rejection.

No way, women love beauty, regardless of age, so they can’t refuse any cosmetics or go to beauty salons. As long as they can make their skin better and make themselves more beautiful, women are nothing. Do not use the extreme.

The richer the woman, the more money she spends on cosmetics and going to beauty salons.

Chen Yi saw that “Qingwen” and “Xinren” had already started preparing for SPA. He just took off his clothes, and only the swimming trunks were left.


Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu heard the sound of the two technician girls sucking their mouths.

Not to mention these two girls, even Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu want to lick them.

Before, the two of them could only see that Chen Yi had muscles from the biceps exposed at the cuffs of Chen Yi. They thought he was in good shape, but they could only imagine how good he was.

Now they finally saw Chen Yi’s figure.

With the help of the system, Chen Yi’s fitness efforts are very effective. Only in terms of posture, the chest muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, leg muscles, etc. are almost perfect. They are definitely the type of sportsman that girls desire most.

Men like to look at the figure of a woman, and the same is true for a woman. Seeing Chen Yi’s figure, the two girls are immediately irritated and emotional.

However, they didn’t wait to watch them carefully. They were pressed on the recliner by the two technicians and began to care for their faces.(Read more @

“Sister, your skin is really nice.”

“How do you usually maintain it?”

“Do you often go to the beauty salon for treatment?”

“You can come to us often for SPA in the future…”

The two technician sisters exaggerated Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu, and then began to encourage them to come often.

Chen Yi ignored this, after taking a deep breath, he plunged into the water.

He didn’t know how to swim before, but after having the system, he took a dip in the swimming pool for the first time and immediately saw the experience value of ‘swimming skill +1’ increase.

This way of seeing one’s progress with the naked eye can easily arouse people’s enthusiasm.

What the gym does to promote is ‘know about swimming and fitness’. It can be seen that the two are linked together. In fact, swimming may be better than fitness.

After a few days of swimming, Chen Yi’s skill level rapidly improved, and he still reached the pinnacle of amateur level. I saw him thumping back and forth in the swimming pool breaststroke, butterfly stroke, and freestyle, causing Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu who occasionally raised their heads to look towards the pool. Is dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this young man has such a strong swimming skills. Although he can’t be said to be a professional swimmer, he is definitely at the top level when he goes to an individual school.

Swimming is extremely exhausting. After swimming for two kilometers, although he can continue to swim, Chen Yi still let himself rest for a while.

He watched Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu lying on the chairs by the swimming pool. They were comforted by the facial treatment performed by two technicians. Suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable. He shouted: “…Qingwen is still attacking, give them a clock , Let’s have another set of Thai-style horses to kill chickens!”

“Okay, Second Master Bao!”

When the two technicians heard this, they smiled and started to start.


Xiao Gongju and bitch immediately screamed and cursed:

“Chen Yi, you bastard!!”

“Oh, tap lightly, I don’t have much meat, it hurts to death!!”

The two still screamed at first, and then they hummed comfortably. The massage was like this. At first it was painful, but after a while, it was not comfortable again. It was simply jumping horizontally in pain and happiness.

Seeing the changing expressions of the two girls, Chen Yi laughed.

In the morning, I took a swim and ate a big meal in the hotel at noon. In the afternoon, the two girls were massaged and weakened, and they didn’t want to move. The three watched an afternoon movie in the hotel room.

I was going to have a meal in the evening, but Xiao Gongju’s father called her and scolded her, so she had to go home with a sullen face.

“You really don’t have to send it?”

At the entrance of the hotel, Chen Yi looked at Yu Jinyu and asked, but she called a taxi by herself.

“I won’t disturb the world of both of you, I’m leaving~~”

The bitch waved his hand, and the one who walked was called a chic.

Helpless, Chen Yi had to say to Ruan Zhuyi: “…Then I will send Xiao Gong to lift you back?”

Ruan Zhuyi didn’t refuse, but responded softly.

Driving his own Ferrari 812, under the address of Xiaogongju Navigation, all the way to the door of a high-end community.

Chen Yi glanced at it. Although this community is not the top luxury houses in Shencheng that cost hundreds of millions of dollars at all, it is also a place worth ten to twenty million yuan. It can be seen that Ruan Zhuyi’s family situation, just this house, ordinary people can earn money in three lifetimes. Less than.

Chen Yi drove the car slowly to a short distance from the main entrance of the community, and said to Ruan Zhuyi who was sitting in the driver’s seat: “…Someday we have time, let’s go out and play.”

Xiao Gongju wrinkled his lovely Qiong nose, and said helplessly: “…I didn’t go home last night. I guess my dad will say dead when I go back. I guess I can’t get out these days before school starts.”

After a pause, she said again: “…When I live in school after school starts, they won’t be able to control me, let’s go play together.”

“Okay, I’ll be meeting you then.”

Chen Yi said with a smile, he actually likes this kind of girl with strict tutoring.

The car finally stopped on the side of the road. Chen Yi suddenly said, “…Don’t move, there is something on your face!”


Ruan Zhuyi really sat in the driver’s seat and stopped moving…

Chen Yi leaned over, took advantage of her carelessness, gave her a light peck on her delicate face, looked at her with a smile like this, and said with a skin: “…Okay, I ate things.”

The young man was shy and shy. He picked up his bag and hit Chen Yi. She was too weak. She was shy, but the corners of the slightly raised eyes were flattering, pretending to be angry, with a straight face. Without saying anything, he opened the door and walked out.

Chen Yi didn’t speak either, just smiled as she walked into the gate of the community.

Not long after, Chen Yi’s mobile phone in his pocket shook, and it turned out to be a WeChat sent by Xiao Gong.

Xiao Gongju: Drive carefully on the road! [猪.jpg]

Seeing that cute picture of pigs, Chen Yi smiled knowingly.

Chen Yi: If the young man was beaten and cried by his parents after he was lifted back, he can come to his brother and cry, and his arms will always be open for you!

Xiao Gongju: Bastard, hurry up! [anger]

Chen Yi smiled when he saw it, and just walked back in the car.

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