Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi did not care about this, and even comforted the choked teenager.

"It's okay, be careful.

But after looking back, the two couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is very good, so no one cares about this vignette.

It's just that Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi were very wise and didn't say anything beyond the imagination of those children.

The two of them just ate and chatted at ease, and they felt that the time was very comfortable.

The hip-hop boys at the back table began to be a little wanton when they were young and frivolous.

The sound of giggling came from time to time.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Xinyi noticed a faint smile on Gu Chen's face and asked casually.

"It's nice to be young, no worries and no worries.

Gu Chen also expressed his feelings.

And these children who look hip-hop are actually a bunch of quasi-high-achieving students.

After the college entrance examination, they were all admitted to Huahai University, which is still Xu Yang's contemporary.

The content of their chat and the majors involved also made Gu Chen feel very interesting.

One of them is spitting on certain blockchain virtual coins to his companions.

"I told you, I invested all the pocket money my parents gave me at that time, and guess what!


it was also this day that made me understand that I am suitable for being down-to-earth!

"What is this thing of blockchain, which can make people lose 100,000 in one minute?"

she asked Gu Chen in a low voice.

Feeling Chu Xinyi's thirst for knowledge, Gu Chen pondered his language a little and responded in the same whisper.

"Blockchain, to put it bluntly, is a kind of technical white paper as a gimmick, and then issue some kind of virtual currency to achieve its own goals. "

Purpose? What purpose?" "

Like money... Or cut leeks?"

Gu Chen spoke more directly, making Chu Xinyi feel that it seemed that Gu

Chen looked down on the blockchain a little.


, I just think that virtual is virtual, it is a kind of empty asset, there are too many problems, and it is better not to deal with this thing until you understand it clearly."

"And there are more of this thing abroad and Xiangcheng Island, all of which have been played thoroughly, and now is not the right time." Chu

Xinyi heard that Gu Chen actually had this idea in his heart, but the timing was not very good now, and he didn't know much about blockchain.

So, the plan ran aground for the time being.

Therefore, Chu Xinyi did not talk about this topic again.

At this time, a few more guests came to the restaurant, and the originally noisy hip-hop boys suddenly stopped talking.

The guests were male and female, but they also looked like high school students, and they also knew each other with the hip-hop boys.

It's just that the relationship between the two sides doesn't seem to be very good.

At least Gu Chen saw the few people who entered the door, and the smiles on the faces of the hip-hop boys behind him stiffened a little.

But after looking at each other for a second, both sides shifted their gazes very tacitly.

The new arrivals were constantly talking to the two handsome girls around them.

"It's this treasure shop, where we spent the hardest part of our high school career!" and

then took everyone to sit down and sat right in front of Gu Chen Chu Xinyi.

"The back of the belly is under the enemy!"

Chu Xinyi whispered to Gu Chen, and both of them couldn't help but laugh.

Because this youthful vindictive feeling really makes them feel interesting.

I just don't know why, the two beautiful girls who came in before, one carelessly.

After a gaze fell on Gu Chen's body, he did not shift away, very bold.

After a long time, the leading boy was a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, are you done eating?" Gu

Chen looked up and saw the boy who came in after asking him.

"Well, what's wrong

?" he didn't answer the rhetorical question, a little curious about what this guy wanted to do, "It's

that our seats are a little small, and we want to put your table together, so I'll pay for your meal,


As he spoke, the leading boy could also stretch his cuffs to reveal his Longines watch of up to 200,000, and incidentally took out a wad of cash from his arms and placed it on Gu Chen's table.

It shows a sense of gentlemanly tycoons.

Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi didn't react to this boy's operation for a while.

It's just that when Gu Chen saw this boy's eyes, he subconsciously glanced at the group of hip-hop boys behind him, and then looked at the beautiful girl at his table.

Gu Chen immediately understood.

"This is to show yourself in front of your opponent and the girl you like!" "

What is this, vanity?" Chu

Xinyi said a little bit of wanting to break the indifference of this pretending teenager.

But at this moment, the hip-hop boy behind Gu Chen spoke.

"Hang Mingfeng, do you do things so domineering, people don't want to leave, you still want to force people, don't you know what you don't want to do to others?" Gu

Chen noticed that this boy who might be a rich second generation suddenly showed a treacherous smile.

He said: "No, Lai Wei, I'm helping these two brothers and sisters to get rich! What are you stopping me from doing, what does it matter to you?" "

It's none of my business, but I just can't get used to your appearance as a hypocrite who takes money to open the way!" The

boy called Lai Wei has a feeling of hatred of the rich.

But Hang Mingfeng seems to like to see others hysterical, but he can't help it.

He folded his hands around his chest and said directly.

"I'm sorry, if you have money, you are a cow! I like the way you look like you can't get used to me and can't kill me!" This

angry Lai Wei almost had a hot temper and was about to fight with this Hang Mingfeng.

It's just that his companions around him stopped him.

Only then did Hang Mingfeng continue to export his language arts.

"Hehe, why do you still want to do it! I beat you and cripple you, you lose money at most, you cripple me, you not only have to lose money, you also have to go to jail! "

Also, don't you like Shenzhou? Our family has already obtained the first-class distributor of Shenzhou mobile phones! Do you understand, this city of Huahai is my family's territory!"

Unless you buy it from the official website, you can't buy a single Shenzhou mobile phone in the store opened by my family!"

In order to show his capital, this Hang Mingfeng poured out all the details of his home.

He saw the fearful eyes of his companions around Lai Wei.

He also noticed Lai Wei's gradually calm expression.

But when his eyes caught a glimpse of the goddess Jiang Min who he had finally made an appointment, he found that he was so pretending to be so dashing.

This Jiang Min actually didn't even look at him, and his eyes were always on Gu Chen's body.

It seems that Gu Chen is some kind of big star, but he just doesn't want to let go of his sight.

This made this Hang Mingfeng's happiness of pretending to succeed suddenly halved.

"How about it, brother, are you walking?" "

Can you bear to let a beautiful woman like your sister press the road with you!

"Mom, how can there be such a good-looking woman, this is not better than those female stars I watched before!"

"Damn, how can this uncle be so lucky!

Gu Chen shook his head and said.

"No need, it's good that we stay here, thank you for your kindness." Hang

Mingfeng was stunned, he didn't expect that this Gu Chen was actually a person who had seen the world, and even money could refuse!

Lai Wei, who had just been pressed by his companions, suddenly stood up and said.

"I heard Hang Mingfeng, people don't rare your stinky money, hurry up and roll with your stinky money!"

said Hang Mingfeng with a glare at the unknown Lai Wei.


, you are

a little greedy, but this is fine, I like greedy people!"

He finished murdering Lai Wei, and took out another three piles of cash from his arms.

Snapped three times! Just smashed on Gu Chen's desktop and said.

"There are forty thousand yuan here, as long as you can leave this restaurant immediately, these are all yours!"

Hang Mingfeng was very domineering at this time.

There is a very human attraction, or superpower.

It's just that when he saw that the goddess he liked was still not looking at him squarely, his heart hurt a little!

The pretense of 40,000 yuan was so wasted?

Gu Chen sighed and was ready to speak.

Who knew that he was interrupted by Lai Wei behind him again.

"That brother, meeting is fate, if you don't open your mouth today, don't promise me to support you to the end

!" "Although I don't have as much money as him, I think money in this world is definitely not the standard for measuring everything!"

Hang Mingfeng was very irritable at this time.

The irritability made his voice increase a little.

I told you that money is omnipotent, do you understand?" "

Today I will fight this table, and the king of heaven and old son can't stop me!"

But even the people at his table began to think that he was a little too much.

Especially Jiang Min, who had been looking at Gu Chen, turned his gaze on him.

This made Hang Mingfeng flutter.

I feel that my routine has finally impressed the goddess!

"Hang Mingfeng, do you know who he is?"

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