Chapter 9 These millions of fans are fake!

Just when Chu Chuzi and the dean became confused, Chen Yi had already sketched out the matching options he needed and handed over the list.

Wu Jun took a look at the list and immediately decided that the young master in front of him is a real trench, not a fake big dog. The selection of Ferrari is actually not necessary. Some people bite their teeth to buy a Ferrari, directly It’s just a naked car, and those who can spend millions on these options without blinking, are really rich people!

Seeing Chen Yi completed the matching list, Wu Jun was diligent and immediately got the insurance policy and the vehicle purchase contract, and began to calculate: “…The price of the Ferrari 812 naked car is 5.3 million, the commercial insurance is 103,000, and the purchase tax 470,000 needs to be handed over to the vehicle management office. We can help you to pay for it. The accessories you selected add up to about 1.3 million. The final total price is this number. Do you have any problems?”

Wu Jun handed over the list. Chen Yi glanced at it. The total price was rounded up to about 7.5 million. A car of 5.3 million will cost 7.5 million in the end. This is the so-called luxury car, and his system issued it. Of the 10 million in cash, there was only 250 left in the blink of an eye… No, it was 2.5 million!

‘This money can’t help being spent, I’m so poor! ’

Chen Yi shook his head and sighed in his heart. If the dean and Chu Chuzi, who were numb and just doing shooting records, knew what he thought, they would probably say that if you are poor, then we are really inferior to beggars.

“No problem, about the license plate of Shanghai?”

Chen Yi took a look at whether the price was right. If you have money, you have money. But when you have money, you can’t be deceived. After he determined the total price of the car, he started talking about the license plate. .

Shencheng and Emperor are no better than other places, and the car licenses of these two major cities are not easy to apply for.

Of course, as long as you have money, you can get it anyway.

“If you need a license plate, we can help you solve it. If you don’t need a special license plate, we will directly help you get the total price of the car. If you need a special license plate…”

Wu Jun discussed it carefully.

Although he hasn’t finished his words yet, Chen Yi understands what he means. In other words, if Chen Yi doesn’t need any number, such as 6666 or 8888 license plates, the Ferrari 4S store will give you directly for free, which is equivalent to Give you a discount of 100,000 200,000, but if it is those special license plates, you need to continue to pay.(Read more @

It is not uncommon for a good license plate to sell for millions.

However, Chen Yi didn’t think much about license plates. Ferrari’s flagship models no longer need license plates to set off. After thinking about it, Chen Yi said, “…It doesn’t matter what license plates are. I don’t have much feeling for those numbers, but if you can , Can you find a way to get me the CY0815 license?”

CY is his initials, and 0815 is to commemorate the day he crossed. This license plate is more memorable than 666888.

When Wu Jun heard this, he laughed and said: “…Although it is a self-selected license plate, this is no problem. If the license plate is not used by anyone, we will apply for it for you.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

Chen Yi nodded calmly.

“Then how do you settle the bill, our Ferrari loan…”

“No, just pay the full amount!”

Chen Yi interrupted the other party directly.

loan? Chen Yi said that he didn’t need it at all, and even if he wanted to take a loan, he couldn’t get it. A loan of 100,000, 200,000 would not require any collateral, but a loan of millions of dollars would inevitably require collateral. How can Chen Yi have it? Such things as collateral.

As for a loan of 100,000 to 200,000 to buy a Ferrari, it is like holding a 500 yuan voucher, which is simply funny.

After Wu Jun heard this, he could only sigh. In fact, for the truly rich, they prefer loans, and owing money to the bank is the kingly way. For those truly rich who have access and resources, the cash remains The various turnovers on hand are used to make money, and the difference in interest that can be generated is very large, so rich people prefer loans to buy those expensive things.

Like Chen Yi who directly asks for the full amount, they can only say that they are not short of money.

Wu Jun is also well-informed, admiring Chen Yi’s anger in his heart, but his hands are not slow, and various contracts are ready.

Chen Yi probably scanned the contract casually. He raised his head before signing. He took a deep look at Wu Jun and said, smiling and saying, “…The contract says that the car can be delivered in seven days. I hope you don’t Beyond this deadline.”

For companies like Ferrari, you don’t need to look closely at other aspects of the contract. It is impossible to cheat. Only small companies will fake the contract. However, Chen Yi emphatically reminded the number of 7 days. He bought a car to satisfy his vanity. Yes, if he was pressed for ten days and a half months by various excuses, it would be inconsistent with his original intention.

“Don’t worry about this. It’s written in the contract. We still dare not violate the contract.”

Wu Jun quickly packed the tickets.

Chen Yi nodded with satisfaction, signed his name, and took out his bank card at the same time.

All the people present subconsciously glanced at Chen Yi’s bank card, and found that it was a very ordinary ICBC card, not a legendary black card, and thought that this might be the low-key of others.

Chen Yi asked about this card before that there is no limit on the transfer funds, which may be due to the system. He directly swiped the card to transfer the funds, and then immediately received a text message on his mobile phone, and more than 7 million disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yi’s face was expressionless, and he didn’t have much feeling. The main reason was that the money came too easily, and it was just a few figures, which made people unable to find any waves in their hearts. Chu Chuzi’s eyes widened and thought Chen Yi was expressionless. It is that the local tyrants feel drizzle in the face of a small amount of more than 7 million yuan, and they will not make too many waves.

After all, Wu Jun had seen some wealthy people come to buy Ferraris, and could accept some, but Chu Chuzi and the dean were envious and heartbroken when they saw it. Suddenly they felt that they were the so-called “net celebrity” of millions of fans. It doesn’t have that taste anymore, those fans are all fake.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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