Chapter 595 This is Chen Shao with background

“Esports Creative Park?”

Chen Yi asked in a timely manner.

Although Zhu Hang came here with a purpose and asked him for something, Chen Yi didn’t think there was anything.

Even Chen Yi thinks this is a good thing and is good for him, so Zhu Hang’s purposeful behavior, he hopes that the more the better.

“Yes, it is the e-sports creative industry park. This is a project that I negotiated with the goose factory before, and we plan to mark it as a cbd concept to create an exclusive e-sports vbd.”

“…The so-called industrial park is roughly equivalent to a regional agglomeration of enterprises in an industry. I think Mr. Chen must be very clear about these.”

“In this project, the Goose Factory and I are planning to build at least ten pan-entertainment e-sports parks across the country in the next five years, at a cost of about tens of billions of soft sister coins.”

“…This is to position it as a’comprehensive industrial base based on the theme of event hosting, talent training, pan-entertainment and derivatives’.”

“In recent years, the development of e-sports, you must be in your eyes, President Chen, and you must be optimistic about this ~ industry will enter the game.”

“…And this industrial park is actually to maximize profits, expand the influence of e-sports as much as possible, and bring benefits to itself.”

Zhu Hang’s spirits lifted up and talked to Chen Yi. It can be seen that he was prepared for these words a long time ago, and he didn’t stumble at all.

Just like all those entrepreneurs and bosses, don’t mention the idea of ​​this idea, anyway, others are very confident.

The top executives from the omg and edg clubs at the same table are very quiet. Everyone is listening carefully to Zhu Hang and Chen Yi. The boss is talking, of course they must listen carefully. This is a matter of the future.

But most people don’t understand, and only a few people can roughly understand what Zhu Hang said.

It is okay for these high-level executives to let them carry out tasks, but when it comes to the big problem of strategy, they are at a loss.

Chen Yi heard Zhu Hang’s words and fell into deep thought.

Zhu Hang didn’t say anything when he saw this, knowing that Chen Yi was thinking, just waiting expectantly.

The reason why Zhu Hang mentioned the goose factory, Chen Yi knew that he wanted to tell himself that it was not a matter of thinking, but a plan and research.

Now that the goose factories are all in, it shows that this matter is indeed profitable.

However, even if the goose factory enters the game, it does not mean that it will succeed in the end.

Because no company dared to say that they will succeed in the end, but the entry of the goose factory indicates that the project is more likely to succeed.

Rich people like to invest in places most. This is because of the problem of inflation and devaluation. An ordinary person has a deposit of 100,000 yuan, and the annual currency depreciation does not actually care too much.

But the money base of the rich is too high. With such a base, even a 1% depreciation will be fatal.

And second is the difficulty of making money.

It is very difficult for a person who has nothing to earn 1 million, but it is very simple if you give him 100 million principal and then earn 1 million.

Money begets money is the fastest way to make money.

So Chen Yi is very interested in different aspects of investment. He doesn’t even need these investments to make much money for him. As long as he doesn’t lose too much, then he makes money.(Read more @

The e-sports creative park mentioned by Zhu Hang is actually very exciting. Compared with Chen Yi’s other industries, this is naturally a lick.

This kind of project may need to be undertaken by Zhu Hang in person. This is determined by his wealth status, but with Chen Yi’s wealth status, he can leave it to his subordinates to follow the project.

“Industrial parks are not a very good concept. It is prone to problems such as inaccurate positioning, serious homogeneity competition, low utilization, and unbalanced industrial supporting facilities.”

“… Mr. Zhu, how do you think these problems should be solved? What is the significance of this industrial park.”

After rebirth for so long, Chen Yi has also learned a lot of things on his own under the condition of a system, so that others don’t understand some business concepts.

Just like now, he pointed out the flaws of this industrial park.

Zhu Hang was overjoyed when he heard it, because he knew Chen Yi was tempted, and he might have a play this time.

He immediately cheered up and said: “…It has been almost 20 years since the emergence of e-sports, and the data shows that since 2014, the growth rate of game users in country c has shown a downward trend.”

“…Many game manufacturers have shifted the focus of their games from the PC side to the mobile side.”

“Secondly, the continuous acceleration of the e-sports industry has caused a growing shortage of talents in the domestic e-sports industry, and the internal volume is very serious.”

“…Mr. Chen should also know it. It’s just the few people who do this. Everyone is familiar with it.”

“Again, the first detonation period of the e-sports industry a few years ago is thanks to Xiao Wang. Because of his leadership, many companies have entered the game, thus expanding the valuation of the e-sports industry.”

“…But this kind of money game is not long-lasting. If a club has been struggling to make ends meet, but cannot get results, it is easy to give up. This is the reason for the lack of a management model in China.”

“These are the three walls based on the future e-sports industry, users, talents, and management models. Now it is the threshold for the e-sports industry to think and change.”

“…And this creative industry park is aimed at these three walls.”

Zhu Hang organized Chen Yi to analyze the current problems of the e-sports industry one by one. He was right. Even Chen Yi couldn’t pick out too many problems and nodded from time to time.

At the same time, Chen Yi finally understood Zhu Hang’s ambitions and said with a smile: “…Users, talents and management models are indeed the biggest problems facing the e-sports industry.”

“… Mr. Zhu, you want to completely integrate the upper-level layout of the e-sports industry, send talents to the entire e-sports industry, and deliver the best management model, so as to monopolize the top of the industry.”

“No wonder you can tell Goose Factory to work with you. The best lol in the e-sports circle nowadays, the kings of mobile games are the products of Goose Factory, and they also have them behind the current “PUBG Mobile”. The shadow of.”

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“…This is in line with the goose factory’s idea of ​​fully integrating the industry from the upstream to the downstream, so as to achieve the purpose of a cultural monopoly.”

Chen Yi and Zhu Hang talked about the rise, but the company executives at the same table heard them in the cloud, sighing that this may be what the big guys are talking about, and it is completely incompatible with their lifestyle.

People are talking about industrial integration and how e-sports will develop in the next few years. This kind of big and general concept is generally not considered by people.

And even if I think about it, I don’t know how to lay out and get benefits in this concept.

Seeing Chen Yi saying this, Zhu Hang’s smile became brighter, knowing that he had found the right person.

At this time, Chen Yi’s conversation turned and said: “…If this is the case, why is President Zhu looking for me? There is a goose factory, you don’t need me at all?”

…….. … 0

Zhu Hang shook his head, and said with some profound meaning: “…It is because of the goose factory that I need to find Mr. Chen and you to join the game.”

Chen Yi didn’t say anything. He understood what Zhu Hang meant. This was because he was afraid that the fruit of his hard work would be taken away by the goose factory in various ways.

So he wanted to use Chen Yi’s relationship, ability, and background to escort him.

This made Chen Yi even more emotional. This is the most important role of the background. Even if it is a giant like a goose factory, he dare not use any crooked ways when facing Chen Yi.

Obviously Zhu Hang does not have such a background, so he is afraid that he will be eaten. Facing a giant like a goose factory, he is afraid that he will not be able to stop it.

Zhu Hang actually came here to try it out, mainly to see if Chen Yi is as evil as rumors outside.

Now that it is true at first sight, this is simply a wicked evildoer.

Ability and background, this is the partner Zhu Hang wants most.

“I am a little moved, but for the specific situation, I will ask my assistant team to discuss with you in detail.”

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Yi to agree to such a major event. Instead, he needs his team to conduct careful research and search for information before he can make a decision.

At the same time, this is also telling Zhu Hang that it is okay to want me to participate, but it depends on how much benefit you can give. If the benefit is too small, Chen Yi will not take this trip into the muddy water.

The financial benefits of this kind of project may not be particularly large, but in terms of industry status, Chen Yi will become the uncrowned king and the emperor who speaks for nothing.

This is also the reason why Goose Factory will join this project. They don’t care how much money this project can make, but this project can consolidate their position in the e-sports game circle and can carry out their own lasting monopoly.

“It should be, it should be, I understand.”

Zhu Hang nodded again and again. Of course, such a major event involving hundreds of millions or billions could not be decided with a single shot. zero.

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