Chapter 568 Cheating eldest lady

“You… is your company short of money now?”

Nan Jiyue asked worriedly.

At this time, Nanda, who was playing games in the dormitory without heart and lungs, glanced at a game that was halfway through, without even thinking about it, just standing at the spring and hanging up.

She looked at the other people in the dormitory again, turned over and got out of bed, and walked outside the dormitory with her mobile phone in her hand.

There are some things she doesn’t want her roommate to hear.

The other three people in the dormitory were already quite surprised by Nan Jiyue’s behavior.

In the past, every time Chen Yi called her, or when she called Chen Yi, she was so happy to find a place where there was no one to talk on the phone.

This made the three people in the dormitory very jealous, and even gave birth to the urge to find a boyfriend.

But it is difficult to find a boyfriend like Chen Yi, but they also know that it is impossible.

The only thing Nan Jiyue is different from usual today is that her expression is slightly solemn.

Nan Jiyue is of course worried, because she knows exactly how many entrepreneurial failures are actually the rupture of the capital chain, and no one reinvests.

She is very afraid that Chen Yi is now anxious because of financial problems.

Of course, Nan Jiyue also knows that Chen Yi is different from those entrepreneurs who have nothing. It is really difficult for those people who fail to start their own businesses to make a comeback, and they may end up in a lifetime.

But with Chen Yi’s basic set, it doesn’t matter if he fails in some respects, and some of them continue to re-emerge capital.

Chen Yi, who was enjoying the wine at home and relaxing, heard the worry in Nan Jiyue’s words. He was startled for a moment. After thinking about it, he guessed her worry, and immediately smiled:

“…Don’t think about it, silly girl! I have sufficient daily funds for the operation of the company, but my business is thriving, but recently I am going to speed up, so the funds I need are relatively large.”

Hearing this, Nan Jiyue finally let go of her heart, she sighed, her voice was also much cheerful:

“…I’m afraid that you are in a bad mood when you are in trouble. Even if you are in trouble, you should keep in a good mood. Don’t worry. I am your girlfriend. Even if there is anything, I will face it with you.”

“Do you want to raise an angel round of financing?”

Nan Jiyue’s tone is gentle, like the spring water in the mountains, Chen Yi is also moved by the firm support and trust in Chen Yi.

Nanjia is an investment. Although Nan Jiyue doesn’t know much about the family’s industry, he still knows something.

“This is not an angel round of financing. The amount of financing in the angel round is relatively small, at most ten million. The amount I want to raise is also a round.”

Chen Yi quipped, what is the angel round a round, in fact, these are just a title, and there is nothing that must be determined.

Nan Jiyue sighed, “…I don’t want to talk to you about financing, you can talk to my dad!”

“… No matter how nice you tell me, I can’t give you money.”(Read more @

“My dad looked friendly, like a scholar, but he is not that easy to talk, and he won’t let up just because of your relationship with me.”

“…You’d better prepare some detailed information so that you can ask for money from him.”

Nan Jiyue recalled her father’s character and told Chen Yi in every detail, telling Chen Yi how to cheat and ask for money from her father.

Chen Yi smiled and listened without interrupting. He was also slanderous in his heart. You have not cleared the door yet, so you started thinking about cheating.

Chen Yi listened very carefully to what Nan Jiyue said, but didn’t pay too much attention to it.

Because Nan Jiyue is the daughter of another family, the father in the big impression is at most the image of the father in the family, not in the market.

But Nantah has tried so hard to cheat, Chen Yi feels that he should cooperate.

He ridiculed: “…Hey, what do we divide between yours and mine? Your dad is not my dad. Anyway, these properties belong to us and our children in the end, so the distinction is so clear.”

Chen Yi is totally coveting your family property.

Of course Nan Jiyue knew this was Chen Yi’s joking, but when he heard what he said that your father is my father, especially about our children, she was so happy but shy and unspeakable at the moment.

“What are you talking about, whoever has a baby with you, I don’t want to have a baby with you… But you must not get close to my dad like this.”

“…His man is merciless in business. Many relatives in my family ask him for help, hoping that he can help him on the part of the same relatives, but most of them refused.”

Nan Jiyue again told Chen Yi some of her father’s behavior and character.

“In business, my dad is right to do this, the family business is not wrong, but if some important positions are occupied by relatives, then this company will not last long.”

“… And there are so many relatives. If you help this, you must help that. It is enough to give some small favors, but don’t give big favors, promote mien, fight mien, the ancestors are sincere not to deceive others.”

Don’t let relatives interfere too much in your company, but find professional talent management. This has always been Chen Yi’s idea.

Hao Yuanning’s important posts are all family relatives, all with the surname Hao, because they are all relatives. Many things are hard to explain, and the final outcome is clear.

Nepotism is not sustainable.

However, Chen Yi also laughed secretly. Even though Nan Jiyue was smart, she was still too innocent, and she said a little bit too much.

Fortunately, Chen Yi is not greedy for the property of the Nan family, otherwise he can really get all the money from the Nan family in his own hands as a “sister-in-law”.

This also shows that Nan Jiyue is a very affectionate person, and she also gives unreservedly to the people she likes.

“Go, go, who’s with your dad, that’s my dad!”

“¨〃…I won’t tell you anymore. I’m going to class. I’ll call my dad and talk about you later. Are you going back to school today?”

Nan Jiyue saw that Chen Yi did not have a problem with the company, but let go of worrying, and happily went back to the dormitory to prepare to tidy up and go to class.

I glanced at the laptop, ah, because she really lost because she hung up, the teammates in the chat box were scolding her.

Nanda didn’t care, and skillfully blocked these people.

She is an old double-standard dog. If she encounters a teammate who hangs up, she would like to smash the computer, and the opponent who can spray doubts life.

But hang up by herself, she thinks this is normal, and who is not in a hurry yet.

“I won’t go this afternoon. In order to see our dad, I have to prepare well in advance… Yueyue, don’t stay in the dormitory tonight. Come to my house. I will let Xiao Zhang pick you up.”


Nan Jiyue didn’t talk about Chen Yi’s mouthful of our father and father, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

“You don’t have to tell my dad so much, just tell him that I want to raise money… Our dad must be very smart to give birth to a smart girl like you, and you can see the value of your husband and mine.”

“…How much do you vote for me today, and the return will definitely be ten times that time, and the money earned is my meeting gift to our dad.”

“So you tell my dad that for the sake of the future children’s milk money, it is best to invest more and make a profit without losing money!”

Chen Yi was chatting wildly at that time, and Nan Jiyue’s funny smile was trembling with flowers.

“What should I do when I suddenly feel like you are a liar? That’s it. I am Qin Shihuang, making money!”

“Yes, I am a liar who stole a big heart drag accidentally.”

“Oh, you are lying to me?”

Nan Jiyue raised her nose and hummed.

“How can it be called a lie? This is obviously love… Hey, Yueyue is actually quite suitable for you to play cosplay. What do you think of lol’s Ali? If we don’t play Ali tonight…”

“I won’t tell you, I’ll go to class!”

Nan Jiyue just hung up the phone, knowing that Chen Yi was going to talk to her about all kinds of explicit things.

Although the relationship between the two has long been established, Nan Jiyue is still shy when Chen Yi talks about these things. .

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