When Deng Xianxi finished saying this, the originally noisy rest area suddenly became quiet.

After all, who wouldn't be interested in cute little money,

and this game I guarantee that you can make a movie that you can't earn for ten years of work!

Then they followed this Deng Xianxi's gaze and looked at Gu Chen.

Suddenly, the ordinary young people who wanted to become movie stars and become rich overnight fell into silence one by one.

There are even some who have turned on their own cameras.

After feeling the gap between people, he sighed silently and sighed that people are really different!

So, after seeing Gu Chen's face comparable to movie star Xiao Xianrou.

These ordinary young people began to regain their original indifference, and the rest area also resumed its noise at this time.

As if nothing had happened.

After all, people who watch the excitement just want to see if Gu Chen has the qualifications to become a movie star and become rich overnight.

And now after reading it.

"Well, it's really a talent, a natural star life..."

"Ten times the salary, wow, what is this young man still hesitating, if I had agreed to it, what was hesitating?"

But more people's eyes and topics from their own small talk, more or less some of them were placed on Gu Chen's side.

The so-called watching the excitement is not a big thing is such a truth.

On the one hand, they expected Gu Chen to make a choice.

On the one hand, there is a little jealousy in my heart.

Then the attention on their side is a little more intensified.

As for what Gu Chen was thinking at this time, he was thinking.

"But I really need a director, but not a movie, but an advertisement." Because

Gu Chen thought of the Wang who sold himself to himself.

I thought of the project plan of the car king in his hand.

Then there is a plan that needs to be realized, and Gu Chen does not have any worries about how to achieve it.

He thinks about the long-term success of the project, and what will happen to the publicity work after the completion of the project.

"Looking for a film and television company that you have worked with before?" Gu

Chen's mind did appear several figures who had cooperated.

"But there are too many variables and too much trouble, so why can't I set up a director team by myself to shoot advertisements and promotional videos for me?"

Gu Chen was shocked by his own idea.

He was thinking about the feasibility of this solution.

Then find that you want money, money, and someone, then naturally the future is bright and bright!

That Deng Xianxi's whole person felt bad.

Although he has also waited for people, and even faced some super first-class international stars.

He even offered these stars as if they were his own biological parents.

But....Gu Chen was just a small powerless amateur in the eyes of this Deng Xianxi.


Give you the opportunity, you should kneel well and accept! Don't do any moth here!" Deng

Xianxi felt that his patience was a little worn away at this time.

He endured the anger in his heart and made a decision.

I must sign this ignorant cutie today.

Then wait until he has signed all his yin and yang contracts.

Give him a good refrigeration for a while.

He is not allowed to work, he is not allowed to socialize

, it will cause a life of house arrest in the new era! and

if he dares to break the contract,

he will be compensated for a sky-high amount of liquidated damages.

This tossed down for three months.

Deng Xianxi had already expected that he would meet a well-obedient Gu Chen who looked like a kitten.

A qualified rookie actor.


you become an actor, I won't give you any leading role, even if it's a supporting role, it's a clown!"

At this moment, Deng Xianxi seemed to become a demon-like existence.

It was simply because Gu Chen ignored him that he waited for such a long time.

His self-esteem, which had never been wronged by ordinary people, exploded.

And the revenge of all this is waiting for this Gu Chen to finally accept his temptation.

Of course, Deng Xianxi never had any doubts about this.

Even if an ordinary young man does not have the dream of becoming a movie star, then as an ordinary person, he must have the fantasy of becoming rich overnight!

"Greed will become your opportunity to intrigue your soul!"

thought Deng Xianxi in his heart.

Son Zhengyi also mistakenly believed on the side, Gu Chen was now in a state of hesitation.

If I didn't endure it in the end, it would be a tragedy

! "What should I do! What should I do! Do I have to stand up for such a person who has nothing to do with me?"

On the one hand, his kindness tells himself that he should not let Deng Xianxi ruin a young man.

On the one hand, it is the rationality of adults to restrain themselves, do not regard themselves as saviors, you yourself are muddy bodhisattva crossing the river, it is difficult to protect yourself and care about others?

But in the end, he thought of his confidant.

It is clear that they have been retiring for so many years, after hearing about their own problems.

Isn't it just to give up his original life from his own small city without saying a word, and come to his side to support himself?


of this, Son finally no longer had any hesitation.

He crossed this Deng Xianxi again and spoke.

"In fact, sometimes young people can learn to live a down-to-earth life, and they are spiritual millionaires.

"And life is full of traps, in short, you have to be careful with people!" After

just speaking, Gu Chen finally came back from his blueprint planning.

"Eh, what did this person just say?"

Deng Xianxi sighed, his face was not very dark or angry.

He just turned his head and said to Son Masayoshi, who had a resolute expression on his face.

"Old Sun, your path is getting narrower and narrower!"

but Son said without any regrets, silent for a breath.

"It's okay, as long as I think my path is straight enough!" Although

Son was still smiling, his smile was a little reluctant.

And at this time, Gu Xiao and Xu Yang heard something different.

"This Deng Xianxi doesn't seem to be a good person!"

was the thought in the minds of the two.

As for Gu Chen, there was still nothing, and there was no reaction at all.

Deng Xianxi looked at Sun Zhengyi's dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and was a little indescribably angry.

He also thought he had succeeded in overpowering his opponent.

Unexpectedly, life still did not let him bow his head!

"You are very good, very good, I hope you can be better in the future!" Son

Zhengyi did not care about Deng Xianxi's counterwords, and even responded.

"Then I really thank you, I will continue to work hard with the expectations you gave me!"

Deng Xianxi nodded with a smile, and turned back to look at Gu Chen.

I want to hear your thoughts.

Gu Chen looked at this Deng Xianxi a little puzzled.

Could it be that people now don't listen to people, and even if they do, they will forget in an instant?

So Gu Chen could only sigh and say.

"Didn't I say it before, don't. "

It's still a very simple word, a very nonchalant tone.

But it is like a match that ignites a barrel of dynamite.

When the burst reached its limit, it made the rest area in reality quiet again.

But less than two seconds passed.

Everyone started exchanging ears.

"No, no, no, is there really someone who can refuse to become a star, get the chance to get rich overnight?"

"My God, this little brother is so handsome, even if he is not a star, I want to be his fan

!" "This person is a little silly, what's so bad about being a star, filming and kissing scenes!"

For a while, many people were admiring Gu Chen's courage and felt that he didn't know how to be a villain.

Some people feel that Gu Chen is very ambitious, hoping that he will not regret today after being severely beaten in society in the future.

Of course, there is also a small number of people who are talking about Deng Xianxi.

"Eh, don't you think this man is a little familiar?" "

It's true that you said that, it seems to be the director of the popular variety show before

!" "Wow, then this is too humiliating, the invitation of the famous director was actually refuted in person, what a thrill!"


Xianxi felt that his facial expression management was about to get out of control.

He looked at Gu Chen and said in a deep voice.

"Gu Chen, no, Mr. Gu, I hope you can think about it again and think about it, this kind of opportunity does not come every day!"

Saying that, Deng Xianxi even took out his mobile phone and clicked out the calculator and began to calculate something.

"Do you know how it feels when you find out that you can't earn a year's salary compared to what others spend in a day?" "

If you reject me now, your friends will blame you in the future, because they also lost an opportunity!"

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