Chapter 550 A straight man and a scumbag

The graceful silver-stone gray Ferrari parked downstairs in the girls’ dormitory. The roaring engine sound was loud enough but attractive enough, like the sound of nature.

Chen Yi leaned against the Ferrari door with his arms around his chest, a stiff white t-shirt over a light brown and reddish sweater, black trousers straight, and a pair of white casual shoes under his feet.

Chen Yi usually likes to dress up more mature, that is for work.

Today he wears very casual clothes, more youthful ~ human vitality and vigor.

The figure leaning on the Ferrari is so handsome, with the angular and handsome beauty, all the girls passing by can’t help but look here.

Today, Chen Yi is a real national-level husband, and he is not much better than Xiao Wang in terms of fame. His so many handsome faces make him also have a group of female fans on the Internet.

In school, he was even more aware of him from his freshman year to his senior year, and he just went to that station, which made women unable to move their eyes or open their legs.

Some female classmates walked by in twos and threes, and then they bent over to each other’s ears, whispering something, their eyes looked at Chen Yi’s side from time to time, and there was a giggle of laughter.

A bold girl even greeted Chen Yi directly. Chen Yi was not too cold and responded with a smile, which attracted the excitement of many girls.

The girls on this relatively simple campus are much cuter than the women in society.

Here, even the elderly feel that they have become younger.

After all, no matter how old men are, they only like 18-year-old girls.

At 8:15, Nan Jiyue was late from the girls’ dormitory, and after seeing the well-dressed Nan Jiyue, even Chen Yi’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Chen Yi’s great appearance scored full marks in Chen Yi’s mind. Today’s Nanjiyue is even more exquisite to the extent that it is hard to describe its thrilling beauty.

She was wearing a chiffon dress with a fluttering veil at the skirt.

The hem position passed the knee, revealing a pair of deceptive Saixue calves, the calves were straight and flawless, and the translucent skin reflected the sun’s rays.

Outside the dress, Nan Jiyue wears a jacket similar to a casual women’s suit. Apricot yellow is popular this year, and her coat is a light apricot yellow.

The cuffs are rolled up, and the head is wearing a dark apricot round hat. The shades are perfect. The wavy curly hair makes her more sexy. The earrings at the earrings complement each other.

Nanda is also carrying a small Hermes bag and wearing a precious watch on his wrist, which combines elegance and intelligence.

It’s just that although Chen Yi was shocked in his heart, he was not fascinated by beauty on the surface. He raised his hand to look at his watch and said with a straight face: “…15 minutes slower than expected.”

“…If you are my employee, I have already been fired!”

Nanda’s beautiful eyes turned, and he hummed nonchalantly: “…what a big man, hurry up and eat, I’m almost starving to death!”

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled helplessly, opened the Ferrari door, blocked the edge of the car with his hand, and watched Nanda get into the car’s co-pilot gracefully.

The girls all around looked at them enviously and jealously, and then they were very sad in the contrast.

Even a girl would be amazed to see such a well-dressed Nam Jiyue, and she sighed.

I drove to the cafeteria first. Nantah is not picky about the food. Even if the cafeteria is with Chen Yi, she can eat very well.

Two bowls of boiled wontons, two drawers of steamed buns, and two hard-boiled eggs are breakfast for two.

Nan Jiyue used chopsticks to poke the steamed buns, picking out the little meat and placing them on her plate, and then placed the buns on Chen Yi’s plate.

“What are you doing? Let me eat buns?”(Read more @

Chen Yi picked up the bun with chopsticks, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

“Didn’t you say that I am fat? Rice and noodles are both high-carbon water. The more you eat, the more fat you get. On the contrary, it’s okay to eat meat, so I bother Mr. Chen and you help me eat it.”

Nan Jiyue’s eyes were full of smiles, and Chen Yi retaliated against Chen Yi by saying that she was fat. Just now, she said that she would be “fired”.

“High-protein, low-fat, and low-carb eating methods are okay for men, but girls are fine. If there is no refined carbohydrate, girls will have menstrual disorders.”

“…Come on, Yueyue, you still have to eat more bun skins, which is good for your health. Just give me that little meat.”

Chen Yi grinned and clipped the bun to Nan Jiyue.

“No, this is my meat, not for you!”

Nan Jiyue angered for a while, guarding her own flesh, giggling and fighting with Chen Yi.

Good men don’t fight women, Chen Yi finally had to eat buns by himself.

However, Nan Jiyue took a few bites of the meat in the steamed buns, then took out another piece, dipped in a little vinegar, and handed the chopsticks to Chen Yi’s mouth. He hummed and said, “…Come on, look at you so poor, eat some. Meat!”

“…Look how much my sister loves you!”

Chen Yi glanced at the piece of meat that he handed to his mouth, thoughtfully: “…This piece of meat is dipped in vinegar. Are you telling me that you are not jealous?”

After speaking, he just ate the meat in one mouthful.

Nan Jiyue was stunned, “…you read comprehension, if I were your Chinese teacher, I would definitely give you full marks.”

“thank you!”

“Who praised you, I’m mocking you, I just said that you got a perfect score in reading comprehension, and now I’m failing you!”

Nan Jiyue groaned.

“Well, is the meat delicious? Xiao Yizi.”

She asked with a smile.

“It’s okay. There is a lot of meat and oil, but those chopsticks you used Yueyue just now are covered with your saliva. Although the meat is not tasty, it is delicious with the fairy’s saliva.”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Chen Yi molested with a thick face.

“It’s disgusting, hurry up and eat you!”

Nan Jiyue said something disgustingly, and then she turned red and groaned: “…If you think this fairy’s saliva is delicious, let you eat that night.”

“Is it disgusting? I’m eating.”

Chen Yi also gave her a disgusting look.

Seeing Chen Yi disgusted and came back with her words, Nan Jiyue smiled directly and stopped paying attention to him and started eating.

However, Nanda was full of joy in her heart. She liked the feeling of bickering very much, which made her feel closer to Chen Yi and closer to him.

After eating, the two left the canteen. Nan Jiyue didn’t eat much, and Chen Yi gave most of them.

“Is this enough?”

…….. 0 …

Driving on the road of Shanghai City, the destination is Plaza 66.

“Don’t you dislike me for being fat? If you eat too much, you dislike it even more.”

Sitting in the co-pilot, Nan Jiyue put her bag on her knees with a pair of slender and beautiful legs, and Chen Yi said with a white glance.

“I’m joking, how could my family Yueyue get fat… Next time you eat more, you still follow me to exercise every day, it’s not enough if you can’t keep up with your nutrition.”

“…Women don’t care about their weight but their beauty. Keeping exercise will help shape your body. Even if you lose weight, you can’t skip meals.”

Chen Yi talked a lot of big things.

He even told Nan Jiyue about the body’s daily consumption of calories, protein, carbon water and fat supplement data, brain metabolism and ketogenic body and other professional knowledge.

He spoke happily, but Nan Jiyue sighed helplessly: “…I said Master Chen, you are too straight.”

“…I just want you to coax me, not to make you reason to me.”

Chen Yi immediately shut up when he heard the words.

Well, sometimes he is a straight man, and a man’s way of thinking is very rational and logical, and he always likes to reason with girls.

As everyone knows, emotional girls can’t listen to what you are talking about.

“why are you laughing?”

Chen Yi asked when she saw Nan Jiyue secretly smiling while covering her mouth.

“Of course I am happy and laughing at you. I like your straight guy. The more straight the better, the best is the straight guy!”

“…This way you won’t go outside to mess with flowers and grass, this fairy will work hard to endure your straight male behavior!”

Looking at Nan Jiyue’s triumphant little expression, Chen Yi curled his lips.

Sometimes he is a straight man, but at a critical moment, he is a scumbag full of rhetoric. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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