Gu Chen's voice was not loud, but it made everyone in the conference room awe-inspiring.

"Although the chairman is already a rich man, he is still so stable in the world!" "

Yes, obviously relying on our brand and die-hard fans, we can make countless money, but Mr. Gu really wants to do projects?"

"I feel that a rising star will definitely appear in this education market industry in the future."

"That's right, we will definitely become a double-first-class tutor with both reputation and strength!" Gu

Chen looked at the speeches of everyone in Longteng Group and was quite satisfied.

In fact, this is also a plan by Gu Chen, which is intentional.

Because, when watching the news in the car in the morning, he found a lot of self-media output a lot of news about Longteng Group.

Gu Chen found many comments from his own employees in the comments below.

"We, the Longteng Group, are the first in the world!" "Rush to the world! Longteng Group is eternal

!" "Dragon Teng goes on a campaign, not an inch of grass!"



pompous remarks made Gu Chen's brows frown slightly.

He thinks that it is because the limelight of Longteng Group has been too strong recently

, causing the hearts of the employees in Longteng Group to fluctuate?

At that time, in the car,

Gu Chen browsed the online blog set up by his company's official website.

Some of the people in the Longteng Group are indeed a little floating.

"About how likely it is that our Longteng Group will become one of the world's top 10 enterprises next year. "

How big the heart is, the dream stage is big, don't say what top10, we are now the top1!" "

Be bold upstairs, our Longteng Group is TOP1 together, but plus Mr. Gu, directly rush out of the galaxy!"

"Mr. Gu is the first in the world!" Gu

Chen saw that the world's first brushing screen continued for many pages.

I feel a little embarrassed.

It also made him decide that he must rectify the impetuosity of these people in the company.

The best thing is to start a new project.

And it is also a completely new project that is completely unfamiliar.

"Set a little more difficulty for these people who have nowhere to dissipate

energy!" "I am solely up to do such a job! Consume the energy of these guys

!" "Finally, I found that after the new project was launched, it did not make waves in the market at all!" "

So that they can completely restrain their attitude!

Gu Chen felt that this method was very effective at that time, and the most important thing was that he had enough capital to toss.

Therefore, he happened to have Xu Yang's high school Shenzhou mobile phone questionnaire survey on hand, just enough for Gu Chen to make an article.

With Longteng Group as capital, Shenzhou's reputation as the foundation.

Even if the educational machine hits the street again, it will not lose anything.

Especially now that Gu Chen saw the enthusiasm of the high-level in the Longteng Group, he smiled slightly in his heart.

"In short, in the information age, data is king!" "

As for how to divide labor, you will sum it up yourself, in short, I set this time for one month, at least thirteen cities have student data."

"And then there's the pricing report, and the sales market analysis, and I'm going to have a complete and qualified business plan in my office in a month!

The high-level executives of Longteng Group began to respond to Gu Chen.

"Leave it to us, Mr.

Gu!" "Chairman, don't worry, my friend is in the Education Bureau! "We have someone!" "

Guarantee to complete the task!" Gu

Chen nodded with satisfaction, gave them an expression of I am optimistic about you, and then retired!

Wang Wei also thought that there was something Gu Chen had to hand over to him alone.

The result was not, Gu Chen just inquired about the recent situation of the company, praised Wang Wei for his good management, and then let him leave.

Wang Wei thought thoughtfully, because he felt that the existence of a person like Gu Chen would definitely not be untargeted.

Every action and sentence of his must have a certain deep meaning.

"So, what does Mr. Gu mean to express to me?" Gu

Chen was browsing some news in the office, and always felt that there seemed to be many new projects that could be mined on the Internet now.

At this time, Gu Chen received a call.


Chen!" "It was Gu Xiao calling!"

"Hahaha, guess where I am now?" Before

Gu Chen could answer, the phone vibrate.

The little traitor Xu Yang sent a message.

"Brother Chen, we are on the car to Huahai City now!" Gu

Chen smiled slightly, in fact, he had already guessed that Gu Xiao would not suddenly call him.

"I guess you're on your way to Huahai City!" responded

with a smile.

"Well, Xu Yang, what are you doing with your mobile phone?" "

Well, I didn't expect that your thick eyebrows and big eyes were actually a big traitor!"

"No, Teacher Gu, my heart has always stood with Brother Chen, and I have never betrayed!"

said Xu Yang with his big innocent eyes.

Gu Chen suddenly heard Gu Xiao's helpless voice.

"Listen to you, this Xu Yang is about to become your number one fan, what kind of soul soup did you pour into him, let him be so dead-hearted!" "

I have taught him for three years and never let him support me so firmly!"

Gu Xiao's voice carried a melancholy envy, if he had Gu

Chen's charm... No, if it is the banknote ability, how can his own Xiaolan run away with others!

Gu Chen probably heard the taste of eating in Gu Xiao's words, and he directly exposed this topic.

"What's the matter, I'm not a big star! When will I arrive! I'll pick you up."

"It is estimated that it will be early in the morning, a little late, blame Xu Yang this kid, obviously you can book tomorrow's ticket, this guy said that he can't wait to see his idol has to drag me to leave today!"

"Eh, Teacher Gu, I'm just a child, the decision that the child says to make is called a proposal! And when I say leave, don't you pack up faster than anyone else!

The silence did not last long.

But Gu Chen still relied on his keen sense to find that Gu Xiao had something in his heart.

It's just that the time and place are not right, Gu Xiao directly changed his mouth and said.

"What to say, I call it to be considerate of you, do you want to say two words to your idol, if you don't say it, I will hang up!"

Gu Xiao said and was about to hang up the phone, but was stopped by Xu Yang.

"Say, say, don't hang up, Teacher Gu, I'll charge you for the phone bill!" Gu

Xiao threw the mobile phone to Xu Yang and said.

"Okay, then you guys say I'll go smoke a cigarette!"


Chen heard Xu Yang's excited voice after answering the phone.

"Brother Dust, can I stay in your house when I come to Huahai City?"

He first chatted with Xu Yang, and then praised him for doing a good job in the questionnaire.

Xu Yang was puzzled with joy.

It's just that Gu Chen's next sentence made Xu Yang a little inexplicable.

"Eh, did you find anything wrong with him when you and Teacher Gu came?" "

Teacher Gu, no, he is quite normal, if there is anything wrong, it is that he did everything crisply and neatly this time, and did not drag mud and water at all!"

Xu Yang also didn't have the heart to put his mind on Gu Xiao's body.

When Gu Xiao returned, Gu Chen said something to him again.

"Stay safe and notify me before. "

Okay, like an old mother, hang up!" After

hanging up the phone, Gu Chen thought of something.

I haven't seen Gu Xiao smoking before.


Chen turned his seat,

overlooking the magnificence of the city's steel forest, but his heart never forgot his roots, and he never forgot his human nature.

Gu Xiao is his friend and also a small child, he has difficulties, Gu Chen can help, he will definitely help.

It's just that this society doesn't care for no reason, and rash opening can sometimes hurt a person's self-esteem.

So Gu Chen decided that even if he saw it, he would not say anything.

Unless Gu Xiao opened his mouth himself, he would help.

Time flies quickly.

Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi contacted, her work was almost completed, and the two decided to return home after work.

Just do it, leave the office and take the elevator smoothly to the company lobby to pick up Chu Xinyi.

Who knew that at this moment when Gu Chen had just left the gate, a figure rushed out and stopped Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu. At

this time, Tong Zixinhua's face was pale, and he completely lost the beauty of the previous urban beauty.

"Tong Zixin?" Gu

Chen recognized that this was a colleague of Li Jiajun from Xiangcheng Island?

"Is there something going on?"

Gu Chen didn't really want to deal with her, but when he saw her, he looked like she was about to cry.

He didn't want to be photographed with a crying woman and then make headlines the next day.

"The chairman of Longteng Group is deeply caught in the peach-colored turmoil!" "

Shocked, a hundred women behind

Gu Chen!"

"What, the scumbag is actually Gu Chen?"

Tong Zixin was very uncomfortable on this day.

First, he experienced an idol drama drama in which a poor dick turned into a business rich.

Once again, the arrogant Li Jiajun was detained for fifteen days of farce.

Far away on the island, his real boss, Li Jiahao's father, was bombarded by telephone.

"If you don't rescue my son, you'll never come back!" "

All your bullshit concentric coins will also be shorted by me to make into shitcoins, so you just wait for yourself to be blamed by a thousand husbands!"

Therefore, Tong Zixin, who is basically based on Xiangcheng Island, can only come to find the party, that is, Gu Chen.

Beg him to raise his noble hand and let Li Jiajun go.

Just didn't expect that this time Longteng Group wouldn't even let her in.

In desperation, she could only stay outside the building like a paparazzi and wait for Gu Chen to come out.

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