At this time, in the office of a certain test base in the Southern Military Region, an elderly man was making tea and looking at the sunlight outside, and he couldn't help but sigh a little, the Mr. Gu who spoke had not called himself for a long time, and he still missed it a little after such a long time.

When he thought of this, his mobile phone suddenly rang, which immediately pulled him into reality.

Originally, it was impossible to have a mobile phone here, but because of his particularity, it was convenient to contact Mr. Gu, so his superiors allowed him to use the mobile phone, but it was limited to receiving calls.

At first glance, it was Mr. Gu that he had just remembered, and he suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Haha, Mr. Gu too, I haven't heard Mr. Gu's voice for a long time. Academician

Chen laughed and laughed a little.

"By the way, I wonder what trouble Mr. Gu is calling this time to solve me?"

and then he asked directly;

anyway, he had already dealt with a lot of trouble before, and went straight to the point.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen, who was sitting in the office, was stunned when he heard this, his forehead was densely lined, and he felt that as long as he called you, he was looking for you to deal with the aftermath?

But he thought about the previous things, it seems that most of his own calls to him are to deal with the trouble, so it is right to think about Academician Chen.

"Academician Chen can really joke! Ha~ha!" Then

Gu Chen naturally wouldn't admit this, so he said with a big laugh.

"Oh, then what is the matter with Mr. Gu looking for me, it won't be looking for me as an old man!" Academician

Chen was stunned when he heard this, not looking for himself to solve the trouble, and then joked.

"Academician Chen, where are you now?" speaking

of business, Gu Chen's tone became serious.

And Academician Chen naturally heard Gu Chen's words, and knew that Mr. Gu was looking for himself for something important.

Immediately asked solemnly: "Mr. Gu, please say, I am currently in a very safe place


"Well, this matter is very important, let's meet and talk about it!"

He remembered that the previous few times when Mr. Gu was so serious, it was of great benefit to the country, so he was excited for a while.

He hurriedly reported to the general, and the answer he got was to immediately set out in secret to see Mr. Gu.


A very ordinary small shop, located at the alternation of the old and new districts, is popular and full of such small shops.

This is a small shop, the outside is full of some goods, but behind it is a special hole, there is a small mezzanine in the back rest area, not a large space, very breathable, there are two people.

It was Academician Chen who rushed to Gu Chen and the servants of the wind and dust.

Among them, Gu Chen was looking around.

"I said, Academician Chen is not necessary, make us look like spies in secret contact?" The

corners of Gu Chen's mouth suddenly twitched, and he looked at Academician Chen on the opposite side speechlessly, and shrugged his shoulders;

"Ahem, it's all the same!" When

Academician Chen heard this, his expression changed unnaturally, and then he smiled and said very interestingly

"But then again, this place is your intelligence base?" "

Not bad!" "

Then you just let me know?" Gu

Chen looked at Academician Chen with a surprised expression.

"It's okay, this matter naturally agreed!"

said Academician Chen with a wave of his hand and a nonchalant tone;

then after pouring a cup of tea for Gu Chen, he looked at the other party seriously: "By the way, what is the important thing that Mr. Gu is looking for me?"

Gu Chen looked at Academician Chen and said in a deep voice

; "Well, what technology?" Academician

Chen was stunned and asked curiously;

it would cause Mr. Gu to be so serious.

"Quantum communication technology, enough to change the current information communication pattern!" Gu

Chen looked at the other party and whispered seriously;


Academician Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could literally feel a huge movement.

"It is my laboratory that has developed a new communication technology, which is better than all communication on Earth! Security, stability, and sustainability are in primeval forests around the world, in the deep sea, or in the universe!"

Gu Chen said word by word;

directly causing Academician Chen to stand up and look at Gu

Chen in disbelief.

Pointing at Gu Chen, his expression was shocked for a long time without coming back to his senses.

After a long time, he had some reaction, looking at Gu Chen's calm expression: "Mr. Gu is not joking, right?" Although

he knew that Mr. Gu would not lie to himself, he still wanted to confirm it again.

"Of course...!"

Gu Chen immediately admitted;

the boss who made Academician Chen's mouth open looked at Gu Chen in surprise.

"It's not a joke!" Gu Chen smiled.

Academician Chen looked at Gu Chen very speechlessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

He immediately took a deep breath, looked very solemn and said: "Mr. Gu, I will report this matter immediately, and it is estimated that you will directly contact and communicate with the above, right?"

"Of course!" Gu

Chen nodded, he naturally knew this result.

So Academician Chen didn't care about Gu Chen, and directly took out a special mobile phone in front of him and dialed a call to go out.

The voice of Academician Chen echoed in the small room, and it didn't take long for Gu Chen to find that Academician Chen's expression was very solemn, and then handed the mobile phone to himself.

Gu Chen also did not ink, and put it directly to his ears.


know you, little one!" Suddenly

, a pale and majestic kind voice came from his ears.

Gu Chen was stunned.

"Gu Chen, I started paying attention to you when you took out the chip, but I didn't expect that the surprises you gave me kept flowing, which really made me an old man very happy! I wanted to meet you for a long time, but Academician Chen said that you didn't want to meet us, so I respected your wishes, until now!"

Then the explanation over there quickly came, like the old man next door, Gu Chen suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this, he suddenly had a good impression of this general who had never met.

"Thank you General for your love, everything is luck



Gu Chen said modestly;

"Luck is also part of strength!"

Gu Chen nodded and agreed

; "In that case, how about my old man invite you to come and experiment first?" Then

the general was silent for a while, and then he invited;

"The general is polite, in fact, all this is researched by my experts, so I just need to call them to you to experiment."

Gu Chen declined;

at this time, in a base, an elegant middle-aged and elderly man heard Gu Chen's words, and immediately shook his head, he didn't understand why this little guy resisted so much, but thinking that this little guy was still patriotic before, he suddenly felt a little strange, so he was not angry.

"Of course, I will arrange for someone to come and pick up these

experts!" "Uh-huh, I will instruct the experts to introduce you to this technology!"

Gu Chen nodded with a smile;

then the two talked for a while, and Gu

Chen handed over the mobile phone.

I only heard Academician Chen say a few yes in succession, and then hung up the phone.

"Mr. Gu, the general has already sent someone over!"

said to Gu Chen with a smile;

the latter nodded, then got up and prepared to leave.

He immediately rushed back to the company and ordered several experts to cooperate with each other's experiments.

He knew that there was no basis for words, and naturally he needed the other party to see it in person before he could talk about cooperation, so he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the holographic online game is not finished.

In the next few days, Gu Chen worked in the company, and then went to other groups to take a spin, and Chu Xinyi was warm every day.

At this time, a deep jungle in the south, which is inaccessible, deserted, and a military restricted area.

At this time, in a large, gentle field, a signal tower far beyond the pyramid pattern of the previous laboratory was erected.

There was a complete martial law all around, and there were several experts and Academician Chen under the tower, as well as a number of high-ranking military officials.

"Leaders, the quantum communication tower has been set up and can be tested!" One

of the experts seemed to be a little worried about the leaders gathered in front of him, but he still said slowly with good professionalism;

suddenly everyone looked at the middle-aged and elderly general in the middle, he was the supreme commander here.

"Let's go!" he

said two words at once, and then everyone began to act.

The extremely strong magnetic field in the distance, as well as various large shields, have been fully opened, and there is no signal in this area.

They took out all the existing signal contact tools were useless, even the ancient telegraph was useless, and suddenly several experts nodded and turned on the signal of the signal tower.

However, this cell tower is useless for other signals, only for quantum communication, because there is no satellite, can not connect to the existing network, so only walkie-talkie mode calls can be used.

So dozens of soldiers took this palm-sized communication tool and began the experiment.

The result surprised everyone, but it was within the expectations of several experts.

Suddenly, the people behind the general were whispering, and the general was also shocked, and then he himself experimented, and suddenly his expression became solemn, he looked at his partner old fellow, and the other party was the same.

They thought more, their hearts were naturally dignified, and they nodded.

"Go, simulate all kinds of environments for me, give me all the experiments!"

the general gave an order to be on the

safe side.

Immediately, everyone went down to experiment, and the general walked to several experts, but several experts from the military department were even more excited, and they asked excitedly next to Luo Ruiming.

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