Chapter 79 Need Ferrari to buy groceries

The second generation of wealthy family like Chen Yi is not very common in colleges and universities, but there are also.

Among these classes led by Li Tianwang himself, there is only one such as Chen Yi for the time being, but he knows that there are such second generations in the classes led by some of his colleagues.

But after all, this is not junior high school and high school, nor those wild J universities, but 211 universities, which contain a lot of energy, some particularly awesome professors and principals, they are all people who can go up to the sky.

Counselors like Li Tianwang are not particularly high in the school, but there is no need to fear the rich second generation of those rich people, because somehow they also have schools behind them.

Although academic qualifications do not represent quality, generally the second generation who can be admitted to this level of university are the kind who study well in high school. Therefore, it is rare to see students or parents who make trouble in colleges because of their wealth. , It is easy to happen in junior high school and high school.

But for these second-generation students with special wealth in the family, although the counselors are not afraid, they generally try not to commit crimes as much as possible.

In universities, there is a difference in position between counselors and students, but in society, the energy and resources he possesses as a college counselor are definitely not comparable to those of the rich second generation.

Therefore, one more friend means one more way. As an adult who has been in the society for many years, he is very clear about these.

As long as Chen Yi didn’t ask him to help cheating on the exam and stealing the test papers for these principled questions, Li Tianwang decided to help if there was anything he could do.

Chen Yi didn’t have so many twists and turns, and said straightforwardly: “…I may not live in school sometimes because of some things at home, so…”

Chen Yi didn’t say everything completely, but Li Tianwang immediately understood what he meant.

Hey, this is a trivial matter. In principle, undergraduates are indeed required to stay in the dormitory at night, and there are also check-ups, but this is not a big issue of principle.

Not only Chen Yi, but many students have actually asked counselors to discuss this issue. However, counselors are also divided. If ordinary students simply refuse, because this is a school regulation, but for excellent students like Chen Yi, it can be accommodating. Two.

Hearing that this was a trivial matter, King Li Tian immediately made a decision: “…Sure, I will tell your dormitory to say that you have special circumstances and may not be able to return to the dormitory at night. What else would you give away for such a thing? thing.”

“…And I don’t drink liquor, it’s a waste to keep it, you’d better take it back.”

Li Tianwang felt that Chen Yi asked him to do this little thing, and it was not worth giving this tens of thousands of gifts.

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled: “…If you don’t drink, Li Tianwang can take it as a gift. It’s not always a good choice to send a drinker to the leader or your future husband.”

When Li Tianwang heard this, his heart moved.

Yesterday they drank too much, and the two also talked a lot of in-depth topics, let Chen Yi know that Li Tianwang has a partner and is about to get married.

When the time comes, you take the Feitian Maotai to the future father-in-law’s house to give a gift. Your partner is happy, and the future father-in-law is also happy, and everyone is happy.

Chen Yi’s words are in the heart of King Li Tianwang, can he have a high salary as a coaching staff? Really not much, anyway, one month’s salary can’t afford these five bottles of Flying Moutai.(Read more @

He glanced at Chen Yi and sighed in his heart. He only felt that Chen Yi was really amazing, and he couldn’t refuse to say that his heart was moved.

“Sure, since you say so, then I will accept it.”

This time, Li Tianwang took his heart.

Seeing this, Chen Yi smiled slightly.

Who are the school personnel who have the most contact in their college career? That must be his own counselor. As for the dean of the department, he is usually an old fritters in his forties. It is difficult to have a relationship with them.

And as long as it’s not a particularly big thing, the general trivial things will be solved at the level of the instructor, and they can’t go to the department.

Once you have a good relationship with the counselor, you can enjoy yourself in the four years of university. Counselors will usually open your eyes to you and pretend you can’t see it.

Seeing that the things to be done were completed, Chen Yi was not interested in staying here, and for a while with Li Tianwangkan, Chen Yi was ready to leave.

King Li Tian didn’t keep him, and there was nothing to keep him. He just saw Chen Yi leaving. He thought for a while and said: “… Chen Yi, will you be a monitor by then?”

This is what you mean by default.

Li Tianwang didn’t want him to be the monitor because Chen Yi gave him something, but for his own sake.

He also saw that Chen Yi can do things and can do things. I didn’t look at last night, but he became the core of the first group of boys’ circle. Even the three boys in the second group saw Chen Yi. The name of’Ge Chen Chen’.

Even he himself couldn’t refuse in front of Chen Yi, and was squeezed to death.

By entrusting the class to such a person, he, the instructor, can have fun and relax, and he can completely mess around with nothing.

But Li Tianwang wanted to mess around, Chen Yi wanted to mess around even more, he refused directly: “…Come on, who wants to be a squad leader, there are a lot of troubles every day, and you have to report to the squad. trouble.”

Seeing Chen Yi didn’t mean this at all, Li Tianwang could only wave his hand helplessly. A university monitor or something had no real power, and indeed many people were unwilling to be.

Even the president of the student union can only pretend to be coercive in school, and it is of little use in society.

Except for those particularly awesome characters, even if you graduated from Qingbei Aurora, you will be a social animal after graduation. It is just the difference between a high-level social animal and a low-level social animal.

The most important thing in society is your ability to work. When the interviewer asks you, what ability do you have? You have a sentence. I used to be the president of the student union, and I can manage people.

It is estimated that the interviewer rolls his eyes directly. We have many managers, and there is really no shortage of you. We are recruited to work at 996, not administrators. You manage the student union and the company. That is basically two concepts.

Of course, for student council presidents and the like, going to government agencies can give full play to your strengths, but if you are at home, it doesn’t matter, that is, you are a grassroots, you still can’t use your skills.

Before Chen Yi left, he thought of something and asked: “…Li Tianwang, does our school have parking spaces close to the dormitory? Do I need to go through any formalities and certificates?”

When Li Tianwang heard this, he waved his hand and said, “…There is one on the north side of your dormitory, which is quite close to your dormitory, but that is a parking space for the teacher. If you need me to ask for one, you can use those parking spaces anyway. Endless.”

“Okay, then I will trouble you, Li Tianwang.”

“It’s done, I don’t think you want to stay here too much, go quickly, don’t forget to come to the class meeting in the afternoon, I don’t want the first class meeting to be crowded.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there!”

Chen Yi smiled and promised.

Chen Yi asked about the parking space. When he went to buy Moutai today, he drove the Ferrari back at the Ritz-Carlton.

This school is really too big, and there is no car to buy food. How can this work!

At the very least, you need a Ferrari that can buy groceries.

Walking out of the school building, the weather outside was still very hot. Just when Chen Yi was about to drive his car, he suddenly saw a familiar figure from the back. It was the impoverished female college student who was in the office before.

It is estimated that she has other things in the teaching building, but after Chen Yi talked with the counselor for so long, she still stayed here.

After thinking about it, Chen Yi walked over and said, “…Classmate, wait a minute!”

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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