Chapter 96 Turning money into influence is the god!

Dean: Do you have time to go to the track to play cars together? I just want to make a video.

During the military training gap, when Chen Yi saw the WeChat sent by the UP master of station B he knew before, there was no response. It is fake to go to the track to play, and it is true to want to shoot a video.

It is estimated that this UP owner started to transform from the game category before, and began to focus on outdoor Vlog. The last time that happened in the Ferrari store made his transformation video very popular, and he wanted to continue shooting.

Chen Yi smiled when he saw this, and he was ready to reply directly to rejection. Brother is not your tool person, so how can he be interested in increasing video traffic for you.

For this UP owner with millions of fans at station B, Chen Yi has never taken it seriously. From the moment he gained the system, Chen Yi already knew that he and the opponent were not of the same class, and that everyone ran on different tracks. The same, so there is no need to have a deep friendship.

Although utilitarian, Chen Yi knows that he has to learn such utilitarian ideas and practices. Those who cannot bring benefits to them should not communicate too much, because that will only waste their time.

Perhaps the only exception is these classmates I met in university, so it’s not wrong to say that university is the last ivory tower, because things that everyone cares about when interacting outside of school are different, and it’s hard to make real friends at that time. .

Just when Chen Yi was about to politely refuse, he saw that the UP master sent another message.

Dean: I happened to introduce someone to you. He is a friend of mine and one of the co-founders of Station B. His name is Ding Junfeng. I don’t know if you know him.

Chen Yi’s heart moved when he saw this place, and quickly turned on Baidu and started to search for Ding Junfeng.

If it’s just an ordinary co-founder of Station B, it doesn’t make sense, unless Chen Yi wants to buy some of his original shares at a high price, but if he is the co-founder who manages part of the business…

Just when Chen Yi thought about it, a quick search on the web gave Chen Yi the answer. This person named Ding Junfeng is really one of the earliest co-founders of station B.

And it’s not the kind of dispensable founder who just waits for the B station to be listed and sells stocks for dividends, but the founder who has real power and manages part of the business, and his management happens to be the B station and game-related departments.

This is called unintentionally inserting willows into the willows? At that time, I just met a B station UP host casually, but it became a bridge, allowing Chen Yi to meet a B station senior, and it was in line with what Chen Yi was about to do.

In order to complete the system task, Chen Yi is already preparing to set up a mobile game company to develop mobile games. After careful consideration, he finally chose the type of mobile games related to the two-dimensional element, because this type of mobile game is easier to deceive krypton.

Find those well-known artists on the Internet and let them draw the original paintings, go to the island country to find famous voice actors to dub the game, have a similar good story and gameplay, and use money to buy advertisements and traffic on major websites for promotion.

I don’t know if this game is really popular at the end. Anyway, it’s absolutely easy to trick Krypton into a wave of 10 million dollars, but Chen Yi feels that even if he doesn’t care whether he makes money or not, because there is a system to give money, but since he has to do it, You must do a good job.

He has also carefully thought about the type of game he wants to do.

There is no Pesticide King in this world. To say that it is a game with huge influence and extremely high turnover, Pesticide King can definitely be ranked high.(Read more @

Just not to mention the slow development of this type of game. It takes a lot of time to adjust various data balances. When it is launched, I am afraid the daylily will be cold.

The second is the game of King Pesticide, which is a self-learning game. Even in the world before Chen Yi’s rebirth, he suffered various criticisms at the beginning of listing. It is still the leading company that is wholly-owned by Goose Factory.

In this world, if you dare to research and develop yourself, you might have to meet in Nanshan and Pizza Hut courts.

The resources and channels owned by the goose factory are the most important reason why Wangzhe Pesticide is popular. What Chen Yi lacks is precisely this kind of resources and channels. If he had these things, he would have become Dad Chen a long time ago.

Besides, the production cost of this game is more than 500 million yuan, ahem, so forget it…

Therefore, Wang Zhe Pesticide was first adopted by Chen YiPass, letting him focus on pure two-dimensional games. “FGO”, a game that saved Station B, is naturally the best choice.

However, this game’s popularity depends on the long-standing hot IP, and this world of this game has already been released, Chen Yi can only give up.

In the end, Chen Yi chose a work that was once a small workshop in itself, but eventually exploded because of the tap water—”Tomorrow’s Ark”.

This game almost perfectly meets Chen Yi’s requirements for the production of two-dimensional games-a well-known painter, an island voice actor, a pre-junk game script plus good tower defense gameplay.

Moreover, the production cost of this game is not high, 20 million is enough, and even Chen Yi has a basic game impression in his mind, which can greatly reduce the production time.

The combination of various factors is enough to cheat those dead houses out of their wallets to help Chen Yi complete his system tasks. Anyway, they only like paper people.

Now that you have a decision, you have to build a team quickly, but Chen Yi can play games, but he has a blind face about making games. He can do whatever he wants with money, but he can easily be cheated if he doesn’t understand. It will consume a lot of time.

Therefore, the easiest way is undoubtedly to find a person in the industry to work together, pay for yourself, and the other party provides resources, contacts and experience, and gives up a small part of the benefits to get more benefits. This is the kingly way.

The co-founder of Station B was dozing off to deliver the pillow, and the UP master he had accidentally met at the beginning came to fruition.

At that time, you can also use the founder to connect with station B and use their publicity channels and resources. When station B is listed, your system will not know how many levels, and if you have more money, you may not be able to acquire some shares. Become a major shareholder of Station B to lead the growth of Houlang.

The idea is perfect!

How to convert money into influence is the most important problem for a systematic superintendent to solve. Simply having money can only allow you to live a luxurious and prosperous life, but if you encounter any special events, money is of no use. Must be big.

An extreme point, for example, if you meet a gangster and you are beaten by him, you can’t beat him but you have money. You can indeed hire someone to beat someone up, but this is called a murderer.

At that time, there is no use just having money to get you in, and you can’t bribe the judge, but if you have influence or know the local police chief, this kind of thing won’t even happen.

The biggest flaw in the money issued by the system is here, because it is just pure money and will not gain influence.

Only great influence is the key to gaining a foothold, and now Chen Yi has temporarily taken the first step to gain influence. How to make himself an indispensable part of the country in the future is his ultimate goal and direction.

The goal in my heart has been set, and I just feel that I have a good idea. I sent a WeChat to agree to this shooting request. In the end, I sacrificed Hue.

After making an appointment with the dean, Chen Yi just put away his mobile phone.

Although the military training is almost over, it is not over yet…

At the whistle of the instructor, Chen Yi went to the meeting place. When passing by the Japanese faculty’s phalanx, Chen Yi heard a sour voice, “…Is it just because of the money at home? What? , If it’s not for the money in the family, it’s not like a stupid idiot.”

Chen Yi turned his head and saw that he was a very strong boy.

Chen Yi has always known that he can’t be liked by everyone. Among them, the guys in the Japanese department may hate him the most. The main reason is that Chen Yi always goes to tease Nan Jiyue when he is fine, which makes the boys in the Japanese language school very jealous.

Don’t think Nan Jiyue is not seen by girls, but boys lick dogs a lot, as long as they are beautiful, regardless of their personality, there are a group of licking dogs that are deadly face, as for any personality that is not suitable, they all become boy and girl friends. After the rhetoric.

Although Nan Jiyue’s character made many boys go down and almost killed a few boys to death, but the dogs are powerful, they will only think that they are not licking hard enough. I believe that as long as the effort is deep, they can lick the dog. The needle will be ground.

Listening to the sour tone of the boy from the Japanese department, Chen Yi suspected that he was one of the licking dogs.

Where no one else could see, Chen Yi pointed his middle finger directly at the boy.

“My CXX!”

The boy who was already jealous immediately froze. A man at this age would not control his temper at all, yelling at him, and at the same time rushing towards Chen Yi fiercely.

Chen Yi’s face sank.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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