Chapter 562 The top second generation Chen Dashao

The driver, Xiao Zhang, had been waiting outside the equestrian stadium. After seeing Chen Yi coming out, he quickly got out of the car and opened the door for him.

“Huh? Don’t you change your car?”

In Yu Jinyu’s impression, Chen Yi usually either drives a sports car by herself or sits in that Mercedes-Benz. In the past, when she and Chen Yi rode in Rolls-Royce, they used hotel commercial vehicles.

“As a big boss, Maybach can no longer show my identity, of course I have to change a Rolls Royce!”

Chen Yi said casually.

Yu Jinyu rolled her eyes and smiled: “…How old is the big boss?”

“The big boss is the big boss.”

Chen Yi raised his brows at the bitch.

The bitch nodded seriously: “…Oh, that’s really Boss Chen!”

Qi Yuxuan, who was with Yu Jinyu, was a little uncomfortable.

Although she was in the same dormitory with Yu Jinyu, she had long known that Yu Jinyu’s nature was not as pure as her appearance, and all kinds of pornographic jokes came.

But watching her flirting with Chen Yi there still gives Qi Yuxuan the feeling of opening the door to a new world.

The three of them got into the car, and the starry sky above made Qi Yuxuan look at it subconsciously.

That time I met Chen Yi at the end of the military training, and finally went to buy a watch with him is still vivid.

Although Qi Yuxuan had also sat in a Rolls Royce that day, the starry sky top that was enough to attract women to indulge in still made people reluctant to look away.

Of course, the starry sky is just beautiful, and the most important thing is this luxury car worth ten million sitting down, making the starry sky even brighter.

“Is horse riding fun?”

After Chen Yi got into the car, he pressed down the front and rear flaps, took out a bottle of Parisian flowers from the small freezer on the side, and poured a little for all three of them.

Qi Yuxuan thanked him and took the champagne from Chen Yi.

She was sitting on a soft chair with champagne and wine in her hand, and she was busy with Shanghai’s traffic outside the window of the car.

Even though the outside of the car is messy, full of car engine noises, but sitting in a well-sealed Rolls Royce, there is no sound at all.

This heavy car door is the dividing line between the two worlds. Sitting here with champagne is as intoxicating as standing on top of a mortal.

However, Qi Yuxuan knew that the man who was really fascinated was the handsome and outstanding man sitting opposite him.

“It’s not fun at all, my ass hurts when I ride a horse.”

Yu Jinyu rubbed her little butt and made a complaint.

Chen Yi laughed and said: “…It seems that you don’t exercise often, but riding a horse is really tiring. In the future, you can ride horses more when you have time, just as exercise.”

Qi Yuxuan moaned for a while and said, “…I think horse riding is fun, and I don’t feel any pain in my butt.”

Although the roommate of Yu Jinyu has a cheerful temperament, Chen Yi still perceives that she is much more cautious when facing herself than when she first met.

At that time, Chen Yi was at best a rich and handsome second generation, and a beautiful girl like Qi Yuxuan could not completely look up.

But now Chen Yi’s social status is so high that many people dare not look directly at it.

“That’s because Senior Sister Qi, you often practice yoga. Yoga is very flexible for the body, while riding a horse actually requires high coordination of the body’s muscles.”

“…I have already applied for the annual card for you, and all the clothes are stored there. You can go to ride horses when nothing is wrong, and the coach fees for equestrian learning are not required.”

“Be sure to play more, or it’s wasted.”

Chen Yi took a sip of the champagne in his glass and smiled.

Qi Yuxuan was praised by Chen Yi for her flexibility, and she was quite proud of her.(Read more @

This is what she is most proud of.

Persisting in yoga exercise, there is almost no fat on the body, so I dare to dress boldly and maintain a good figure at all times.

Although she went to school in Shenxi, Qi Yuxuan felt that even if she didn’t embark on the path of acting in the future, it would be okay to become a yoga instructor.

Qi Yuxuan was not nervous to refuse. Before, Yu Jinyu said that Chen Yi didn’t like others to refuse.

She knew that it cost a lot of money. Just now she asked the coach when she was practicing equestrianism. The coach would cost more than a thousand per class, and it was the most luxurious equestrian hall in Shanghai.

Even if it only goes once a week, the annual cost of coaching and annual fees alone will be more than 100,000.

This may be a year’s salary for the average person, but Qi Yuxuan knows that for Chen Yi in front of him, it may not be enough for a meal.

“Bitch, what do you want to eat?”

Chen Yi sometimes respects the choices of others.

Yu Jinyu thought for a while and said, “…I want to eat Japanese food.”

“Okay, that screaming father, I’ll take you to eat Japanese food.”

Chen Yi smiled.

Yu Jinyu shouted without hesitation.

“Scream a few more!”

Yu Jinyu yelled several times, and then she looked at Chen Yi suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to do.

“You know, every time you call Dad, Freud’s heroic spirit will be stronger.”

Chen Yi raised a finger and shook it with a smile.

“Floyd? Who is that?”

Yu Jinyu didn’t know who Freud was, and Qi Yuxuan was also curious.

“The founder of psychoanalysis and the originator of psychology… Freud’s theory in a nutshell is…”

“…Don’t care if you are depression or any other illness, as long as you have a mental illness, if you are a man, it must be derived from your desire for your mother.”

“If you are a female, it must have come from your impulse to your dad since you were young. He called this an Oedipus plot.”

“… Freud’s theory is like this, no matter what questions you have, you are interested in your father and your mother.”

Chen Yi shook his head, also amused by Freud’s theory.

Yu Jinyu’s eyes widened, and said inconceivably: “…This is too unreliable, right? This theory can still be called the originator of psychology?”

“Yes, because this theory sounds unreliable, so many people don’t believe in him and oppose him. In order to refute him, they invest in psychology research, which ultimately allows psychology to develop rapidly.”

“…What do you say that he is not the originator? The development of psychology is precisely because everyone succeeded in refuting him.”

Chen Yi shrugged and said.


Yu Jinyu was amused directly, and Qi Yuxuan also pursed her lips and smiled. Both felt that Chen Yi knew so much.

Then I saw Yu Jinyu winking and saying, “…Freud is right about what Freud said. Many men don’t like to let women call them fathers when they are there.”

“You little witch!”

Chen Yi laughed and cursed.

Qi Yuxuan did not speak next to her, feeling that these two people really didn’t treat her as a person, and it was so happy that they flirted and cursed there.

Chen Yi took Yu Jinyu and Qi Yuxuan to a Japanese food store. It is necessary to make an appointment in advance, but with Chen Yi’s current status, there is no need to make an appointment at all.

With a direct call, the other party immediately vacated a private room for dinner.

After eating a dinner for almost two hours, Chen Yi was a little tired today and didn’t let the bitch stay with him overnight.

After the meal, the three chatted for a while, and Chen Yi sent them back to school.

I drove into the Shenxi campus and came downstairs to the girls’ dormitory. I didn’t notice it when I was in the car, but as soon as I got off the car, I saw that Shenxi’s girls’ dormitory was very noisy.

A light green Lamborghini was parked there while a man was spitting and shouting at a girl:

“…You don’t listen to what I said at 810, are you? Mom, you are so blind and buy you so many things, let you go over and drink with me and my brothers? Are you capable of tm? Bar!”

After cursing, the man slapped the crying girl in front of him, and the loud ‘pop’ immediately caused the screams of some of the girls who were watching.

The girl who was beaten staggered, covered her face and fell to the ground, where she did not dare to cry.

The man wanted to go over and continue kicking a few feet in a puzzled way. Fortunately, it was the girl’s roommate who blocked him and didn’t let him succeed.

Yu Jinyu and Qi Yuxuan didn’t dare to breathe when they saw this scene. Qi Yuxuan even whispered: “…That’s not the senior sister we talked about before.”

Chen Yi frowned at this moment and stepped forward and said, “…what are you doing, what are you doing, let people not sleep at night!”

“Sleep your mother x.”

The man who was getting angry just cursed directly without even thinking about it, but when he turned his head and looked at Chen Yi’s side, the whole person was startled, and he was panicked instantly:

“Chen, Brother Chen? Why are you here? I, I didn’t scold you just now, I really didn’t notice that you were here…”

It was completely different from the arrogance and domineering when facing the girl before. After seeing Chen Yi, the young second generation panicked all of a sudden, and his face was a little pale.

Even the second generation is divided into three, six or nine grades, especially in the boundary of the imperial capital and Shencheng.

If everyone is of the same level, it’s okay if you look at each other and scold you, and the other party can’t do anything to you. Most of the second generation have hatred.

However, if the status gap between the two sides is too large, the second generation of the richest generations will not be good for each other.

Of course, this man knows who Chen Yi is, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best x second generation in the imperial capital and Shencheng circles.

This is the real imperial capital, the people in the inner circle of Shencheng, and most people really can’t afford to provoke them. .

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