The chairman of the mobile company was stupid and paid a lot of money for photos.

It also hit the position of the homepage as soon as it was released.

Isn't it to smear Gu Chen,

and then use countless water armies to rhythmically pull all the hatred on this Gu Chen's body under the photo and video screen.

Wait until the time comes.

The chairman of the mobile company will release all the original photos without any coding.

Directly create a full effect and make Gu Chen's scumbag label deeply rooted

! Even affect the entire corporate image of Longteng Group!

He then unites the three major operators to directly short Longteng Group and step on it collectively.

It will definitely make this Longteng Group unable to raise its head all of a sudden.

In this way, they operate the Big Three so that they can quickly develop their business at this time.

Completely snatched away the market share of Gu Chen's Longteng Group, and once again wrested from the Shenzhou of Longteng

Group!" "Hahaha, what if Longteng Group slows down again?"

"At that time, our three major operators will join hands and directly destroy this Longteng Group!"

He Gu Chen is just a little trash!" In

an instant, the chairman of the mobile company fell into his own imaginary blueprint.

Until his secretary knocked on the door sweating.

This President Xu only retracted his arrogant attitude.

"Mr. Xu..."

the secretary carefully obtained the consent of the chairman of the mobile company before pushing the door and entering.

What's wrong, there is something to say, I am happy now, maybe even if you say that you want a salary increase, I will agree. "

The chairman of this mobile company is really happy now.

So happy that I started talking a little nonsense.

Just when the secretary trembled.

"Mr. Xu, the photo news is gone...."

"Well, if there is none, there is no more, what's the big deal....what do you say later?"

This Xu Zong did not react for a while.

He asked again what was missing.

The secretary was afraid to speak, and the chairman of the mobile company opened the news portal himself with a black face.

His face suddenly darkened.

Less than a second later, a roar came from this Xu Zong's office.

"Who did this!" When

Gu Chen refreshed it a few more times, he found that the previous headline had indeed disappeared.

Only then did Gu Chen shake his head and put down his mobile phone.

"Forget it, anyway, deal with it first, don't take precautions." Saying

that, Gu Chen called the publicity department of his Longteng Group.

"If I recently saw a photo of this on the Internet for me to pay attention to, intercept it, understand?"

said Gu Chen and sent his photo to the propaganda department.

The propaganda department immediately opened the melon eating mode.

Because they also received this photo before, it is the rich scumbag who instantly rushed to the first place on the hot search list!

It turns out that he is actually his own boss

? This feeling of eating melons on his own body is quite wonderful?

"Fuck me all!" on

the phone, the publicity manager vowed and assured Gu Chen.

"As long as I am still in this position, there will definitely not be any negative news affecting your life!" "

Don't worry! Okay!" After

hanging up his phone, the manager of the publicity department immediately changed his nodding and bowing look.

Instantly, he began to show a very serious look.


a good job, the future Longteng Group belongs to our

propaganda department!" "

Rush with me!" Under

the mobilization of this propaganda department manager, the entire propaganda department began to be restless.

They began to frantically use all the water army attacking Gu Chen on the Internet, either topping it down, or drowning in all kinds of praise comments in an instant.

The entire network is in a state of great harmony.

And all this, Gu Chen did not care.

Because Gu Xiao began to call Gu Chen's name on the side.

After Gu Chen walked over, he found an excellent transparent high-altitude glass.

Xu Yang was so frightened that his legs softened, but Gu Xiao was still the same as nothing, and there was even a little excitement.

This made Gu Chen a little elusive.

Gu Xiao, what the hell is going on...

And on the other side.

That is, the centaur force that caused the deletion of the post before.

Jiang Min was constantly banning some of the accounts of the water army with a black face, and he was still talking.

"Let you call me an idol, look for death and death

!" "And you, don't let me find your IP address, sooner or later give you a crack of your MAC!" "

I want to see which guy who doesn't open his eyes dares to secretly photograph my idol, and dare to frame my idol!"

Jiang Min was very angry and the consequences were serious.

Especially a hacker at the peak of technology.

That's even more terrifying.

So even the chairman of this mobile company has unknowingly suffered from the power of the big river crab.

It even directly led to the banning of his account.

This is all this Jiang Min's handwriting.

Don't ask, ask is a genius girl who has been particularly interested in the Internet since she was a child.

"I delete me, I delete, my idol's material can only be exploded by myself!" when

Jiang Min deleted news and comments that were unfavorable to his idol.

She also began looking for the source of the photos.

Then, Jiang Min relied on his superb technology to find the mysterious paparazzi forum.

It was also very smooth to find the previous freelance writer's post.

"So it's you!" "

Don't run!" Jiang

Min directly rolled up his sleeves, ready to get justice for his idol!

He finally helped Xu Yang up.

He took Gu Xiao to the rest area.

Because Huahai City, a magical city, there is never a shortage of people who come to travel.

Gu Chen also refused the preparation of the two staff members to open a certain seat for them.

I found a three-person sitting group directly in the rest area.

"Brother Chen, do you say I will stay in Huahai City in the future?"

Sitting in his seat, Xu Yang asked as he looked at the sun hanging high in the sky.

"So, are you so unconfident in yourself?"

asked Gu Chen directly.

Xu Yang said a little embarrassed.

"I have, but the higher I stay, the more I feel small in my heart!" "

I must be a little confused about my future!"

Gu Xiao patted Xu Yang's shoulder and said.

"Don't think so much, but listen to the teacher's advice, don't let yourself regret, let alone make choices that you regret."

Xu Yang said after a moment of silence.

"Teacher Gu, are you hiding something from us?" Gu

Xiao was not taken aback, he had already discovered that they could see it.

It's just that he doesn't know how to say that he was deceived by a woman,

but people are richer and more beautiful than himself.

If you want to say that you have been deceived by feelings, then don't you have a feeling that you have been cheap and sold well?

Therefore, Gu Xiao actually does not want to say it.

But I really don't know that if I say it, I will be comforted by Gu Chen Xuyang.

Or the merciless taunts of the two of them.

However, just as Gu Xiao sighed, he pretended to be light and breezy.

Ready to say the last word, all in the past.

Xu Yang said.

"Teacher Gu, do you know what you look like at this time?" Gu

Xiao's words were suddenly stuck in his throat, and it took him a long time to hold out a sentence.

"Like what...", "

The frustrated male number two in the idol drama."

Gu Chen laughed directly on the side.

Because when he was on the set before, he really saw a guy with the same momentum as this Gu Xiao.

Now that I think about it, the other party seems to be indeed a frustrated male second corner.

However, just after Xu Yang said this, a middle-aged man who was relatively close to the rest area couldn't help but laugh.

But when Gu Xiao turned his head.

The middle-aged man was indeed directly stunned.

"Looking at it like this, it really looks like a natural bitter drama male second!"

Xu Yang was also a little self-acquainted and said to this middle-aged man.

"Yes, uncle, I'll just say, this temperament is too consistent!" Gu

Chen did not speak, but looked at this middle-aged man who seemed a little familiar.

It should be a character with a side of the relationship.

But Gu Chen really couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"So, young man, do you have any interest in filming?" Gu

Xiao originally thought that this middle-aged uncle would just tease it, who knew that he actually looked more and more vigorously.

He even came directly over and handed Gu Xiao a business card.

"Son Zhengyi, director?" Gu

Xiao's voice gradually rose, he didn't expect Huahai City to be so crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

A random rest area ran into the director.

And this director's vision is not bad.

When I came up, I had to ask him if he was interested in filming.

"Am I going to embark on a career in acting?" said

Gu Chen at this time, also slightly sideways.

"Director, are there any famous works?"

the middle-aged man wanted to say something proudly.

Who knows, an abrupt voice cut in and directly interrupted his words.


Young man, don't

let anyone use the name of this director to be directly deceived!" "

Be careful that he directly rolls up all the money!" Son

Zhengyi's face suddenly became very ugly.

He whispered.

"Deng Xianxi, you have nothing to do and eat?

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