Chapter 565 My heart is icy

“Yuxuan, do you still practice yoga today? After riding a horse for a whole day, are you tired?”

In the female dormitory of the Shen Opera Acting Department, Yu Jinyu is sitting in front of her dressing table, putting a mask on her face.

Hailan Mystery’s mask costs several hundred yuan per piece. It is a real lady-level cosmetics. Generally, such things are given to girlfriends as gifts.

But for Yu Jinyu now, even if it’s one tablet a day, he doesn’t think there is anything.

Chen Yi still only gives Yu Jinyu 100,000 a month, but Yu Jinyu actually doesn’t care much about the money anymore.

She is not a particularly extravagant girl. Her past life experience made her value money very much, but she also developed a good habit of saving.

Although the current life makes her sink and indulge her, Yu Jinyu will not be lavish and let herself become a slave to money.

For luxury brand clothes, bags and other expensive things, Chen Yi will take her to buy when he is free.

Yu Jinyu really needs her own expenses, that is, some cosmetics and daily food and drink. One hundred thousand one month is more than enough for her, and she can even save a lot every ~month.

Compared with the real richest, her standard of living is far different, but compared with the average working class, her life is also a real luxury-.

She is very satisfied with her life now.

Wearing a tights and revealing a beautiful figure, Qi Yuxuan bent her soft waist to the extreme, tilted her head back, grabbed her toes behind her with both hands, and performed classic yoga movements.

She has long been used to such actions, and she still has time to answer Yu Jinyu’s questions.

“No matter what you do, you must persist. Otherwise, if you slack off, you will become lazy. Even if you are tired, unless I really can’t handle it, I will practice every day.”

“…How else do you think Jinyu maintains my figure?”

Qi Yuxuan said with some pride.

She has always been satisfied with her figure. Long-term exercise has allowed her to maintain the most hot and sexy beauty of women. If she is not tall enough, she will definitely be a supermodel with this figure.

Especially today after hearing Chen Yi praise her for her unremitting efforts every day, she has a kind of hard work to keep going.

Being able to get praise from that man makes Qi Yuxuan feel that all her efforts are worthwhile.

Yu Jinyu, who was wearing the mask, suddenly hesitated.

She lifted her pajamas and squeezed her white belly.

There is still flat and no fat, but compared to Qi Yuxuan’an’s perfect waistcoat line, her belly is less sexy than a woman.

Yu Jinyu has always relied on her own food and drink to control her figure, but she also knows that this is not a long-term solution.

Even being a lover requires hard work. If she gets out of shape one day, she knows that Chen Yi will definitely dislike her.

There are too many beautiful women chasing around Chen Yi, and Yu Jinyu is convinced that her golden father is a complete face control.(Read more @

After feeling a sense of crisis, Yu Jinyu said to Qi Yuxuan: “…Yuxuan, or you can teach me yoga too!”

Qi Yuxuan, who was doing yoga moves, was taken aback, and said in surprise: “…I was tired from practicing before, so why do you suddenly want to learn yoga today?”

Sitting on the bed and playing with a mobile phone, another roommate in the two people’s dormitory, a girl named Tingting teased at this time: “…Jinyu wants to build a better figure to attract her financial master father.”

“But if you want me to say Jinyu, you should work hard. Your financial father is really kind to you. He will give you a Porsche and various luxury goods. Don’t be pampered.”

Tingting seemed to be speaking out for Yu Jinyu, but there was an unstoppable sourness in the words.

I made a boyfriend, but in the end I didn’t get anything, and I also gave up my body and youth.

Although Yu Jinyu is a lover for others and has no status, he has what he wants, and even has the opportunity to star in a movie.

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she was in a big loss.

How many women lay down their final moral bottom line under this contrast and jealousy.

Hearing what Tingting said, Qi Yuxuan just smiled and said, “…Jinyu, if you really want to practice, I can teach you, but first say yes, I will be very strict.”

“… And don’t say anything about starting tomorrow, if you want to practice, just start now!”

Yu Jinyu nodded vigorously and said: “…Okay, you wait for me to finish applying the mask, let’s start practicing!”

She is not a big one, and she can persist in hard work.

Yu Jinyu also knows that there are certain things that must not be waited until tomorrow, and that they should be done from now on.

Otherwise, tomorrow and tomorrow will never be able to hold on.

Seeing Yu Jinyu’s decisiveness, Qi Yuxuan did not say anything, but changed her posture.

She kept her well-proportioned breathing, listening to Tingting and Yu Jinyu talking about what happened just now, about the senior sister.

This is actually the reason for Qi Yuxuan’s rejection of this kind in the past. When she is a lover, she has no idea, no dignity, and no freedom.

She has a kind of estrangement and fear from the heart for those rich second generations.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Just like the schoolgirl, what she paid for her sincere heart was nothing more than the violence of her so-called “boyfriend”, and she didn’t even treat her as a person at all.

They are ordinary girls, it is difficult to really grasp the hearts of those really rich second generation, Cinderella’s story is always a fairy tale.

But what Chen Yi did today made Qi Yuxuan feel a sense of security that he had never had before.

Yu Jinyu usually said Chen Yi is very gentle in the dormitory, which makes her very dignified even as a lover.

At that time, Qi Yuxuan thought that Yu Jinyu was only deeply in love, so she would praise her golden master father.

But today Chen Yi’s gentleman and his attitude towards women convinced Qi Yuxuan.

……… 0

Recalling the heroic posture of Chen Yi practicing equestrianism at the racecourse today, he was not angry and prestigious for the senior sister he had never met before, plus the dazzling glamour of those luxury goods on Yu Jinyu’s table now.

A warm current flowed through her body, Qi Yuxuan suddenly had an impulse.

Qi Yuxuan, who was practising yoga with a horse on both legs and hands up, formed a perfect arc of waist, back, and legs, suddenly stood up, and went to her bed to look for toiletries a little nervously.

The happy Yu Jinyu who was chatting with Tingting gave her a strange look and said, “…what’s the matter, Yu Xuan?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just a little bit of sweat on my body and I feel a little uncomfortable. I’ll go take a shower first.”

Qi Yuxuan said without changing her face.

Yu Jinyu glanced at the yoga blanket, and it was indeed soaked in sweat.

But she is also strange, practicing yoga is physically exhausting, and sweating is normal.

In the past, Qi Yuxuan didn’t go to the bath halfway through practice, but only went after practice. Why is it so abnormal today.

Afraid of what Yu Jinyu would see, Qi Yuxuan hurriedly took the toiletries into the bathroom.

After closing the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s a good risk, so when you practice yoga in the future, don’t think about it!

“Sister Bingbing, you are willing to call me, you don’t know, in the days without you, my heart is Bingbing!”

At his home in Shanghai Overseas Chinese Town, Chen Yi sat on the sofa in the living room, flipping through the photos on the ipad in front of him with his fingers, and chatting with Han Bingbing with his mobile phone in the other hand.

Opposite Chen Yi, two intermediaries in suits, a man and a woman, were smiling flatteringly and introduced Chen Yi enthusiastically. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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