Chapter 586 I’ll take my brother Liu on an expedition in the future

Chen Yi, who has completed the acquisition, wants to return to China as soon as possible, but there are some things that must be done by him in the United States. Therefore, Chen Yi can only temporarily regret to stay here for another two days.

The division of Douyin in North America was first established. As the big boss, Chen Yi can’t be the shopkeeper.

The appointment of many positions removes the traces left by Zhu Jun’s group of people before, and replaces most of the middle and high-level employees who do not fit his own minds, and only retains the grass-roots employees. This is what Chen Yi has to do in the past two days.

Fortunately, before the acquisition, Chen Yi’s think tank team was ready to look for a headhunting company in the United States and found the talents they needed.

These are all just taking office. The company may be a little confused in the early stage, but it can be recognized by the headhunting company that all of them are professional management talents, and it will not take long before the company will be on the right track.

Once the emperor and the courtier, the ancient officialdom is like this, and the same is true in the company now.

Those poor people who were eliminated can only be blamed on Zhu Jun and the founders for selling the company.

Of course, there are some really good people Chen Yi will stay, and even get promotion and salary increase.

After changing a group of people, the entire company can be fully controlled by Chen Yi.

Even if he returns home, as long as he sends his team members, he will be stationed here like the ancient ministers of the border.

Holding the financial and legal powers of North American companies in their own hands, the company will continue to have problems.

“Hey, those high-level managers are okay. At least some people have got a few tenths of a share, which is also millions of dollars. These middle-level managers are miserable. They don’t have any shares. They can only get a compensation.”

In the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Chen Yi sits in front of a laptop, watching the screen full of English materials.

After all, hitting workers is hitting workers. If you don’t follow the right boss, your passion and hard work will only leave you in despair.

But this is the rule, and I can’t blame anyone.

Chen Yi tapped his fingers on the keyboard and wrote an e-mail to the senior executives of the company located in the domestic headquarters, to the effect that the company’s international expansion can begin, so that they are ready to go to island countries and Europe to establish branches.

The entire Douyin is completely divided into two parts by Chen Yi, the domestic department and the international department, which are called Douyin in China and tiktok in foreign countries.

In China, coupled with the upcoming Kuaishou, it can be said that as long as there are no problems with the development, it is not difficult for the two major apps to join forces to split up 80% of the domestic market.

But internationally, it is more troublesome. There are too many similar apps in various countries, and a tiktok cannot occupy all the markets. The sinking market space is too large, and Chen Yi cannot eat all of it even if he has a big appetite.

Therefore, his goal is to become the emperor in the short video field in China, and to compete for hegemony with various short videos in other countries in foreign markets.

The ugly face of the United States Chen Yi couldn’t understand better, if his territory is large, the United States is likely to use administrative means to intervene.(Read more @

But Chen Yi is not someone. Even if he doesn’t want a penny in the foreign market, he has to give you a bite of meat. Anyway, Chen Yi doesn’t lack money and doesn’t care about money.

In the previous meeting, Chen Yi had already discussed with the company’s senior executives about plans for overseas market expansion, and this email was an official authorization for them.

After finishing writing, click on the group message, Chen Yi nodded with satisfaction before closing the computer, walking to the wine cabinet to the side and taking out a bottle of champagne, pouring himself.

Looking at California gradually falling into darkness, Chen Yi is also thinking about whether he wants to go out for a while and feel the corruption of capitalism.

But this is not the country after all, he is not familiar with the place of his life, and he doesn’t know where to go for a while.

At this time, the phone in the room rang, and after Chen Yi answered it, he heard a beautiful voice from the front desk, “…Mr. Chen, there is a Mr. Zhu and Mr. Fu saying that they want to see you.”

Zhu Jun and Fu Sheng? What do they find themselves for?

Chen Yi was slightly puzzled, but still said: “…Let them come up.”

“Okay, Mr. Chen!”

It didn’t take long for the special elevator of this presidential suite to hear a sound. As the elevator door opened, Zhu Jun and Fu Sheng also walked out.

“Brother Jun, Brother Fu, what can I do?”

Chen Yi poured a glass of champagne for the two and asked with a smile.

“Chen Shao, do you want to go out together? It may not be the first time you have come to the United States, but you must have never experienced the world of flowers here.”

Zhu Jun laughed, his tone was very familiar, he was like a dude, not at all like an entrepreneur who started his own business and achieved certain success.

Of course Chen Yi knows what they are talking about. He moved in his heart and said with a smile: “…Say it first, I’m not interested in normal games. Some things are too dirty and I don’t want to touch them.”

The hidden meaning of his words is that if it is a particularly high-end, he is interested.

Zhu Jun glanced at Fu Sheng and laughed: “…I’ll just talk about it, Brother Fu! Shao Chen is also good at playing at first sight, men, especially rich men, don’t have fun while you’re young, don’t you? I’m still waiting to die!”

Then he looked at Chen Yi and said enthusiastically: “…Of course it’s not the low-end ones. Those things are all things played by the people who work in Silicon Valley. How can I call you Chen Shao you.”

With that said, he approached Chen Yi again and whispered: “…I don’t know if Chen Shaozhi knows about the sex scandal in the United States ten years ago?”

Chen Yi thought about it carefully. It seems that he did read similar reports, but he can’t remember clearly.. …..

Regardless of whether Chen Yi knows it or not, Zhu Jun just said: “…that is a service dedicated to the rich in North America and Europe.”

“…Many congressmen in New York State and California, and the wealthy people on the Forbes list are clients. For example, in France and Britain, many political members are also client members.”

“I didn’t have the right to join before, but now, with Chen Shao as a big benefactor, I am now a billionaire, and it’s no problem to join it.”

Chen Yi did not directly agree, but cautiously said: “…A scandal broke out ten years ago, is it okay now?”

“Haha, mainly those people are parliamentarians. Of course, they are scandals. They are being held by others. But what are we? We are rich capitalists. We don’t care about these, and they can’t be the handle.”

“…I know what Shao Chen you are worried about. The reason why I have a connection is that I have a good relationship with a California congressman, who introduced me to it.”

Fu Sheng also smiled at this time: “… If you know Shao Chen about the United States, you should know that the most lewd place in this country is not Wall Street, but Silicon Valley!”

“…There are so many Internet entrepreneurs here. Their goal has never been to achieve the value of life. Their goal is the same as that of Lao Zhu, which is to sell their company and make a lot of money to spend their lives.”

“If you want to say where is the most proficient at playing with women and the most machismo, it is undoubtedly Silicon Valley. In the eyes of outsiders, this may be a 0.0 Internet holy land.”

“… But for the people here, most of the struggling people are trying to get a life of drunkenness and gold, and life from top to bottom is very chaotic.”

Chen Yi agrees with this. Rich men are all virtues. Brother Liu came to the United States and thought about all kinds of fun.

But the brother Liu was in a miserable situation. He couldn’t find a way or a relationship. He was cheated by his own people and made a fuss.

He is just too eager and careless, with his status and wealth, he can find the right way with a little bit of dim sum.

If you want to have fun abroad, you need to find the right way to find the right person.

For example, in the United States, if you know people on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, you don’t have to be a bigwig. As long as they are worth tens of millions of dollars, they can open the door to a new world for you.

Chen Yi feels that if he becomes a veteran driver in the United States, do you want to remind brother Liu next time, and take your brother Liu on an expedition? .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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