At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

"Come in!"

Gu Chen glanced at it.

It was Mei Jiale who went out to negotiate early in the morning.

"President Gu, fortunately not insulting! Took it!

Mei Jiale stood in front of Gu Chen panting, and said with short breath.

The tone was even more pleased.


Gu Chen looked at each other curiously.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Yang's automobile manufacturing company, including workers' equipment and technicians, plus various design drawings and patents, packaged and sold together, according to the approximate total price of 2 billion!"

After Mei Jiale finished speaking, she looked at Gu Chen nervously.

Although this price was won by him after grinding his lips, if Gu Chen did not accept this price, he had no choice.

"Huh? It seems that Manager Mei is still a master negotiator!

Gu Chen's eyebrows jumped when he heard this, and he looked at Mei Jiale with a little surprise.


Hearing this, Mei Jiale was relieved in her heart.

"Where, the other party still looks at President Gu's face to be so low!"

Mei Jiale, who is well versed in the rules of the workplace, naturally wanted to talk about this opportunity on Gu Chen's face.

Sure enough, Gu Chen was also overwhelmed when he heard this, and looked at Mei Jiale and nodded repeatedly: "Haha, Manager Mei said and laughed, this matter is naturally the credit of Manager Mei."

Then Gu Chen personally met with Mr. Yang and rushed to the destination with the lawyers recruited by Grandview Group to sign the contract.

It is worth saying that Gu Chen's group is all lawyers from their own firm.

The mutual win between the two sides has enabled Canghai Office to spread all over the country, its reputation has soared, and its strength has become the first firm in China.

And Gu Chen is also like the wishes of lawyer Bai Yansong, and he has always dealt with international issues, which has led to his rising reputation in the world.

Every time I saw Gu Chen, I smiled and looked at Gu Chen very gratefully.

In the asset exchange, under the witness of lawyers and notaries on both sides, Gu Chen and Yang Tianci signed a transfer contract.

As the funds arrived, both sides smiled.

"Mr. Gu, happy cooperation!"

"Mr. Yang, happy cooperation!"

Gu Chen naturally held the other party's hand.

Gu Chen still had nearly 20 billion in the card before, and now it is really a drop in the bucket to use up two billion, and he doesn't care, and he didn't go from the books of Grandview Group, although Grandview Group is also his.

It happened that it was here that Gu Chen directly renamed the company that belonged to him, Shenzhou Co., Ltd.

"Congratulations to President Gu for adding another industry!"

How could Mei Jiale let go of this opportunity to perform in front of Gu Chen!

"It's still the credit of Manager Mei."

Gu Chen waved his hand with a smile and said to Mei Jiale: "I wonder if the manager is interested in changing jobs?" Mei

Jiale was excited when she heard it, and she came! The reward for his hard work these days came.

"As long as President Gu orders, any job can be done!"

Mei Jiale suddenly shouted loudly.

Gu Chen listened to the music, and rolled his eyes: "Oh? Would you like to ask me to be a driver?

Mei Jiale was stunned, and was immediately dumbfounded, but he reacted very much, this was Gu Chen teasing him, so he shouted loudly: "As long as Gu always needs, I don't have any requirements!"

"You! What an old traitor!

Gu Chen scolded with a smile.

"Give you three days! Find me an heir to your position in Grandview Group, and then report to Shenzhou!

Then looked at the other party's smirk, shook his head, and said.

"I don't know what position I went to Shenzhou?"

Mei Jiale did not have any dissatisfaction when she heard this, but looked at Gu Chen with her eyes open.

"General Manager!"


Hearing this, Mei Jiale shouted loudly.

It can be seen that he is very happy, and he has no dissatisfaction with leaving Grandview Group for a newly established new company.

Looking at Gu Chen's appearance, he knew that he would definitely vigorously develop this company, and he would be the real number one in the future, which was naturally better than in Grandview Group.

After that, Gu Chen also personally went to inspect, looking at the workers' worried eyes, Gu Chen naturally knew their worries, and after speaking, everyone relaxed their hearts.

At the same time, he asked Mei Jiale to directly update the factory, and after processing, he went to Huahai to find him.

He left Yangcheng.

After going back this time, Gu Chen inspected many new energy research laboratories non-stop, and found that none of them met his wishes.

However, he was not in a hurry, after all, this matter was not in a hurry for a while.

No, he just inspected a research institute that wanted to cheat research funds under the banner of a new energy research institute and returned directly to Taiyu.

Not long after he sat down, he received a call from the front desk, saying that someone wanted to visit him, and it was President Zhou.

"Chairman Zhou, rare guest!"

Gu Chen smiled and took a cup of tea and handed it to the other party, then said with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for coming this time!"

Chairman Zhou took it and looked at Gu Chen and said very gratefully.

Then he turned to look at a young man behind him who did not say a word.

"Thank you for your lifesaver!"

Glared at each other fiercely.

Gu Chen looked at it, and there was some similarity between his eyebrows and Chairman Zhou, and he guessed in his heart that this should be Chairman Zhou's grandson Zhou Zihao.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for your help!" A smile appeared on Zhou Zihao's silent face, and he looked at Gu Chen and thanked him seriously.

"It's okay! Just raise your hand.

Gu Chen waved his hand and said with a smile that it was okay.

He nodded secretly, it seems that this blow to him is quite big, not all bad, at least let him really sober up.

Chairman Zhou on the side was also very relieved, this time Zhou Zihao really changed after coming back, and he didn't go out to fool around like before, but began to learn to manage business.

I have to say that the children of rich families do not have real skills, they learn faster than ordinary people, and they have a certain talent in business.

Zhou Zihao was also extremely curious about Gu Chen at this time, knowing that even his grandfather was useless, but he didn't expect this young man who was not much older than him to have such face.

Before he was very arrogant in Yangcheng, it was indeed because he was arrogant in Huahai City, and it was the same all the time in Yangcheng, but people directly gave him a blow and did not put his identity in their eyes.

And his old man's shot was useless, which made him extremely afraid, thinking that this life was over, and he was estimated to go to jail.

This time in the detention center made him look back and feel that he was really a mess before, and if he gave himself another chance, he must change well.

Unexpectedly, it really came true, and someone outside told him that he could actually leave, which made him mentally trance.

Until he heard his grandfather say that Gu Chen saved him, he was very curious about Gu Chen, and after looking up the information, he immediately gasped for air.

No wonder the Yangcheng Yang family released themselves.

After chatting a few words, President Zhou stopped disturbing Gu Chen and proposed to leave.

"Mr. Gu! I don't know when you have time, the old man wants to treat you to a meal!

Chairman Zhou looked at Gu Chen seriously after getting up.

"Chairman Zhou is polite."

Gu Chen quickly waved his hand.

So he pushed and shoved a few more words, and saw that Gu Chen didn't look like a lie and left.

At this time, the assistant walked in.

"Mr. Gu, I have already found a few car design masters that you want me to find, but they have all rejected us." The assistant looked at Gu Chen and reported truthfully.

Gu Chen was slightly stunned, and asked puzzled, "Huh?" What's with? "

They think our new company is not reliable at all, and the brand is not famous at all."

"Oh? Where are they all now? Gu Chen thought about it and asked.

The assistant replied: "There are three in China, just right in Huahai!" There are two abroad!

"This way! You know where they are! Let's visit it in person!

Gu Chen thought about it and said.


So the assistant left with Gu Chen.

Along the way, under the command of the assistant, after driving for several hours, the car came to a villa area, looking at the quiet environment, Gu Chen nodded, with his own assets, there is no villa!

However, he is not attached to the villa, plus he lives comfortably in Tomson Yipin, and he has no plans to buy a villa.

After obtaining the consent of the other party, Gu Chen's car followed the security guard's patrol car and drove towards the design master's villa.

It seems that the security here really goes without saying, absolutely top-notch.

The car drove for nearly half an hour before it stopped in front of a villa with a beautiful environment.

It can be seen that the area of this villa area is really quite large!

After Gu Chen and his assistant got out of the car, there was already a maid waiting here.

"Is that Mr. An?"

The assistant beside Gu Chen nodded.

Then the servant walked in with a few people.

In front of it is a relatively large yard, surrounded by flower beds, and the air is filled with a hint of fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

At first glance, you can understand people who enjoy life.

Walking along the stone steps into the villa, the eye is a huge living room, the simple design is atmospheric, elegant, and there are cumbersome and exquisite crystal chandeliers hanging in the air, so that the layering of the hall rises a step.

On the plain white sofa were sitting two middle-aged men at this time, with their backs to him.

The assistant nodded at Gu Chen, he knew that these two people were the target this time.

"Sir, the man has arrived!"

The maid smiled and shouted to one of the men and left.

Hearing this, the two turned around.

Suddenly Gu Chen raised his eyebrows, these two people he seemed to have seen somewhere, some familiar.

"Please sit!"

One of the middle-aged men wearing glasses said to the two with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Gu Chen said politely and sat down at the other end and faced him.

"Hey, little brother, have we met somewhere?"

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