At the time of checkout, the driver couldn't help but ask again.

"Brother, are you really not here to work so handsome?"

"Master, I live in this community, the owner is not here to work. The

driver said with a sigh.

"Young man, I tell you, I don't have any professional discrimination, and the rich people who live in this kind of mansion will not sit on the rent after getting drunk! "

Don't worry, you all rely on labor and hard work to earn some hard-earned money, but you have to be temperate at this age, take care of your body, under the premise of earning more money to go home and wash your white, you can find an honest woman to marry and live a good life!"

Gu Chen's face was full of doubts, how can the driver master in the middle of the night be more nagging than the usual daytime!

And how is this routine of making enough money and going back to his hometown to wash his whitewash!"

"In short, work hard and love life, don't give up hope in life." When

the driver's master finished finding change for Gu Chen, he left without turning his head.

Gu Chen found that he had more change in his hand, and there was no way to give it to him.

"Are the current drivers so enthusiastic?" Gu

Chen was a little confused.

He and Xu Yang helped Gu Xiao and prepared to enter the door.

The driver drove out not far before he stopped and turned off the lights.

After all, he regarded Gu Chen and the three of them as male models.

Who made Gu Chen so good-looking, but he couldn't see the appearance of a rich man.

He parked the car and pulled out his phone to film a wave of rich women coming to pick them up.

"Huh?" But

when he just turned on the camera, he saw this legendary security guard with a salary of up to 3w a month, and the senior security guard directly trotted out, first saluted, and then used the pager to do something.

Immediately after that, several high-ranking security guards and properties and a pair of ... stretchers?

??" The

driver felt that his outlook on life had been impacted.

Especially among the property security guards, there was a goddess-level existence who did not dislike the drunk and the alcohol on his body at all, and helped the person on the stretcher.

The driver master finally remembered what the best-looking little brother said before.

I live in this neighborhood....

Is there really a rich man who rents out so low-key this year?" This

master felt that his face must be very hot at this time.

A strange feeling welled up from his heart, it was the feeling of social death.

The toes have even cut out the three-room living room.

"Buzz!" When

Gu Chen watched Gu Xiao being carried to his home with seven hands and eight feet, he heard the sound of the engine roaring and stepping on the accelerator behind him.

He turned around just in time to see the taillights of a rough car coming out.

"It seems to be the driver master before.

Gu Chen smiled dumbly, it seemed that there was another sad person in this city.

But at this time, Gu Chen will not care about these little things.

At the same time, Xu Yang also discovered the legendary mansion, not only the geographical location where he lived.

It is more of an environment to live in, a service.

Because Gu Xiao lay on a stretcher and did not send it directly to Gu Chen's home, let him deal with this drunken cat.

Instead, I went directly to the property center.

The young lady of the property summoned the young ladies on duty on the night shift, and very gently began to wipe Gu Xiao's face, doing the hangover service that Gu Chen did not expect.

Even prepared a pot of hangover soup, Xu Yang directly waved his hand to refuse.

Because he didn't drink any alcohol.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, accepted the kindness and was very satisfied with their service.

"This is all we should do!" The

smile of the property lady was very sweet, Gu Chen didn't feel anything, but Xu Yang was a little thoughtful.

It's just not to this property sister.

Instead, he thought...

"Wow, it's worthy of being my idol, Brother Chen's life is what I want the most in my mind!

There is no smell of alcohol or tobacco on the body.

Even if Xu Yang had already been mentally prepared in his heart, he was still startled by Gu Chen's mansion.

He was silent for a long time before he said a word.

"Brother Chen, you are harming me!"

Gu Chen commanded the security guards of those properties to put Gu Xiao in the guest room that had been prepared a long time ago, and Gu

Chen was a little surprised to hear Xu Yang say this.

"If I live in such a mansion for a while, I am afraid that when I return to my own home, there will only be one feeling."

Xu Yang said bitterly.

"That's a home is not a home, it's a small broken house!" said

Gu Chen with a smile at Xu Yang.

"Don't think so, it doesn't matter where you live, the main thing is to have a sense of peace of mind.

"If you had to make a choice, would you choose to live in a strange mansion forever or in a cozy little home?"

said Xu Yang as he tilted his head and thought for a while.

"Then I should still choose my own small home, in fact, my home is not small, close to more than 200 square meters, but it is still not as good as Brother Chen's house!"

Gu Chen shook his head and said.


you know where I lived?"

"I don't know, but the place where my dust brother stays will definitely not be worse than here!" "

Wrong, you are wrong!" Gu

Chen shook his head and took out his mobile phone by the way, bringing up those photos of himself before.

It was some traces left when I was still delivering food.

"Look, I lived here at

that time!"

Gu Chen said and found a photo of his dormitory at that time for Xu Yang to see, and Xu Yang shouted with wide eyes.

"Isn't it, can a place like Brother Dust be inhabited? It's not..." Xu

Yang didn't dare to say those two words in the pigsty, in case Gu Chen felt that he didn't respect him, it would be embarrassing.

But Gu Chen seemed to have seen what Xu Yang wanted to say long ago.

He said without any shyness.


know, when there is a problem with a person's environment, what you have to do is not to dislike everything, but to try to get used to it."

"Accumulate strength while getting used to it, not surrender, but find opportunities to fight back against life!"

Gu Chen educated Xu Yang.

It's just that Xu Yang didn't seem to listen to it, but continued to look at the dirty dormitory in this photo, feeling a little distressed.

"Brother Chen, you really lived here! It's so uncomfortable!"

It's okay, my roommates at that time were very good to me, very cared for, and my life was actually quite okay. Gu

Chen saw that Xu Yang didn't seem to hear what he said, and he also knew that his set of memories was bitter for Xu Yang, a rich second generation who had never suffered by nature.

It can only cause a mental impact, but there is no baptism effect.

So Gu Chen didn't want to waste time.

Only to say one more word at the end.

"If one day you can do what you want to do like me, go find someone to tell me where you came."

Xu Yang was still a little confused by Gu Chen's words.

"Brother Dust, do you mean to let me find

a girlfriend?" "

However, I don't lack a girlfriend..."

This is the truth, Xu Yang, this kid is not ugly, there is money in the family, it can be said that he is a high-quality performance stock.

And why Gu Chen was so different tonight was himself.

In fact, it was also because he fought with Gu Xiao before, which caused him to feel a little hangover in his current state.

Fortunately, he had drunk the wine soup before, otherwise, Gu Chen would not know what he would do.

"Anyway, rest early, tomorrow I will take you to visit this Huahai City!" Gu

Chen took Xu Yang to his room.

Because they are all suites, Xu Yang's room still has its own bathroom.

Their luggage has also been brought in long ago, and they don't need Gu Chen to do more.

"Okay Brother Dust! We'll see you tomorrow!"

Xu Yang spoke, but he knew that his current mental state was still in extreme excitement.

After taking a bath, Gu Chen returned to his room,

because he knew that Chu Xinyi had already entered the state of sleep.

His movements are very light.

Of course, the sound insulation in Gu Chen's mansion was quite good, so the movement when they came back before did not disturb Chu Xinyi.

Looking at Chu Xinyi's cute appearance in her sleep.

Gu Chen gently kissed her on the forehead, gently slept beside her and fell asleep together.

By the time I woke up the next day, it was close to noon.

He turned his head and found that Chu Xinyi was no longer around.

When he opened the door of the room, he heard Xu Yang's shouting.

"Wow, sister-in-law, your craftsmanship is too good!"

He walked down the stairs and saw Xu Yang sitting at the dining table eating breakfast prepared by Chu Xinyi.

While eating, he praised Chu Xinyi very much.

"Early, Brother Chen~"


greeted Xu Yang, Gu Chen took the kitchenware in Chu Xinyi's hand and said gently.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" "

Look at how you sleep soundly, how willing to wake you up." Chu

Xinyi was also not polite, in terms of cooking, in fact, Gu Chen still had more hands than her.

She was also relieved to enter the ranks waiting for feeding.

However, Xu Yang suddenly fell silent at this time.

Because he felt that his presence here now seemed too redundant.

"Maybe I should be under the car, not here.

Gu Chen made breakfast very sharply, and sent Xu Yang to ask Gu Xiao to get up and eat.

Xu Yang of Lisuo immediately took action.

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