Chapter 66 It’s hard for a daughter to buy this young master happy

During the chat between the two, the food finally began to be served.

A mixed salad is sweet and sour and refreshing. Pickled vegetables are paired with salty purple potato mash, garnished with caviar and secret salted egg yolks to upgrade the taste.

The bread before the meal is baked by oneself. It is Italian-style on a silver plate. The taste and taste are good. There are five or six flavors and three sauces. It is a pity that Chen Yi does not like these. Italian sauce.

The seafood soup has a strong tomato aroma, with rich ingredients such as scallops, prawns, squid, salmon, etc. It tastes very distinct, but it looks like a staple food.

The Mediterranean cod is fresh and tender, and the signature dish is even more fragrant with almonds. The bitch almost licked the plate. Chen Yi almost laughed when he saw it.

The steak is also tender and juicy, which is gluttonous.

Steak is really not really bloody, and the degree of maturity is very low. It’s better to just hold a cow and eat it. It’s more perfect if it is 0% cooked. Of course, there is no need to make it 10 mature. , The rest is to see what you like.

After eating, I came to a piece of creative tiramisu, and I asked for a cup of Italian special espresso, with the only VOSS sparkling water in the restaurant, and I instantly felt that this is actually not a meal, but a kind of enjoyment of food.

Although Bonarrotti has a northeastern accent, he is an Italian after all, very Italian and romantic. His presentation is very level. With these foods, he puts out a fairy tale style, so that every dish has a variety of styles and colors. A sense of fantasy.

Watching the bitch’s admiration for the arrangement of these dishes, you know how attractive the Italian romance is to girls.

The dishes cooked by the chef himself are better than those of his apprentices.

Before his rebirth, Chen Yi would eat two or three times a year at this level of food. Of course, it was not as exaggerated as it is now, and at most it was only one or two thousand per capita.

I still remember the first time I ate the top Japanese kaiseki cuisine, Chen Yi sighed that sometimes the food is really not used to fill the stomach, but can be enjoyed as a dish.

It’s a pity that he traveled many places in the island country and tasted an unknown number of Michelin restaurants, but the Michelin chefs in most of the restaurants did not cook them personally. Apprentices did the work for them. There was a real difference in taste.

Occasionally, the places where a few chefs still cook personally make Chen Yi linger.

After eating and drinking, the two of them ate more than 8,000, excluding the service charge.

Bitch is a little dizzy, is this the life of a rich family? One lunch cost one month’s salary, oh, although it was eaten by two people.

But she quickly felt wrong, frowning and whispering: “…The things we ordered don’t seem to be so expensive.”

She also checked the menu just now. Although the contents are usually a few hundred yuan of soup, a few hundred yuan of a dish, but Chen Yi’s order is definitely not up to this number.

Chen Yi smiled upon hearing the words and said: “…Normally, it is indeed not so expensive. Bonarotti and I are familiar with him. He would not give too much premium for cooking in person.”

“…But the ingredients we eat are different from what others eat.”

Chen Yi pointed his finger at the people who were dining around, and continued: “… Cooking is very demanding on ingredients. No matter how awesome the chef is, you can’t make a lot of bad ingredients for him. Things come.”

“Although other guests eat top-notch fresh ingredients, the top-level can continue to be subdivided. The ingredients we eat are better and naturally more expensive.”

“…Like the steak that we ate, other customers order this dish, and the ones that came up were M9 Australian wagyu beef. Isn’t there any more advanced ingredients in the store? Of course, but you have to take the initiative to say to others, No one will use better ingredients for you, because the price is too expensive for most people to bear.”

“The two of us ate just now, but it was M12, and you didn’t see that the amount of meat was bigger than what they ate?”

Yu Jinyu seemed to understand, she only knew that she was eating good things anyway, and the enjoyment of human taste buds was really the highest level of enjoyment, otherwise there would not be so many gluttonous people.

“Go back, are you full?”

The bitch touched her chubby belly, and sighed: “…It’s not a problem of being full, but too much. Next, I have to control my diet. Or I will get fat. What should I do.”

“…I don’t want to lose my job for 100,000 January.”

Chen Yi nodded when he heard the words, and said solemnly: “…Yes, you have to control your body, or I will really despise you and kick you away!”

“Wow, you can’t comfort me, Golden Lord’s father, say something, even if you become fat, do I also love your touching words?”

The bitch’s unyielding anger.

“You don’t need touching love words to you bitch!”

Chen Yi doesn’t eat her set.

Although many men like to say similar things to their girlfriends, those words deceive girls’ ears and really make girls eat two hundred catties for themselves. Unless it’s true love, most men He immediately revealed his nature and just found an excuse to slip away.(Read more @

After lunch ran out, the two returned to the room.

Yu Jinyu is petite and doesn’t have a lot of steps. Others may not be able to see it, but Chen Yi who has been in contact with her for a period of time can still feel that her walking steps are still shorter than usual, which shows that she is actually physically inconvenient.

Resting on the sofa, playing a lot of intimacy, after the food is almost digested, Chen Yi just stood up and said: “…Go, I will accompany you to buy some clothes.”

“Master, you should rest here, I will go by myself.”

Unexpectedly, Yu Jinyu refused.

Chen Yi frowned and said, “…How can you let you go by yourself? I’ll accompany you.”

“Papa, do you want to feel the pain of shopping with a woman?”

Yu Jinyu said pitifully.

When Chen Yi heard it, he was really a little withered.

“You’d better go shopping with your girlfriend in the future, like a little lover like me, it’s better to be self-reliant.”

Yu Jinyu stretched her waist, “…I saw it a long time ago. You are very afraid of the heat. You don’t like to go out on this hot day. I also want to try the thrill of buying special purchases by myself. You accompany you. Just let me go to find sin.”

“…You might as well stay in the hotel, drink and watch movies, or read how comfortable it is to read books and play piano.”

Seeing the bitch seems to be very persistent. Chen Yi wrinkled and wrinkled. It was two o’clock in the afternoon and said: “…Okay, then you go by yourself, I will let the concierge send a driver to take you there, don’t come back too late .”

When Yu Jinyu heard it, she walked up to Chen Yi. She opened her arms and tried it. Unfortunately, she was too short, so she could only jump and hung on Chen Yi like a koala. Chen Yi quickly held her soft and delicate. Body.

The bitch leaned into Chen Yi’s ear, and smiled softly and whispered: “…The golden master’s father is still afraid that I will run away. I am not stupid. Such a good golden master’s father may not be found in this life, as long as If you don’t kick me away, Father Golden Lord, I will rely on you!”

After speaking, she kissed Chen Yi.

Damn, this little fairy is a bit too tempting, and in just one day, I almost forgot the little Gong Jue Mansao.

Yu Jinyu seemed to see Chen Yi’s thoughts, and said in her soft voice: “…Don’t really fall in love with me, my father, beware that I lie to you.”

When Chen Yi heard it, he was immediately happy, and joked: “…If you can really deceive the people and money I lied to, I still admire you.”

“…Come on, the young master you’re serving is so comfortable, and I’ll transfer you some more money.”

“Look, you are going to be scammed by me again. Keep it for yourself. One hundred thousand a month is enough for me.”

After listening to Chen Yi, he was a little startled. This bitch seemed to be rich and poor, but he was very generous, and was not completely lost in the vortex of money.

In the end, Yu Jinyu went to the mall alone, while Chen Yi stayed in the hotel. As Yu Jinyu said, he hates heat the most. If he can, he really doesn’t want to go out on a hot day.

The door left after two o’clock, Yu Jinyu had already returned around five o’clock, Leo helped her lift things to the room.

Chen Yi took a closer look. Bitch didn’t actually buy anything. The number of clothes was only seven or eight, and it was not a luxury brand like Dior. Perhaps the most expensive clothes were only one or two thousand.

Also, if Dior’s luxurious ready-to-wear garments, 100,000 yuan is estimated to be less than two or three pieces.

In addition to clothes, Yu Jinyu buys most cosmetics and skin care products. She buys expensive brands. Although Chen Yi does not know the price, it is estimated to be 20,000 yuan.

Sure enough, the first thing a girl has money is to buy cosmetics and skin care products, so that they can be more beautiful with good maintenance.

It can be seen that although there is money, Yu Jinyu did not directly waste the money and spend it all. For people who are scared of poverty, their first idea after they have money is definitely not to spend it, but to save a part of it. .

These people will feel safe only if they have deposits in their pockets.

To say that the most expensive thing Yu Jinyu bought was actually a suitcase.

The outer skin of that suitcase is so easy to recognize, it is LV at first glance. Although it is not top-notch in luxury, it is also one of the most popular luxury brands in people’s impression.

“What do you buy a suitcase for?”

This suitcase is more expensive than her clothes and cosmetics together.

“Daddy, you don’t have to start school tomorrow. You don’t have a suitcase here. Okay. Although you may not care if you have money, you may throw away all these useless things, but you still buy a trip for you. Box, put everything you want in it.”

The bitch said with a smile, “…how, is my little lover qualified?”

Chen Yi said nothing.

He fixedly glanced at the talking babble in front of him, with a pure appearance, but a bitch like a cute girl like a loli, took out his mobile phone and opened Alipay.

Yesterday, there was still a record of the transfer, and another 50,000 was transferred to her.


Yu Jinyu heard the mobile phone prompt and turned on it, and she couldn’t say whether she laughed or cried, “…What are you doing, father of the gold master?”

“That box is worth more than 30,000, right? You don’t need to spend money.”

Chen Yi shook his head calmly.

“Hey? Then you can just transfer me 50,000 yuan? I’ll make more than 10,000 yuan. You are not afraid that I did this on purpose. I did this to lie to you.”

Yu Jinyu raised her eyebrows and grinned.

Chen Yi also laughed, with a strong impulse in his heart. He shook his head and said: “…It is more than ten thousand yuan, but it is rare to buy me a happy one. You know that it is not easy to make this young master happy. , Bitch, you did it.”

Yu Jinyu bit her lower lip lightly.

Chen Yi glanced at his watch and said again: “…There is still some time before dinner, I am not hungry yet, come here!”

He grabbed Yu Jinyu’s slender wrist and pulled it into the bedroom.

The bitch exclaimed and shouted: “…what are you doing, the eldest master has robbed a good woman!”

“Young Master is a girl who loves to grab a good family, come and comfort my broken heart, Young Master!”

“I haven’t tried my clothes yet, so I will show you some clothes.”

“No time, get in the car quickly!”

There was no sleep. The next day, Chen Yi and Yu Jinyu packed up and prepared to go to school. Today is the day of the report.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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