Chapter 632 Successfully sponsored female college students?

The car stopped at a well-known local restaurant in Shanghai.

This is not a Michelin-rated restaurant, but it has a good reputation.

Chen Yi actually sneered at Michelin. The rating of Western food and Japanese food was more credible, but Chen Yi did not believe in the rating of domestic catering.

Putting on the masks, Chen Yi and Yu Zixi entered the box with the enthusiasm of the waiter, while Xiao Zhang, the driver, ate alone outside.

This is the benefit of driving to the big boss. At least there are many hidden benefits. Every time the big boss goes out to eat, drink and have fun, the driver will also get a share.

The food was ordered before Chen Yi came, and it was made in advance according to the time of his arrival. After Chen Yi and Yu Zixi were seated for a few minutes, the dishes were served.

“The dishes in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are a bit sweet, and many people don’t like it very much, but I only love this kind of sweet dishes, especially the local dishes in Shencheng.”

“…The dishes in Xiangjiang are too sweet again. I don’t like it very much. Sometimes I wonder if I was born in the wrong place, but I was born in the north.”

Chen Yi picked Yu Zixi with vegetables and said with a smile.

“I can do it myself.”

Yu Zixi pursed his mouth and glanced at Chen Yi, revealing two small dimples.

“Okay, then you can do it yourself. If you are an adult, I won’t help you.”

Chen Yi was very warm-hearted when he was 25, but sometimes he was lazy. Seeing Yu Zixi said this, he went downhill.

The amount of food in this high-end restaurant is very small, and there are many processing procedures for each dish. The most important thing is that the plate is beautiful, and sometimes all kinds of dry ice are used to create a very beautiful atmosphere.

So sometimes Chen Yi also complains. It seems that most of the money spent in this kind of restaurant is spent in these useless places.

After eating a few bites of the meal, Chen Yi wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, “…It tastes good, but it’s not as delicious as you did.”

Yu Zixi smiled when he heard the words, and her small mouth slightly aroused, “…liar, you will say it nicely, the chef here is much better than me.”

“…Those things I made look good during shooting, but with a lot of filters added, the taste is really average.”

“Especially I don’t like to use seasoning very much, the taste is a bit weak.”

Chen Yi laughed.

Indeed, Yu Zixi’s cooking skills may be better than those of his peers, but in fact, compared with these chefs who have been immersed in cooking for decades, they are still far from as good.

The way she cooks and the source of the ingredients are relatively primitive. This is the reason why Yu Zixi is so popular. Coupled with that kind of oriental temperament, she has many fans abroad.

But if you want to talk about the real taste, there is still a gap with the chefs of these big restaurants.

“Speaking of the video you shot, congratulations. The number of fans on the Internet has reached three million. As a member of Country C, this is already a remarkable achievement on the Internet.”

“…The number of fans is still growing steadily. I asked the people in the team. They estimated that it should be fine for your fans to reach 10 million in the end, but it may take years.”(Read more @

“It’s not difficult for a social platform like Weibo to break through millions of fans, but it’s too difficult for a video platform like station b and youtube to break through ten millions of fans.”

“…There are only one or two ups for the entire B station to break tens of millions of fans. As for YouTube, because audiences come from all over the world, the fan base is more scattered and more difficult.”

“Next, you will work harder, strive to keep it going, and do it as a career.”

While eating, Chen Yi told Yu Zixi how she should go on in the future, with a serious expression.

Yu Zixi also listened carefully, nodding her head from time to time.

“The videos I made before are almost gone, and there is likely to be a period of interruption in the future.”

Yu Zixi chewed the beef in his mouth and whispered after swallowing it.

Chen Yi frowned and said, “…then slow down the update frequency. I forgot to tell you on May 1st.”

“…You take advantage of the time in May to think about the things and methods of the next video shooting, and wait for the Dragon Boat Festival to go back and try to take more than two days to shoot something out.”

“It’s best to make all the videos before the summer vacation, so that you can directly transition to the summer vacation.”

Chen Yi tapped his fingers on the table and assigned Yu Zixi the next task.

“After a period of time, after the fermentation effect of your previous reputation fades, I will ask the team to give you a package.”

“…It’s best to discuss with the government department in your hometown, let you become a spokesperson for a similar area, and give you an award or something by the way, so that your reputation can be further expanded.”

“Pure video income is not stable. Then you can use your reputation to make some products of your own brand, such as some food-related products, so as to be a stable source of income.”

Yu Zixi listened quietly to Chen Yi’s future arrangements, and Li Guo smiled lightly: “…Well, I listen to you.”

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled dumbly, this girl.

“How about your grandma and sister?”

Chen Yi mentioned Yu Zixi’s family situation at this time.

Yu Zixi put down his chopsticks, his expression was faintly excited, and his emotions fluctuated greatly. His smile became more and more sweet and said: “…Grandma is a little uncomfortable living in the city.”

“…But the city is much more convenient. Grandma said she likes it very much. My sister is very young and quickly got used to life in the city. The school teacher even called her to praise her for her hard work.”

For Yu Zixi, what she cares most is the grandmother who brought her up with hard work, and the sister who can be regarded as dependent on each other. These two only relatives are her greatest motivation.

“That’s good, you can also tell your sister when you have time to tell her not to fail her studies in the city. There are many temptations in the city, and she will easily fail to study at that age.”

“…But the school I transferred to is good, and the campus environment is very good. This possibility is not high, but you still have to pay attention.”

“Also, let her not fall in love early and study hard.”

Seeing Chen Yi caring about her sister 850, Yu Zixi’s eyes were smiling, and her voice was a little louder, “…I will tell my sister what you said.”

“…She can listen to you now.”

Yu Zixi’s beautiful big eyes narrowed, and her smile was brilliant, if she was a silver bell.

“By the way, the money you got into my card before, isn’t it a bit too much?”

Yu Zixi asked cautiously.

Not long ago, Chen Yi hit her with more than 100,000 yuan in her card. This was a huge sum of money that Yu Zixi had never seen before, and she was shocked.

“Not much, it should be said that it is less. I have subtracted part of the cost of publicity for you from the proceeds on youtube, and even distributed it to you after the company took the share.”

“…When the pre-publicity heads are over, after stabilization, your income will be even higher, and the pre-revenue is already very low.”

“I’m exploiting you as a capitalist, you don’t even think too much.”

Chen Yi laughed haha.

“You…you have helped me so much, even if you don’t give me money, I am willing…I don’t know how to repay you at all.”

Yu Zixi said in a slender voice.

Chen Yi was joking when he heard that, “…how do you repay me? Or don’t go back at night, and go to the hotel with me.”

Yu Zixi’s heart jumped. She glanced at Chen Yi, then looked away, bit her lip lightly, and said in a very small voice: “…I, I have no problem.”

Chen Yi was startled suddenly.

Am I successfully sponsoring female college students? .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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