Chapter 607 Married my daughter, all the property is yours!

Chen Yi briefly told Nan Father about the business he had just discussed with the Goose Factory.

Even if he does not have the identity of Nan Jiyue, Nan Fu, who owns 10% of the shares, is also one of the owners of the company. In the future, when there is a board of directors, he can send a representative of the director.

Therefore, it is normal to report the development of the company to him.

Chen Yi didn’t have any other ideas. He would report the company’s financing to shareholders. This is normal business dealings.

Nan Father listened to Chen Yi’s whisper, and sighed: “…Then I picked up a big bargain and made 2 billion in vain.”

“Isn’t it, father-in-law, you picked up a big bargain, don’t brag, now that part of your shares is worth four billion soft sister coins.”

“…When the company goes public, even if your shares are diluted, I estimate that it will be worth 70 to 80 dollars!”

“Investment of 300 million U.S. dollars, net profit of 8 billion U.S. dollars, your investment can also become one of the legends in the investment industry.”

Chen Yi said confidently.

This is indeed not what Chen Yi made, because he clearly remembers that after Kuaishou was listed, its market value was worth more than one trillion Hong Kong dollars, and it was also worth 150 billion dollars in US dollars.

It can only be said that in the field of Internet finance, the speed of making money is incredible.

“Xiao Chen, you are really confident, but I will believe you for the time being.”

Father Nan laughed on the phone, and after a pause, he said again: “…Actually, uncle, I am not so interested in how much money I can make now.”

“…As long as the company is operating normally, has no losses, and has normal income, and can support the employees who follow me, I don’t have much feeling for how much I can make.”

“With my current net worth, this money can’t be spent in a lifetime, and in the end these things will be left to Yueyue.”

“…I’m just such a daughter. When I was young, I worked hard. At that time, I thought about getting ahead. Now that I am older, I want to live a good life for my child.”

“Xiao Chen, uncle here is also telling you a few words, don’t you don’t want to listen, I know you young people don’t like elder discipline, especially those capable young people like you, they must have their own. Intend. ”

“…But I know that Yueyue really likes you and has deep feelings for you. I used to worry about her being deceived by someone, because she was thinking about my family’s property.”

“As for you, I feel relieved, knowing that you are not interested in my family property, but now I am more worried about your relationship problems.”

“…After all, you are young, and I don’t want to see my daughter crying.”

After a pause, seeing Chen Yi not speaking but listening, he said again: “… Yueyue has no interest in managing the company, and she has no such ability.”

“…My initial plan was to really wait until I’m too old to do anything, and then directly transfer all the property to the fund custody, at least in three generations, even if the assets shrink, it will not affect the life.”

“If the next month and month’s children are capable, the family may be able to get up again. Even if they are not capable, it will be fine for the rest of their lives.”(Read more @

Hearing this, Chen Yi said: “…Uncle Nan, you think a little too much. Given your age, it won’t be a problem even if you work for another 30 years.”

Chen Yi’s words are not flattery. Nan Jiyue’s father is only in his forties this year, and it is completely normal to work in his seventies.

“Haha, after all, when people reach middle age, they begin to think about old age, and to be honest, work is also tiring, and I also want to relax and take Yueyue’s mother around the world.”

“…With so much money, it’s worthy of my own struggle for so many years if I don’t enjoy it, I am quite envious and admire Chen Qiao.”

“Shengda was in a lot of limelight back then, and he was even the richest man in the country. Although there are some reasons for his investment failure, Chen Qiao just left without nostalgia.”

“…In the United States and other countries, we have acquired several hedge funds. With hedge funds, you don’t have to worry about life and money.”

“Although there is no such person in the shopping malls and rivers and lakes, who knows how comfortable he is now.”

Chen Yi listened quietly, Nan Jiyue’s father was able to tell him this, he really regarded him as his own.

And it can be seen that Father Nan really hopes that Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue can finally enter the marriage palace.

“Don’t mention anything else, if Xiao Chen, you really and Yueyue are finally married, uncle, I will resign as chairman of the company without saying a word, and hand over the company to you.”

“…Perhaps you don’t care about our family’s money, and you will also make more money than ours, but the relationships and resources I have worked hard over the years are also useful to you.”

Chen Yi sighed softly when he heard the words.

Indeed, Nanxing Capital, as one of the top three investment companies in China, has shares in many companies under its name.

For example, the shares of Jingd are extremely high, and Nanfu has considerable power on the board of directors of Jingd.

If brother Liu and Chen Yi remembered something wrong, Nan’s father could unite with other shareholders so that brother Liu could not control the company.

In addition to Beijing D, Nanxing Capital has been operating for more than 20 years, and has some shares in many large enterprises and Internet companies, such as Goose Factory, which is also a member of the board of directors.

As Nan’s father said, his family’s assets of nearly 100 billion may not be a big deal, equivalent to more than 10 billion US dollars, but the contacts that he has established in the domestic market for so many years are really terrifying.

“Uncle Nan, how do I feel that you are using this kind of thing to seduce me, this will add interest to the love between me and Yueyue.”

Chen Yi said half jokingly.

“If I say this to other young people, they may refute it, but I believe Xiao Chen is mature enough to understand this.”

“…Where there is true pure love, all love has a material basis, and the most important thing is the right to each other.”

“If the family is not right, whether it is a woman married into a wealthy family, or a man married into a wealthy family, there will definitely be quarrels in life, and it is rarely satisfactory.”

“… Besides, Yueyue really likes you. This is enough. You have real feelings between you. So what’s wrong with me using these material things to exchange Yueyue for a happier life?”

Nan 837’s father spoke very lightly, and he meant that he was willing to spend his family wealth for the sake of his daughter.

Of course Chen Yi knows that this is because his son-in-law is Chen Yi, so Nan father is willing to do this.

If an ordinary kid wants to eat swan meat from a toad, it is estimated that he will become the parents in the TV series and start to attack the little lovers.

Chen Yi pondered for a moment, and said slowly: “…I really can’t guarantee this kind of thing, no one knows what the future will be.”

“… But just from the current situation, I think it is more likely that Yueyue and I will go to the end.”

There are very few women who want to find beautiful and righteous women like Nan Jiyue. At least, the only person Chen Yi knows so far is the princess of Monaco.

Even if it is Li Shiman, although she has enough background, she is also a beautiful woman, but there is still a gap between Nan Jiyue and Nan Jiyue in appearance.

Therefore, Chen Yi feels that on the basis of feelings, he and Nan Jiyue have the greatest probability of going to the end.

Because Chen Yi was reluctant to send Nan Jiyue.

Nan Jiyue is different from Ruan Zhuyi. Ruan Zhuyi can let him be his little lover, but Nan Jiyue is absolutely impossible.

Her character and her family have cut off this possibility.

“Xiao Chen, I feel relieved when you say this. If you say that Fei Yueyue will not marry, I will hesitate. If you think you are deceiving, I cheated my daughter by opening your mouth.”

Listening to Nan’s father’s ridiculous words, Chen Yi muttered an old fox in his heart.

The two of them talked a few more words before they hung up the phone, and the relationship between “Weng-in-law” deepened. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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