This is clearly to give him a chance to make meritorious achievements!

So he quickly called his backer at the headquarters, that is, Du Liang, the vice president who had a relationship with Gu Chen before.

It is not that all groups are controlled by one person like Gu Chen.

In particular, the larger the group, the more complex the internal composition, and the various factions are intertwined, which is very normal.

"Hello? Is it Mr. Du?

"Old Liu? Why are you willing to call me?

At this time, a breathless middle-aged man's unique voice came out.

"President Du! I wonder if you remember that Mr. Gu at the beginning?

"You mean the one..."

Manager Liu nodded.

"Of course! What's wrong?

"That Mr. Gu called me just now, saying that there is a cooperation to discuss?"

"Is it true?"

"That's true!"

"Wait! I'll come right away!

Manager Liu obviously heard Mr. Du's irrepressible excitement.

Then he called Gu Chen back, saying that the vice president of their group was coming over, and he would visit Gu Chen and the like tomorrow.

Gu Chen naturally readily agreed.

Then after Gu Chen finished dealing with the affairs, he went home, and Hamandan was naturally at home with Gu's mother.

"Gu Chen, do you have anything fun here?" Hamandan asked suddenly.

"Naturally, there is!"

Gu Chen thought about it and knew what he meant.

Hamandan was shocked when he heard this, he stayed at Gu Chen's house all day, and he had difficulty communicating with Gu's mother, so he was very bored.

"Can we go play then?"

"I have work to talk about tomorrow! Take you next time! Gu Chen thought about it and said.

"Good! But can I visit your company tomorrow?

Hamandan nodded, then asked curiously.

"Of course!"

Gu Chen readily agreed.

The next day, in the morning, Gu Chen took Hamandan, who had been yawning for days, to the company.

"Hamandan, how about you go back to sleep?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"No thanks!"

Hamandan waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

Gu Chen shook his head, and then stopped caring about him, and arrived at the door of the group all the way without incident.

Look at a towering high-rise building that plunges into the sky.

"Wow, Gu Chen, is this all your company?"

Hamandan nodded and exclaimed;

"Good! This is just one of them! Gu Chen shrugged and didn't care.

Hamandan was immediately very impressed, and then curiously began to visit the various floors, and Gu Chen did not care about him.

The other young ladies in the company were immediately very interested in this handsome foreign brother and chatted with him.

As for communication? Those who can come to work here are naturally high-quality students.

As soon as he sat in his office, his phone rang.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, let's come here!"

"Good! I'm waiting for you at Taiyu Group! Gu Chen said with a smile.

About an hour later, the assistant came over with Manager Liu and President Du.

"President Du, Manager Liu hasn't seen you for a long time!"

Gu Chen got up and said hello with a smile.

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

The two naturally did not dare to raise it, and quickly replied with a smile.

"I came to you this time to find you to cooperate on a project!"

Gu Chen also didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

"Mr. Gu, please say!" The two looked at each other, and President Du asked puzzled.

"I wonder if President Du paid attention to the disaster last year?"

Seeing the two nodding, Gu Chen continued: "Now the disaster has completely ended, but those construction projects naturally need people!" I don't know what the two of you think?

"Mr. Gu means to build the disaster area?"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, President Du was stunned for a moment, and then asked incredulously.


Gu Chen nodded.

Suddenly, President Du's face was full of shock, you must know that these were basically built by the national special engineering team, and basically no private group built them.

But now hearing Gu Chen's words, doesn't it mean that Gu Chen can get a project?

"So Mr. Gu asked us to cooperate in construction?" President Du suddenly breathed heavily, and asked with red eyes.

Gu Chen nodded first, then shook his head and said, "Yes, but it's not just you!"

"Anyone else?"

President Du couldn't help but ask;

"Yes! Because I received a construction project for a city, it is naturally not enough for our two companies!

Gu Chen's words were astonishing.

Instantly frightened President Du and Manager Liu, the two of them swallowed their saliva and did not come to their senses for a long time.

"Is what Mr. Gu said true?"

In the end, Mr. Du still didn't believe it.

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly showed them the contract signed yesterday.

The two looked at it carefully and had to make sure that what Gu Chen said was true.

"President Gu, then what are we going to do?"

The two were shocked by Gu Chen's energy, and then asked eagerly.

"Naturally, we can't complete such a big project, so I need to bid for a national bid." Gu Chen looked at the two and said with a smile.


President Du's expression flashed.

"Yes! However, I don't have the relationship with other real estate groups, and all this needs to trouble President Du and Manager Liu! Gu Chen said with a faint smile.

The two were immediately ecstatic, didn't this give them a chance to make a big appearance in other group groups?

"Please rest assured, Mr. Gu, I promise to bring you other groups to you."

President Du immediately assured.

Gu Chen smiled slightly: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have specifically looked for President Du!"

"But I only have one request, and that is to disqualify the Bandai Group!" Then Gu Chen's face changed.

Hearing this, President Du and Manager Liu were very puzzled, looking at Gu Chen's expression, they knew that it should be Bandai Group who offended Gu Chen, but this had nothing to do with them, but it was a little gloating, after all, they were competitive with each other.

"No problem!" President Du said directly.

"Good! Then I wish us a happy cooperation in advance!

Gu Chen got up at this time and stretched out his right hand with a smile.

Where did President Du dare to raise it, he quickly got up and replied excitedly: "Thank you Mr. Gu!"

Later, several people said many things, but these were naturally not the masters of his vice president, and he needed to report to the chairman of the group quickly.

So he rushed directly to the headquarters non-stop, but his credit was certain.

Then there was a huge shock in the real estate world.

Yiyue Group invited ten major domestic real estate groups to jointly build disaster areas, and this news directly surprised everyone.

When did Yiyue Group have so much energy to build a disaster area?

Therefore, the market value of Yiyue Group directly rises and stops every day, which makes the controlling people of Yiyue Group laugh.

This matter was naturally handed over to President Du to be responsible, not only to give Gu Chen's face, but also to the result of the toughness of President Du's faction.

After all, that's a huge benefit! Naturally, many people flock to it.

"Mr. Gu, then we have a good cooperation!"

At this time, Mr. Du signed a cooperation strategic contract with Tiansheng Real Estate on behalf of Yiyue Group.

"Happy cooperation!"

At this time, Gu's father, as the general manager of Tiansheng Group, naturally signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of Tiansheng and Yiyue.

His face was naturally very excited, but he did not expect that his second spring of career one day would be based on his son.

Under the joint witness of the lawyers of both sides, the two signed each other.

President Du naturally knew the identity of Father Gu, so he didn't dare to snub at all.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, tonight's meeting, I still need you and I to go early."

President Du was also relieved after accepting the contract, after all, the verbal agreement had not yet been written, and he naturally could not be at ease.

"Hmm! Yes, everything is in trouble with Mr. Du! "

Father Gu is naturally not a fledgling brat, although the circle he used to contact was very small, but now with his son behind, he is very proud.

"Where and where, go, I'll ask Mr. Gu to have a drink!"

"Let's go, but naturally I invite President Du in Huahai."

The two had a very good relationship at this time, and left with a smile all the way.

Gu Chen's office.

"Mr. Gu, we have signed a contract with Yiyue Group."

At this time, the assistant stood and reported to Gu Chen.

"Okay! That's up to my dad.

Gu Chen was processing other documents, and when he heard the assistant's words, he said without thinking.

The assistant nodded when he heard this, and when he was about to leave, Gu Chen remembered something, looked up and said, "That's right!" Is there any news from the New Energy Research Institute? Hearing

Gu Chen's voice, the assistant quickly turned around and shook his head: "No."

"So be it! You call them later, just say I'll come over and inspect later!"

Gu Chen frowned when he heard this, it has been almost a month, even if the Spring Festival holiday accounts for a small half, it should have studied something.

"Yes! I'll contact that side!

The assistant nodded.

Then he picked up the special mobile phone and went to contact.

Ordinary mobile phones do not have any signal in the research institute, only the kind of special customization is useful.

An hour later, Gu Chen finished dealing with the company's affairs and went straight to the New Energy Research Institute with his assistant.

After a strict and cumbersome inspection, Gu Chen soon saw Dean Yan Shuyan, who had been waiting for a long time.

"President Gu!" After seeing Gu Chen, Yan Shu shouted with a smile.

"Dean Yan is polite!"

Gu Chen smiled and shook hands with the other party.

Several people came to the upstairs office.

"Dean Yan, how is it? How is the research! Gu

Chen naturally sat on the main seat, and then he couldn't wait to ask.

"President Gu, I also have to report to you!"

Hearing this, Yan Shuzi looked at Gu Chendao with a very excited look.

"Mr. Gu, for the information you gave, I have mastered all the technology of the first generation of new batteries, and the number of experiments has been carried out 1,387 times, with a success rate of 100%, and the results are completely in line with the above situation, it can be said that production can be started now!"

Yan Shu looked at Gu Chen with deep admiration.

He knew very well that if it wasn't for Gu Chen's USB flash drive, he wouldn't be able to study it for another fifty years, so he admired Gu Chen very much.

"That's great news!"

Gu Chen also showed joy when he heard this.

He was not surprised by this result, after all, he gave him all the technical processes, and it would be unexpected if the research did not come out.

The assistant on the side was a little strange, looking at the two with puzzlement.

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