Sure enough, after Gu Chen asked him, he directly said something that made the corners of Gu Chen's mouth twitch.

Gu Chen: "..."

, by the way, what are you looking for me for?" and then Huangpu Ling asked curiously.

"Well, you can ship the gold to me!" "

Your bank is open?" asked Huangpu Ling in surprise.

"Good!" "

What's your name? Is there a branch in Guanzhong? In the future, my family's transactions will choose you! How about it? I'm interesting enough?" asked Huangpu Ling with a smug look as he squeezed his eyebrows when he heard this.

Although Gu Chen couldn't see it, he could make up this look in his mind.

With a slight smile, he said: "Kyushu Bank, naturally, there will be branches in the whole country and provinces and first-tier cities,"

"Gee, it seems that you are going to do a big job!"

"Okay, don't say more, you can load all the cars for me, as for the safety issue, I will solve it myself!" then Gu Chen interrupted.

"Okay!" Huangpu

Ling did not doubt Gu Chen's words at all, after all, in this country, no one made a move.

After that, Gu Chen processed some documents sent by Fan Zhe, and the time was in the afternoon.

He held a meeting of the top management of the Bank of Kyushu, clearly stated that it would open in three days, and made a report speech.

"Mr. Gu, but there is not a gram of gold in Kyushu at present, this..." There

was a high-level executive from the bank next door below, and there were some doubts at this time, it was reasonable to say that at this time, the necessary environment for the bank should have been in place, but now he didn't see the slightest.

"Don't worry about this, the gold is on the way!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

"That's good!" the

man said that there was no problem.

After all, he can come from next door, it is completely the name Gu Chen, the chairman of Longteng Group, this name is naturally very attractive to them.

They also didn't expect that this Mr. Gu would actually open a bank, if the outside world knew how shocked they would be, but it was a pity that Gu Chen would not expose his identity, which made them a little puzzled.

Fan Zhe, as president, then gave another work report, and the meeting lasted for nearly three hours until the end of work.

Gu Chen naturally went home as soon as possible.

On the way home, Gu Chen directly called the bodyguard who had been protecting him closely, Cheng Cheng.

"Brother Cheng, at present, how many brothers does Tiandun have in Huaxia?"

asked Gu Chen as he asked a strong man in his thirties in the co-pilot.

Cheng Cheng turned his head when he heard this and said in a low voice: "Sir, at present, Manager Ye has sent nearly two hundred people to all of Department A, and at the same time, he has recruited nearly 100 people locally, and the number of people who can be transferred at present is 188 people excluding the tasks you arranged. Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this, he didn't expect that there were already so many people in Tiandun.

"By the way, arrange a team of brothers to go to Lingbei, there is a task, escort a batch of goods to Huahai, be sure to protect the goods

!" "Understood!"

Cheng Cheng nodded and reported.

At the same time there is some excitement and regret.

The excitement was that as the day of daily temptation at the boundary of death before, their bones were almost rusty after staying in Huahai for so long, so it was natural that their blood was boiling when they heard that there was a mission this time.

Unfortunately, as Mr. 's bodyguard, it is naturally impossible for him to do the task.

Then Gu Chen planned to close his eyes and recuperate.

"By the way, sir, there is one more thing!" At this time, Cheng Cheng remembered something and quickly reported.


Manager Ye say before that Mr. You want a super car? "

Really!" Gu

Chen suddenly felt excited when he heard this, he had forgotten about it for a while, if it weren't for Cheng Cheng's reminder, where would he have thought.

"Hmm!" So

Gu Chen was looking forward to what rewards this supercar would bring to him, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't wait for time to pass immediately.

Gu Chen, who returned home, naturally became the center of the family, and they also knew that Zhixia was Gu Chen before, and they were naturally very interested in Zhixia's affairs.

So Gu Chen patiently told them a rough story.

In the past few days, Gu Chen originally planned to go to the company during the day and go home on time at night, looking forward to the arrival of the supercar to receive new rewards.

Unfortunately, plans kept changing, and a phone call completely ruined his plans.

On this day, Gu Chen sat in the office, dealing with the documents that had been accumulated for a long time. At noon, a phone call broke the silence of the office.

He brought his mobile phone and found that it was a call from Mei Jiale from across the ocean.

"Manager Mei?" At

this time, a temporary residential area, it was already night outside, and the moon was rare.

A middle-aged man stood by the window of a study, looking worried.

"President Gu!" "

What's wrong, if I'm right, it should be night over there, right?" Gu Chen heard that the other party's tone was a little wrong, put down the document in his hand and asked.

Mei Jiale smiled bitterly: "President Gu is really sensitive!" "

How is the factory open?" asked Gu Chen.

"President Gu, there is some trouble!" Mei

Jiale shook her head, with an inextricable worry between her eyebrows.

Then he told it all.

Gu Chen, who listened, also had a solemn expression.

Originally, Mei Jiale went to the United States to build a new Shenzhou factory, which was very smooth at the beginning, and also got all the legal procedures of the local government, everything was carried out in an orderly manner, but on the first day of the new construction of the factory, the trouble came to the door.

First, there was a warning from the local department, saying that the Shenzhou Group had illegally built and violated the law, and ordered it to be demolished within a week, and the things promised and the documents signed before became worthless, and then there were many local gangsters who smashed the factory machinery and made a mess.

So Mei Jiale couldn't handle it before finally calling Gu Chen.

After all, if the problem is handed over to the boss to deal with is a manifestation of the incompetence of his employees, Mei Jiale also understands this, but he has been able to try all the methods he thought of, and he can't solve it.

"Did you contact Shen Yue, the head of the Longteng Group branch?" After Gu Chen listened, he was silent for a few seconds, and then asked.

But Manager Shen can't help it, because his connections are all in Los Angeles, and we are in San Francisco, so he can't reach it!"

"This way!" Gu

Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Find out who is targeting Shenzhou?" then Gu Chen thought about it and then asked.

"This.... , Mr. Gu didn't!" Mei

Jiale was a little ashamed when he heard this, after all, after so long, he didn't even know who the opponent was, which was really a manifestation of incompetence, but the fact was that he was like a black eye here.

Gu Chen was a little surprised when he heard this, Mei Jiale's ability is clear, he will never be so passive, if there is, then there is only one reason, the opponent's strength is too strong, he has a faint guess in his heart.

After all, if it is in China, if he wants to deal with a company, it is naturally very easy, and it will not be discovered by the other party.


fine, because the group with Sky Shield Security, those gangsters didn't hurt us at all."

Mei Jiale replied honestly.

Stay in your respective hotels or houses and don't go out, as for the workers. Let's disband first!" Gu Chen thought about it and said.

"Understood!" Then

Gu Chen hung up the phone, and he was thinking about it carefully.

"Eaton!" Gu

Chen immediately understood, the two had conflicts before, and now their own Shenzhou branch, that is to fight with the other party, the other party naturally has to react.

After all, before he had the most basic conflict with the other party because of his Shenzhou Group New Energy Vehicles, the competition between the head snake and the river dragon, and won with his own products, but the other party occupied the geographical advantage, so it was almost the other party that occupied a slight advantage.

But how can he Nanhai Institute also be regarded as tearing a bite of meat from the other party's mouth.

So he called directly one of the helmsmen of another consortium.

It took nearly half a minute for the call to connect.

"Hello?" soon

came the sound of a rich dragon bell.

"Mr. Hunter, good evening!" said Gu Chen with a smile as he turned the pen in his hand.

"Well, it's Mr. Gu!" Hunter

was stunned, and then revealed a relaxed tone.

"It's me!" "

What is Mr. Gu doing with this old man of mine so late?"

"Naturally, I want to ask Mr. Hunter about something!

At this time, in a brightly lit manor hall, an old man watching TV turned off the TV, and after hearing Gu Chen's words, his old eyes suddenly flashed with a fine light.

Why is Mr. Gu so sure?" then he smiled softly and was surprised.

"Because Mr. Hunter and I both have the same opponent!" Gu

Chen looked at some of the news of the top ten consortiums in the United States that Manager Ye had sent him at this time, although it was very one-sided, but it was enough for him.

Mr. Gu is really laughing, this joke is not funny at all!" Mr

. Hunter's face showed surprise at this time, but his mouth was very puzzled.

"Haha, Mr. Hunter should know better than me, after all, the enemies have arrived at the doorstep, if Mr. Hunter doesn't know, then I will be disappointed!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

Both were testing each other, playing dumb riddles with each other.

Mr. Hunter was silent for a while when he heard this, and Gu Chen had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't rush with a victory in hand.

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