Gu Chen glanced at the work cards on the two of them, nodded and said.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

the two staff members immediately looked at each other and said.

"It's like this, Mr. Gu Chen, your Longteng Group has signed an advertising agreement in the East Sea Pearl before, are you here to see the effect today

?" "The agreement?"


Chen actually didn't know about this, but looked at the adoring look on the faces of these two people.

Plus the glowing look in Xu Yang's eyes.

Gu Xiao looked at Wang Feng and Wang Lan, who already had the meaning of retreat on their faces, with a kind of schadenfreude.

"Eh, don't go first, who will take whom up is really not certain?" "

And we should not have to wait in line when we follow the staff up, right?"

Gu Xiao asked as he looked at the two staff members of the East Sea Pearl.

"Yes, sir, with Mr. Gu in you, you and your companions don't need to stand in line. "

Hahaha, did you hear that?"

said Gu Xiao as he turned his head and looked at Wang Feng and Wang Lan, who were already speechless.

Gu Chen turned his head and glanced at his hair a little suspiciously.

I always feel that he is a little less like himself these days, and his emotions are too easy to overheat.

"What about this?"

Wang Feng and Wang Lan looked at each other at this time, and both of them looked a little overwhelmed.

Among them, Wang Feng regretted it even more, he heard his brother say that he saw the enemy when he was in school.

Then as an older brother, this side must naturally stand on his brother's side.

That's why the two of them cooperated like a double reed after that, but they never expected that there would be such a bridge that could not be forced to be slapped in the face in the end.

The two of them felt a hot shame in their hearts,

and heard that the staff of the East Sea Pearl said that Mr. Gu of the Longteng Group?

But I also know Shenzhou mobile phone.

Not to mention Wang Feng, he has been living in Huahai City for more than two years.

I must have heard of the name of Longteng Group for a long time.

Now there is this scene of not being able to get off the stage, which really makes them want to use their toes to cut out a set of sea view rooms.

Wang Lan was anxious in her heart.

Perhaps it was in this hurry that this Wang Lan's brain turned very fast.

The ability to associate is also very fast.


No, usually Teacher Gu Xiao has never appeared such a villain's face!"

"And if this Mr. Gu is really from the Longteng Group, then why do the two of them have Xu Yang to line up to buy tickets?"

If he really belongs to this Longteng Group, then it makes no sense, he himself does not know that his company has signed an advertising agreement with Donghai Pearl!"

"That means that he himself does not know this matter at all, and he is not a person from Longteng Group Company!

Wang Lan felt that she was simply Sherlock Holmes Detective at this time.

"Then there is only one truth, Gu Xiao saw that I was making things difficult for this Xu Yang, and then he spent a lot of money to make such a drama! Thinking

of this, the pain of being hit on Wang Lan's face began to decrease a lot.

In its place was a very confident smile.

"Brother, they're learning clown acting!"

Wang Lan said to Wang Feng, who was still in a state of embarrassment to see people.


No need to go!" Wang

Lan's voice sounded like a Hong Zhong, and he grabbed his brother's arm to tell him not to leave.

"What are you doing, isn't it humiliating enough?"

Wang Feng roared in a low voice, but after Detective Wang Lan finished his inference.

Wang Feng, who was originally in a hurry to leave, felt a feeling of another village, and he let out two unexplained ho-ho sounds.

"It turns out that this is the case, they are beating the swollen face and fat people!" Wang

Feng's expression was instantly wonderful!

"Hahaha!" He

directly took out an adult posture and led Wang Lan to Gu Chen and the three of them.

There is quite an air of Cao Cao's defeat of Huarong Dao.

"Unexpectedly, you are actually a natural acting school, I was almost deceived by you!" Gu

Xiao and Xu Yang suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

The two staff members who were engaged also looked at Wang Lan and Wang Feng like clowns.

Gu Chen temporarily put down the phone to call his propaganda department.

I want to see what these two guys want to do again.

"What do you say you are doing like this?"

"With this skill, we are all starting to line up now!" "

You're right!" Wang

Feng looked at Xu Yang with a villainous look.

The face that was simply beaten made Xu Yang feel that there was no need to endure it any longer.

Otherwise, although I don't want to cause trouble for Brother Dust.

But if I had been a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, it would have seemed very deliberate.

Xu Yang thought that this was indeed such a truth.

Especially when he looked at his idol Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was still in an indifferent state, which gave Xu Yang confidence in his heart.

"Then you guys go to the queue, you don't have to wait for us here."

Xu Yang thought for a while, and felt that his answer was simply the best reply.

Advance can be attacked, retreated and defended.

But in the sight of Wang Feng and this Wang Lan, it was as if they had seen through Xu Yang's tricks, and Xu Yang began to feel weak.

So, the two of them went even further.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend, your fox tails are exposed!" and

the two staff members looked at Wang Feng Wang Lan like fools.

"Mr. Gu, or you and your friends go up first, sometimes you don't need to talk to a bunch of people...well, what do you think about people who are jealous of you!"

said Gu Chen with a nod.

"That's the truth, Xu Yang and Gu Xiao go up together!" Wang

Lan and Wang Feng laughed, feeling that now Gu Chen was still holding on strongly.

"Look at their stubborn appearance, they don't look like clowns! It's all fake, and I have to try it!" "

Yes, I want to see how they are stopped later! They also want to enter the East China Sea without queuing and tickets..." The

two of them did not stop Xu Yang from leaving, just waiting to see their jokes!

However, just when two people were pointing.

Gu Chen and the others were under the staff of these two East Sea Pearls after brushing open a certain gate.

A few people directly entered the East Sea Pearl and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Whether it was Wang Lan or the smile on Wang Feng's face, it instantly stiffened on their faces.

And they also kept the posture of watching the joke stiffly in place.

It looks so ridiculous.

"Brother, did they really go in?"

After a few minutes, Wang Lan asked Wang Feng with a bitter feeling in her voice.

Wang Feng kept smiling and continued to look at the East China Sea Pearl, still holding on.

"It's impossible, they should still be beating the fat man with a swollen face, it looks like it's going up, but it's actually hiding in a corner that we can't see

!" "Yes, you're right!"


Lan insisted on his reasoning, and the two decided to wait here and wait for Gu Chen to come down after they couldn't hide.

And that's a long few hours.

The two even became sculpture-like staff, and some even took pictures of them as the backdrop of the East China Sea Pearl.

"Mom, are they meat sculptures?" "

Don't talk nonsense, such a realistic look, it should be a sand sculpture." "

The East Sea Pearl Double Sand Statue was officially established.

As for Gu Chen and Xu Yang, they boarded an empty elevator under the guidance of the staff.

Xu Yang looked at the steel forest that was constantly shrinking outside.

I was still very shocked in my heart, especially when I thought that I would live in such a city for a long time in the future.

Xu Yang felt that the days ahead would be very interesting

, and Gu Xiao became a little silent at this time,

as if he thought of something sad.

Gu Chen probably noticed Gu Xiao, who was not in good condition now, and said comfortingly.

"Anything will be fine!"

said Gu Xiao with a smile that was uglier than crying.

"What are you suddenly saying this!" Xu

Yang noticed Gu Xiao's expression and was a little stunned.

"Teacher Gu, what are you crying about!" "

You just cried, I was laughing, I thought of myself, no, I wanted to laugh when I thought of Wang Lan and their two self-deceived clowns!"

However, Xu Yang and Gu Xiao didn't say anything, the three of them just looked at the scenery outside and had their own ideas.

Gu Chen felt a vibration from his mobile phone at this time, it was an unfamiliar number.

He waited until he left the elevator to connect when a husky voice came.

"Hello, Mr. Gu Chen.

"Are you?"

Gu Chen's brows furrowed, not knowing the identity of the caller.

"You don't care who I am, I'm just a small middleman, but I believe that Mr. Gu is a decent businessman.

"What do you want to say?" "

What you businessmen like should like the most is your personal image!

After speaking, Gu Chen wanted to ask a few more words, who knew that the other party directly hung up the phone.

Gu Chen, who did not know why, could only let Gu Xiao and Xu Yang go first to visit under the guidance of the staff.

Check your own mailbox.

"A new email?" Gu

Chen opened it and found some photos that had been deliberately strung together.

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