Chapter 86 Male god template

“Ahem, Chen Yi, since everyone is watching you, let’s talk about it as you go up.”

When Li Tianwang saw that all the boys were looking at Chen Yi, many girls also subconsciously looked there because of the boys’ movements, and immediately he was delighted and pretended to be serious.

Chen Yi had no choice but to stand up. Wei Zheng followed up and clapped vigorously. The boys saw how this was done. My brother Chen was going to lead the speech. How could we let Wei Zheng compete for the first place all by himself and immediately all of them. He clapped his hands and patted hard.

A few girls also like to make boobs. For example, the one named Zhao Yuehong clapped vigorously and pushed Chen Yi to the front desk.

Chen Yi is naturally worthy, his waist is straight, and he walked up to the podium with his head high and his chest tall, his sluggish appearance was more like a leader’s speech.

Standing in front of the podium, looking at the 30 or so people below, I was nervous, but it was really not. The main reason is that everyone’s mental age is really not the same level. In Chen Yi’s view, this is just saying a few words in front of a group of little kids. , It is not difficult.

“Since everyone praises me so much, then I will say a few words.”

“I don’t need to introduce myself. I’m Chen Yi and everyone knows it. To be honest, I don’t want to be a monitor or something because I’m too tired to be a monitor. Salted fish, three years of high school has been very tired, is it not good to go to bed and play games every day in college?”

In a word, the boy laughed loudly. The boys continued to booze one by one, and many girls also laughed. Chen Yi really expressed the desire of many people in college.

Although the students from these top colleges and universities may still be desperate in college, it is true that they all want to salt fish. Three years of high school study, who doesn’t want to take a break?

Many female classmates stared at Chen Yi with scorching eyes, expressions of excitement, because he is handsome, and Chen Yi can dress up, dress stylishly, and has a very calm temperament, not like a freshman, many girls already think I’m looking for a template for my boyfriend.

After that, I knew that Chen Yi was the freshman from Ferrari, and he was probably the male god template.

“When you were in college, it was not in high school. The relationship between your classmates may be looser and more free. The best relationship is limited to a few roommates in the dormitory, and the relationship between other classmates may be weaker.”

“…Although undergraduates are flooded now, just throw a brick from upstairs and you can hit an undergraduate. In fact, undergraduates account for only about 4% of the population in our country, but 42% in the United States. , The island country is even as high as 45%, so there are not as many undergraduates as expected!”

“I said these data are to tell everyone that as such a 211 college, second only to the students of Qingbei Aurora, everyone here is actually the proudest of heaven and the top group of people in terms of academic qualifications. ”

“I don’t want to be the class leader, maybe my words are very utilitarian, but what I want to say is that we can become a classmate because of fate, and you are all proud of heaven, so I hope that even in this classmate relationship is relatively weak In the university of China, everyone can still become a group and help each other.”

“…In this way, after four years of our joyful university, after we move into society, we can still be in touch. Who is the noble man in your life.”

After Chen Yi finished, King Li Tian nodded secretly. For people like him who have been in the society for so long, the relationships between college students and dormitory roommates, as long as they keep in touch and have close feelings, sometimes It can really be used.

Especially as Chen Yi said, the one who can be admitted to this school is the pride of heaven, and no one can judge the future achievements of a certain classmate.(Read more @

Let’s continue to applaud, don’t care if you understand, whether you have personally felt the joy of being beaten by society, anyway, everything Chen Ge said is right, applause is not wrong.

It was almost done. Chen Yi raised his hand, and immediately the howling of ghosts and wolves in the classroom was gone, and it became quiet.

At this time, Chen Yi changed the conversation: “…Of course, although I don’t want to be the class monitor, I am willing to help students who are in difficulty, such as Yu Zixi over there. Her family situation is a bit difficult. I hope everyone can help her a lot in the days to come.”

During the contact with Yu Zixi, Chen Yi also knew that this girl was not the kind of girl with strong self-esteem, so she told her true situation without any scruples.

Yu Zixi, who was staring at Chen Yi with two staring eyes, was startled. She didn’t expect that she would be named by Chen Yi. Seeing all the students around him looked at him, she immediately lowered her head, she was nervous, her little face It’s all red.

At this time, the boys noticed Yu Zixi’s appearance, and many people’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Fuck, it’s really Brother Chen. While we were still looking at Li Xi, who was dressed up over there, Brother Chen was already witty, and he found such a dusted pearl, and he went straight to tease his sister in front of so many people.

Listen, I sincerely said that I hope everyone will help Yu Zixi. I am all touched!

Chen Yi clapped his hands again and asked everyone to take their eyes back. He smiled and said, “…I don’t want to do it as a monitor, but it seems that the university has a branch secretary position? Then I nominated myself and wanted to be a branch secretary. Everyone has Can those in favor raise their hands.”

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Zheng was the first to raise his hand, and then shouted: “…Brother Chen, you will be Secretary Chen from now on!”

The other boys clamored for a while, yelling ‘Secretary Chen’ happily, and a few other girls raised their hands. Yu Zixi was one of them. He immediately counted more than half of the votes, and Secretary Chen couldn’t run away.

Chen Yi kept talking and continued: “…As for the candidate for the class leader, I just saw classmate He Jie raise his hand to campaign. It happens that there are more girls in our class. If a boy is the class leader, many things are more troublesome, so I suggest that He Jie be the monitor of our class. Who agrees and who opposes?”

“Agree and agree, who would dare to object to Secretary Chen’s words.”

It was Wei Zheng again, the first to support.

Not to mention, there are a lot of things that are really easy to handle sometimes with such a particularly noisy follower.

Xiao Weizi, your road is wider, wait some day when my brother has time, I will show you the world of grown-ups.

Although there are more girls, boys are more united and easily overwhelmed. Any resolution can be voted through.

To be honest, girls are actually the most troublesome. It is difficult to want a woman to convince all girls, especially the kind of long and beautiful girls, it is almost difficult to get other girls to support, the way of thinking of girls is really It’s different from men.

Instead, boys are in front of girls, and sometimes they have more support.

He Jie looked blank, so I was appointed as the squad leader?

But why do I feel that I am so miserable, that I have to do the dirty work and the squad leader, but I can’t compare to the branch secretary in terms of status, and this Secretary Chen is a master of salted fish at first glance, and he has become a tool person. ?

When Li Tianwang saw Chen Yi did all his work, he didn’t feel annoyed. On the contrary, he hoped that there was a place where he could live in the class he was in charge of, so that he would be more relaxed.

Li Tianwang smiled and said: “… Then Secretary Chen arranges the next work too. It just so happens that the uniforms for military training are here. You take the boys to help the girls move the clothes.”

When Chen Yi heard this, he immediately commanded: “…Have you heard what Li Tianwang said? Warriors, now is your best chance to go to the girls’ dormitory in an upright manner. After this village, there will be no such shop. , Show off your masculinity!”


As soon as they could go to the girls’ dormitory, the group of animals immediately became lively.

Chen Yi smiled triumphantly, Li Tianwang, do you want me to work? How could it be possible, this secretary naturally has to allocate all the work.

What to see in the girls’ dormitory, especially since the first day of school, it’s absolutely clean. Wait two months to see it again. It’s definitely messy, even messier than the boys’ dormitory.

However, Chen Yi felt that he couldn’t really do nothing, so he decided to be a transporter to help these animals transport the military training clothes to the dormitory.

Ferrari is really a good car, it can buy food and transport.

When the classmates saw Chen Yi’s Ferrari, all of them felt that they were suffering from gains and losses. It turns out that Secretary Chen is such a rich and rich second generation.

The female classmates were even more excited. Zhao Yuehong, who had the same virtuous voice as Wei Zheng, screamed immediately, asking the girls in the English department to unite and protect the school flowers in our class, but don’t let the little bitches from other departments rob them. gone.

Chen Yi thinks that the beginning of his college career is quite interesting.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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