"I know that! I wonder what Mr. Hunter thinks of that Eaton? Gu Chen sighed secretly as an old fox, and then continued to ask

"This, Mr. Gu, let me be honest, I don't know anything about that Eton son, I only know that he was established as the heir of the family at the age of eighteen, and I heard that his business ability is very outstanding." Mr. Hunt gave some of the news.

"Is that so? I wonder if that Eaton is close to a woman? Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then asked again.

"I don't know about this old man! But I think it is inevitable to be young and vigorous. Hunter thought for a moment and guessed.

He naturally did not tell the truth, joking, for the same qi and each other as competitors, which of the ten major consortiums is not to install dark sons, for their respective important people, from the ability and character advantages and shortcomings are investigated very clearly.

Eaton has naturally been the focus of observation for a long time, and the information about Eaton in his hand has long been several feet high.

But how could he give Gu Chen plainly for no reason? Although he admired Gu Chen very much.

In a word, he will never do things without profit, and this is the embodiment of the power of capital.

"This way!"

Gu Chen naturally didn't believe the other party's words, and then asked a few more questions, and he had a bottom in his heart.

"Thank you Mr. Hunt for telling me!" Gu Chen thanked with a smile.

Although the other party did not provide him with any useful information, he also guessed many clues with his intelligence and from the previous conversation, and he was immediately relieved.

"Mr. Gu is polite, I didn't help anything in this matter, I don't know why Mr. Gu suddenly investigated the DuPont Foundation and the Prince of Eaton?" Maybe I can help? When

Hunter heard this, he waved his hand and asked with very polite concern.

When Gu Chen heard this, he secretly scolded the old fox, and he didn't believe that the other party's status in Los Angeles would not know about it, not to mention that Mecalon was still a junior of the other party.

"Nothing! I just heard this name and wanted to know more! But he said very politely.

After all, the other party still wants to help himself, and it is naturally impossible for him to lose his manners.

"This way!"

When Hunter heard this, his slightly pitying tone made Gu Chen glance.

"I'll trouble Mr. Hunter this time, so don't bother!"

Then Gu Chen quickly hung up the phone.

None of these old guys are simple.

Still, he smiled, and although Hunter didn't say anything useful, he found something out of it.

The DuPont consortium's main business is the industrial and mining industry, and the oil business is the main business, which is the industry where the opposing consortium lives.

The automotive industry, although it was also the main project later, was opened in partnership with other consortiums, and its importance is far from comparable to the former.

The other party is also clear about the reason for his shot, Gu Chen is also clear, it should be their Shenzhou electric vehicle impact their share, resulting in a significant decline in their market proportion and influence, so this is a disgrace given by the other party!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen snorted coldly, it was not enough to rely on this!

Hunter, who was far away in the United States, put down the phone, and the housekeeper next to him took the phone.

"Looks like it's going to be fun!"

When the butler heard this, he was a little curious: "Sir, what is interesting?"

"Haha! As far as I know, that Mr. Gu is not a master who suffers losses! And it's also about his sister's reputation, so he must have an action against the DuPont consortium next! Now it's going to look good! Hunter

was in a good mood at this time, and his eyes full of wisdom looked out to the east.

"Isn't that Mr. Gu going to suffer a loss?" The butler asked puzzled.

Although he also knew that Mr. Gu was not simple, in this land, no one would be the opponent of the consortium, and this was the answer engraved in his bones.

"Not necessarily!" Hunter shook his head and said after a long silence.

Then he continued his tea-cutting journey.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know what Hunter thought.

At this time, he called Mei Jiale directly.

He is not a person who suffers losses and does not pursue them, nor is he a gentleman who takes revenge, and it is not too late for ten years, but revenge does not overnight, and must be directly hard-headed.

The call was answered quickly.

"Hello? Mr. Gu? "


Gu Chen nodded.

"Did the previous events have any impact on sales in the domestic market?"

"President Gu, I was about to report to you!"

Hearing this, Mei Jiale quickly said excitedly: "This corruption turmoil not only did not have any bad impression on us, but made everyone have a great favorable impression of our Shenzhou, and the sales in various places have continuously increased in the past few days!"

"This way!"

Gu Chen's brows frowned, this was a surprise!

"Good! Now the domestic market is almost saturated! How is the situation abroad?

Gu Chen continued to ask.

At this time, Mei Jiale quickly turned to the previous foreign report.

At present, due to various reasons, Shenzhou Auto only has branches in three places, one in Europe, where Bosch's care and environmental awareness there are very good, so it is currently the most bought and sold place, and even caught up with China, is the largest sales market abroad.

One is in the Middle East, because of the deep cooperation with Prince Rashid, so there is also a sales point there.

However, due to the environmental problems there and the fact that the local area can be described as a major energy country, local people are naturally accustomed to driving oil-burning cars, so there are not many in the local area.

If it weren't for Prince Rashid's insistence on promoting this car, Shenzhou brand cars would have withdrawn from this market long ago, but now sales are slowly rising.

The last one is naturally in the United States, to be precise, on the American continent.

Because it is the center of the world economy, sales here are also very good, and once hit the local market.

So it led to retaliation.

"Mr. Gu, the best sales at present are on the European side, followed by the United States, the Middle East is the least, and the sales volume in Europe is enough to compare with the domestic side, which is simply in short supply!" The second is the United States, because our Shenzhou car is very green and safe, coupled with clean energy and very convenient, it is even more touted!

"However, since we have to supply domestically, demand has always exceeded supply, and I ask to increase the production line again!" It will definitely be very hot by then! Mei Jiale said excitedly.

"Good! Is there any other situation in the United States? Like troublemaking? Gu

Chen was also in a good mood when he heard this.

"Mr. Gu, I didn't receive news from over there, but I think there shouldn't be! Otherwise I would have received the news from my side long ago! Mei Jiale thought about it when she heard this, and said.

"This way!"

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, he thought that the other party would do such a low-minded thing! It seems that as the other party, he does not disdain to do this kind of thing.

"In that case! Add another 20 production lines, and then ship them all to the United States, and I will do my best to occupy the market there. Then he ordered directly.


When Mei Jiale heard this, she immediately assured loudly: "Guarantee to complete the task!"

Although he didn't understand a little, he thought about what President Gu asked before and immediately understood, it should be that someone from the United States provoked President Gu, so President Gu wanted to fight with the other party.

For a while, he was very excited in his heart, and even wondered whether to personally sit in the United States and directly participate in the market over there!

"Hmm! Prepare for this as soon as possible! Gu

Chen was very satisfied when he heard this.

"President Gu, it can be completed before May Day, but I have a proposal?"

Mei Jiale directly assured when she heard this.

But in the end, he hesitated.


Gu Chen did not talk nonsense, and his words were concise and clear.

"Since it is fully supplied to the United States, then why not directly establish a production line locally, anyway, our core technology is new batteries, as long as our batteries are produced in China, when the time comes, only need to assemble them, which saves time and freight."

Mei Jiale quickly reported.


When Gu Chen heard this, his heart moved: "Not bad!" This advice is amazing! You find someone to solve this matter quickly for me, the sooner the better!

"Don't worry! Mr. Gu, I will personally watch this matter! Hearing President Gu's words, Mei Jiale said directly.

He directly decided to go to the United States to sit in person, and he heard the determination and tone in President Gu's tone, so he did not plan to rest and went directly to the United States.


Gu Chen agreed, and he was also very satisfied with Mei Jiale, and he forgave the other party's mistake in the matter before.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chen suddenly became more confident.

DuPont consortium? Eaton Son? Let's walk and see!

Fortunately, there are still two months left before the end of Mecalon's casting, otherwise there will definitely not be enough time.

With Gu Chen's full speech, the center of Shenzhou Group gradually moved towards the United States.

Mei Jiale immediately contacted the person in charge of the branch in the United States, told him to directly complete all the procedures, and directly purchased several local factories, and then he led a group of teams directly over.

Then Gu Chen called Hamandan again.

"Gu Chen?"

"Well, it's me! How's it going? Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Very comfortable, but you are too busy!"

Hamandan's stammering Mandarin came intermittently.

Since seeing the food of Huaxia and many interesting places, Atta has regarded Huaxia as his second home, so in order to better integrate here, he learned Chinese.

But as the most difficult language in the world to learn, he didn't learn it well.

"Haha! No way! After all, it is necessary to eat! Gu Chen laughed loudly, and then explained.


When Hamandan heard this, he suddenly showed a contemptuous tone.

During this period of time, coupled with his communication with his brother Rashid, he knew a lot about Gu Chen's identity.

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