Chapter 575 After talking about business, it is most suitable for big health care

“Although I don’t want to say that, but nowadays domestic Internet investment can’t get around Ali and Goose Factory at all.”

“… It can be said that any emerging Internet company must worship the mountain, or accept the investment of ali, or accept the goose factory.”

“Although everyone says bat, in fact, the domestic Internet is more like a half-divided world of Ali and Goose Factory.”

“…If you have to choose one of these two capitals, it must be more secure to choose a goose factory.”

Chen Yi speaks loudly and calmly.

He stared at the southern father in front of him, and said without stage fright: “…ali likes to control everything in his own hands. This may have something to do with Jack Ma’s character, so his company is also very strong.”

“… And Jack Ma is a real villain. In order to separate payment b, he openly tore up the agreement with Yahoo. It can be said that this person has no contractual spirit at all.”

“The Internet companies invested by Ali will do everything they can to control them in their own hands, hoping to let entrepreneurs work for themselves.”

“…The end result is that most of the companies invested by ali fell apart at the end.”

“I don’t like Jack Ma. He is too arrogant, a little self-esteem, and too courageous, so big that he wants to use capital to influence politics.-”

“…This person has no bottom line, and in the end-will be flat.”

Chen Yi unceremoniously expressed his dislike for Jack Ma.

“But Tony Ma is different. Tony Ma has to be much more low-key. The goose factory seems to have a monopoly on everything, but in fact the investment in the goose factory is more rational.”

“…Like ali, the goose factory certainly wants to control everything in their own hands, but if they find that they can’t do it, they will become pure investors just to make a profit.”

“From this point of view, the investment of the goose factory is closer to the businessmen’s ideas.”

Chen Yi clearly remembers the report he read before he was born again. The goose factory made hundreds of billions of dollars in investment.

“… Both Ali and Goose Factory are wolves, but if you want to enter the Internet industry, these two wolves can’t get around.”

“Since you have to face a wolf, obviously a gentle wolf is better than a fierce wolf.”

“…I’m not afraid of the ferocious wolf, but human time is precious, and I am not interested in wasting time in intrigues with that wolf.”

Chen Yi elaborated on his own ideas and concepts. Today’s domestic Internet forms are like this. No matter what Meituan or Didi, they are all ali and goose factories.

They are absolutely inaccessible. Unless you can get some black technology, even if you are reborn, the big capital will be difficult to fight against.

But this does not mean that you have to bow your head in front of them. In Chen Yi’s impression, whether it is headline or Pinduoduo, they actually opened the way in front of two hungry wolves.

Although the two evil wolves are strong, they are only wolves after all.

Today’s Chen Yi’s business is Pinduoduo belongs to the e-commerce platform, and short videos belong to the social field.

It can be said that these two major undertakings are just the basics of Ali and Goose Factory.

Combining the two, Chen Yi has even seen the future Internet situation, and that is the true triad.

His enterprise, goose factory and ali are three parts of the world.(Read more @

As for the b in bat is a joke, let it continue to advertise the Putian hospital.

Father Nan listened quietly to Chen Yi’s statement, and the more he listened, the more he admired, and the more he listened, the more he felt that the young man in front of him was amazing.

Normally young people like Chen Yi, if they had his achievements, would probably think arrogantly about going to step on ali and punch the goose factory.

But that is actually impossible.

If you confront these two capitals with that kind of idea, you will inevitably hit your head and beat the blood.

But Chen Yi has the characteristics that only mature businessmen and politicians have, that is, he will compromise, he will choose to go with the flow, and never go with the light.

Moreover, Chen Yi also knows how to use the resources of the goose factory to strengthen himself.

This made Father Nan think that the future Internet industry will be the world of Tony Ma, Jack Ma, and Ryan Chen?

The most frightening thing is that Chen Yi is too young.

Being so powerful at a young age, future achievements are truly limitless.

“Nowadays, Ali and Goose Factory are not well received by the public. Back then, everyone was called Papa Ma, but now they are called big capitalists.”

“…In the eyes of the upper class, Ali and Goose Factory are necessary to exist, but they can’t resist the highest will when needed.”

“It’s like the birth of antitrust laws in the United States in the last century, which split att and Standard Oil.”

A certain monopoly is necessary, but if such a monopoly will affect the development of the people and the country, then it will inevitably end.

Even the United States can tear down the two giants that occupy the lifeline of the country’s economy, let alone country c.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

You must know that Standard Oil and att were the companies that really monopolized the oil and telecommunications industries in the United States.


Father Nan just wanted to applaud Chen Yi.

Such a mature and stable young man who knows how to keep a low profile is really rare.

Speaking of this, the conversation between the two people became relaxed. They no longer talked about those business matters, but around Nan Jiyue, Nanfu and Chen Yi talked about some trivial matters in his life.

The two did not eat anything in this clubhouse, but drank some tea, and talked from the afternoon to the evening, and the two of Weng-in-law also had some ideas.

“Where are you going, Xiao Chen?”

Both of them were hungry at this time, Nan Father asked.

Chen Yi really wants to say whether we should go to the big health care, generally after this kind of business talks, it is the most suitable for everyone to go to the big health care together.

……… …….

This not only brings the two people closer together, but also relaxes them.

But after all, this may be his future father-in-law, so it is better not to talk more about this topic.

Keke, when we get to know each other in the future, maybe weng and son-in-law can join hands in health care.

“I’m a little hungry, let’s see where to eat a meal later.”

Chen Yi answered with a smile.

“It’s just right, I’m going to eat too. Have a good chat with Xiao Chen, let’s go together.”

Father Nan greeted enthusiastically.

The elder gifted him and did not dare to give up. Chen Yi readily promised that he walked out of the clubhouse with Nan Father and got on his Maybach together.

Father Nan’s assistant was also in the car, and he was slightly surprised when he saw Chen Yi.

For today’s ‘net celebrity’ Chen Yi, he certainly knows it.

Unlike ordinary people who know Chen Yi’s identities such as Internet celebrities and rich second generations, the assistant knows Chen Yi’s own talents and mysterious background.

It was this young man who saw my boss now, and the assistant also suddenly realized.

I feel that this is really a strong alliance with the boss’s daughter. He completely regards Chen Yi as the son-in-law of the South family. He is respectful all the way and is very humble in front of Chen Yi.

There is a good Chinese restaurant on Shili Changjie. Sitting by the window of the hotel restaurant, watching the busy traffic on Shili Changjie, Chen Yi and Nanfu’s guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After the meal, Nan’s father sent Chen Yi back to the hotel and made an appointment for Chen Yi to go home next time. Weng and son-in-law said goodbye.

After completing the mission to return to the imperial capital, Chen Yi did not go directly to Shencheng, but went to meet Han Bingbing, who was looking for him to make a video. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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